program PC; {$DEFINE SMART8} {$I SRL-OSR/SRL.Simba} {$I SRL-OSR/SRL/Reflection/Reflection.simba} {* elfyyy's Pest Control Script! Please report any and all bugs to thread Please Read The Thread For Full Instructions *} var {*Player setup variables*} rewards, prayers: tStringArray; breakRandomness, breakTimes: tintegerArray; name, loginName, password, startPortal: string; takeBreaks, attackPortals: boolean; {*|||||||User setup|||||||*} procedure setupPlayer; begin loginName := 'username'; // UserName password := 'pass'; // Pasword prayers := ['ultimate strength', 'eagle eye']; //Prayers => [''] is none rewards := ['strength', 'hitpoints']; // Reward(s) to buy takeBreaks := True; // Take Breaks? breakTimes := [120, 60]; // [Length To Play Until Breaks, Length Of Breaks] (In Minutes) breakRandomness := [50, 50]; // Randomness of Break Times ^^ attackPortals := true; // Attack Portals? startPortal := 'east'; //Portal to run to @ start. East/West/SEast/SWest/Random end; {*| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |END OF SETUP | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | *} procedure declarePlayer; begin name := 'Iemz Pc'; numberOfPlayers(1); currentPlayer := 0; players[0].name := loginName; players[0].pass := password; players[0].active := true; players[0].strings := prayers; players[0].member := attackPortals; end; {*Main script consts, vars, & types*} const VERSION = '3.8'; USE_AUTO_CHECKER = True; PORTAL_EAST = 0; PORTAL_WEST = 1; PORTAL_SOUTHEAST = 2; PORTAL_SOUTHWEST = 3; type tMonster = record mainColor, sideColor: integer; names: string; end; tPortal = record dtm, x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; names, message: string; dropped, dead: boolean; mainColorTPA, sideColorTpa: tPointArray; loc: tPoint; end; tPortalArray = array of tPortal; var status: string; getLocationT, prayFail, breakTimer, startLine, breakTime, rewardNum, bought, timeGone, boatAttempts, dtmIBoat, gamesWon, gamesLost, gamesNoDmg, zeal, zealPH, currentW, hotW, eastCross, westCross, southEastCross, southWestCross, startPortalInt: integer; portals: tPortalArray; center, home, east, sEast, sWest, west, eastGate, southGate, westGate: tPoint; checkPoints, need2GetLoc: boolean; monsters, monstersNoPort: tStringArray; eastLine, southLine, westLine, fence, gates: tPointArray; {*Forwards*} function blindWalk1(tile: Tpoint): boolean; forward; function getLocation: string; forward; {*Custom find chat message, modified from SRL-OSR*} function findMyChatMessage(chatMsg: string; start: integer): Boolean; var i: integer; begin for i := start to 8 do if (pos(chatMsg, getChatBoxText(i, clMessage)) > 0) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; {*Progress report*} procedure callProg; begin clearDebug; timeGone := ((getTimeRunning - breakTime) / 1000); zeal := gamesWon * 2; zealPH := (3600 * (zeal)) / ((timeGone)); writeLn('|=========================================================='); writeLn('| elfyyy''s Pest Control '); writeLn('| Version ' + toStr(version)); writeLn('| ====================================================== '); writeLn('| Time Running : ' + timeRunning); writeLn('| Status : ' + status) writeLn('| Games Played : ' + IntToStr(gamesWon + gamesLost + gamesNoDmg)); writeLn('| Won/Lost/Not Enough Damage : ' + intToStr(gamesWon) + ' / ' + intToStr(gamesLost) + ' / ' + intToStr(gamesNoDmg)); writeLn('| Points Earned/Per Hour : ' + intToStr(zeal) + ' / ' + intToStr(zealPH)) writeLn('| Rewards Bought : ' + intToStr(bought)); writeLn('|=========================================================='); end; {*Determines which portal(s) is/are currently active/dead*} procedure whichPortal; var X, Y, portal, I: integer; begin callProg; if getLocation = 'HomeLand' then exit; startLine := 1; for I := 8 downto 1 do if pos('You board the lander', getChatBoxText(i, clMessage)) > 0 then begin startLine := i + 1; break; end; for portal := PORTAL_EAST to PORTAL_SOUTHWEST do begin if findMyChatMessage(portals[portal].message, startLine) then portals[portal].dropped := True; if portals[portal].dropped then if (findDTM(portals[portal].dtm, X, Y, portals[portal].x1, Portals[Portal].y1, Portals[Portal].x2, portals[portal].y2)) then portals[portal].dead := true; end; end; {*Custom WalkToTileMs, modified from OSR-Reflection*} function R_WalkToTileMS1(tile: TPoint): boolean; var P: TPoint; begin P := R_TileToMS(tile); if (P.x = - 1) and (P.y = - 1) then exit; mMouse(P.x, P.y, 5, 5); if R_WaitUpText('Walk here', 50) then clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); wait(randomRange(120, 180)); result := (R_NearTile(tile, 2)); end; {*Checks if we are stuck behind portal/brawler & attempts to fix*} function checkStuck(tile: tPoint): Boolean; var us, tP: tPoint; tPA: tPointArray; begin result := False; if not R_IsWalking then result := true; if result then begin us := R_GetTileGlobal; case random(1) of 0: tP := rotatePoint(tile, pi / 2, us.x, us.y); 1: tP := rotatePoint(tile, 3 * pi / 2, us.x, us.y); end; tPA := tPABetweenPoints(us, tP, randomRange(4, 6), 1); if length(tPA) < 2 then exit; if getLocation = 'HomeLand' then exit; R_WalkToTileMS1(tPA[1]); end; end; {*Sets up needed portal vars for whichPortal*} procedure setupPortals; begin setArrayLength(portals, 4); with portals[PORTAL_EAST] do begin names := 'East Portal'; message := 'blue'; dTM := EastCross; dropped := false; dead := false; x1 := 392; y1 := 33; x2 := 419; y2 := 60; loc := east; end; with portals[PORTAL_WEST] do begin names := 'West Portal'; message := 'purple'; dTM := westCross; dropped := false; dead := false; x1 := 355; y1 := 31; x2 := 387; y2 := 61; loc := west; end; with portals[PORTAL_SOUTHEAST] do begin names := 'SouthEast Portal'; message := 'yellow'; dTM := southEastCross; dropped := false; dead := false; x1 := 428; y1 := 31; x2 := 461; y2 := 60; loc := sEast; end; with portals[PORTAL_SOUTHWEST] do begin names := 'SouthWest Portal'; message := 'red'; dTM := southWestCross; dropped := false; dead := false; x1 := 470; y1 := 30; x2 := 500; y2 := 60; loc := sWest; end; end; {*Randomized mouse function*} procedure elfMouse(X, Y: integer); begin mMouse(X + randomRange( - 5, 5), y + randomRange( - 5, 5), 0, 0); end; {*My function to turn run on, made before SRL-OSR's was updated*} function setMyRun(run: boolean): boolean; var cCount: Integer; begin result := false; cCount := countColorTolerance(106950, 568, 131, 589, 146, 20); if (run) then begin if (cCount < 5) then mouseBox(568, 131, 589, 146, MOUSE_LEFT); result := true; end else begin if (cCount > 5) then mouseBox(568, 131, 589, 146, MOUSE_LEFT); result := true; end; end; {*If we aren't in a friend chat, joins one*} procedure joinClan(name: string); var X, Y, L, W, wX: integer; begin if not loggedIn then exit; fTab(TAB_CLAN); if findColorSpiralTolerance(X, Y, 6619135, 605, 225, 675, 245, 5) then exit; elfMouse(600, 450) wait(randomRange(590, 760)); clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); typeSendEx(name, true); markTime(L); repeat if not loggedIn then exit; wait(100); if findColorSpiralTolerance(X, Y, 6619135, 605, 225, 675, 245, 5) then exit; if findChatBoxText('anned', 8, clBlack) then begin wait(randomRange(1600, 2800)); status := 'BANNED...From Friend chat ;) Waiting 1 hour to try again'; logout; W := (60 * 60000); wX := (10 * 60000); wait(W + random(wX)); logInPlayer; setAngle(0); currentW := (CurrentWorld); joinClan(name); wait(randomRange(5000, 7500)); end; until (findColorSpiralTolerance(X, Y, 6619135, 605, 225, 675, 245, 5) or (timeFromMark(L) > 20000)) end; {*Logs us in, while setting new vars/necassary procedures*} procedure myLogIn; begin if not loggedIn then begin logInPlayer; setAngle(0); currentW := (currentWorld); joinclan(name); wait(randomRange(5000, 7500)); end; end; {*Handles our breaking*} procedure breakHandler; var startBreak, timeInToBreak, lengthOfBreak, tempTime, tInRandomness, tLengthRandomness: integer; begin if (not takeBreaks) then exit; tInRandomness := breakRandomness[0]; tLengthRandomness := breakRandomness[1]; timeInToBreak := (breakTimes[0] * 60000) + randomRange(- tInRandomness, tInRandomness); lengthOfBreak := (breakTimes[1] * 60000) + randomRange(- tLengthRandomness, tLengthRandomness);; if timeInToBreak < (getTimeRunning - breakTimer) then begin breakTime := breakTime + lengthOfBreak; tempTime := getTimeRunning; logout; startBreak := getTimeRunning; while tempTime < (lengthOfBreak + startBreak) do begin tempTime := getTimeRunning; status := ('Taking Break... We have ' + inttostr((lengthOfBreak + startBreak - tempTime) / 60000) + ' mins until break is over'); wait(5000); callProg; end; status := 'Logging In From Break'; callProg; myLogIn; breakTimer := GetTimeRunning; end; end; {*Opens the world screen for world hopping*} function openWScreen: Boolean; var X, Y: integer; begin result := false; if findColorTolerance(X, Y, 3166829, 350, 190, 435, 220, 10) then result := true; if loggedIn then exit; if not result then begin mMouse(54, 475, 1, 1); wait(200); clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); wait(1500); result := true; end; end; {*AntiBan used primarily while in combat*} procedure fightAntiBan; begin case random(500) of 20..24: elfMouse(Random(765), Random(502)); 25..29: randomMovement; 30..34: pickupMouse; 35..39: randomRClick; 40..44: randomTab(True); 45..49: mMouseOffClient('Rand'); 71..100: makeCompass('Rand'); end; end; {*Chooses Correct world to hop to, since SRL-OSR's is broken*} procedure myWorld(W: integer); var wArray: array of Integer; I: Integer; begin wArray := [301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378]; if inIntArrayEx(wArray, I, W) then begin elfMouse(250 + ((I / 16) * 90), 80 + (24 * (I mod 16))); wait(1000) clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); exit; end else I := 28; elfMouse(250 + ((i / 16) * 90), 80 + (24 * (I mod 16))); Wait(1000); clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); exit; end; {*Determines what world chat is in*} {*Written by Turpinator, modified by me*} function world: integer; var J, I, X, Y, tens, ones, L, dCount, maxLoc, finalLoc: integer; main, dif, zeroToNine: tIntegerArray; begin if not loggedIn then exit; setLength(main, 10); setLength(zeroToNine, 10); zeroToNine[0] := bitmapFromString(5, 8, 'meJxjYGBI+f8fghjAbAYYgAtShcuAahEAGQoq5Q=='); zeroToNine[1] := bitmapFromString(3, 8, 'meJxjYGBI+f+fAUxCGAwwEWIYEF1ABABdJBo3'); zeroToNine[2] := bitmapFromString(5, 8, 'meJxjYGBI+f8fghjAbAYYQGbjkSKGzYBkCwQBAMlcI78='); zeroToNine[3] := bitmapFromString(4, 8, 'meJxjYGBI+f8fiBjADAYwgDPgbLgaNHE4G00vXAQAxUoe+w=='); ZeroToNine[4] := bitmapFromString(4, 8, 'meJxL+f+fAQZS8LKxknCESxcAfc4e+w=='); ZeroToNine[5] := bitmapFromString(4, 8, 'meJxL+f8/BQkxwAAaG00WqwJkcbgIAGUwI78='); ZeroToNine[6] := bitmapFromString(5, 8, 'meJxjYACBlP//gYgBxmbAEESWgouj6UJWjMmFC0LYAHSRKuU='); ZeroToNine[7] := bitmapFromString(4, 8, 'meJxL+f8/BYYYYADOplAQCAAoQRo3'); ZeroToNine[8] := bitmapFromString(5, 8, 'meJxjYGBI+f8fghjAbAYYgAvCuQykKMavFwC6dy1H'); ZeroToNine[9] := bitmapFromString(5, 8, 'meJxjYGBI+f8fghjAbAYYgAvCucgKkBloKtHMwcoFAJogI78='); for J := 0 to 9 do begin tens := 0; ones := 0; for I := 9 downto 0 do begin if findBitmapIn(zeroToNine[I], X, Y, 690, 269 + J * 15, 700, 278 + J * 15) then tens := i; if findBitmapIn(zeroToNine[i], X, Y, 698, 269 + J * 15, 704, 278 + J * 15) then ones := i; end; main[J] := tens * 10 + ones; end; for I := 0 to 9 do freeBitmap(zeroToNine[i]); setLength(dif, length(main)); for L := 0 to length(main) - 1 do dif[L] := 1; quickSort(main); dCount := 0; for L := 0 to length(main) - 2 do if main[L] = main[L + 1] then inc(dif[dCount]) else inc(dCount); maxLoc := 0; for L := 0 to length(dif) - 1 do if (dif[L] > dif[maxLoc]) then maxLoc := L; finalLoc := 0; for L := 0 to maxLoc - 1 do finalLoc := finalLoc + dif[L]; result := main[finalLoc]; end; {*Chooses our prayer(s)*} procedure praySelect; var Prayer: array of string; I, T, S, H: integer; tPA: tPointArray; begin if (getLocation = 'HomeLand') or (timeFromMark(prayFail) < 25000) then exit; if length(players[currentPlayer].strings) = 0 then exit; setArrayLength(TPA, 29); for I := 0 to 28 do tPA[i] := intToPoint(568 + (37 * (I / 6)), 230 + (37 * (I mod 6))); prayer := ['thick skin', 'rock skin', 'protect item', 'incredible reflexes', 'mystic might', 'piety', 'burst of strength', 'superhuman strength', 'hawk eye', 'protect from magic', 'retribution', 'no', 'clarity of thought', 'improved reflexes', 'mystic lore', 'protect from missiles', 'redemption', 'no', 'sharp Eye', 'rapid restore', 'steel skin', 'protect from melee', 'smite', 'no', 'mystic will', 'rapid heal', 'ultimate strength', 'eagle eye', 'chivalry']; H := high(players[currentPlayer].Strings); for T := 0 to H do begin for S := 0 to 28 do if prayer[S] = lowercase(players[currentPlayer].strings[T]) then begin fTab(TAB_PRAYER); elfMouse(tPA[S].X, tPA[S].y); wait(500); clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); end; fTab(TAB_INV); end; end; {*Updates script if outdated*} {*Written By Shuttleu, modified by me*} procedure autoUpdateMe; var thisFile: integer; onlineVersion, newScript, fileNew: string; begin if USE_AUTO_CHECKER then begin onlineVersion := getPage(''); if (trim(onlineVersion) > VERSION) then begin writeLn('Using Outdated Script!!'); writeLn('Updating to New Version.'); newScript := getPage(''); fileNew := scriptPath + 'ElfyyyPc-V' + OnlineVersion + '.simba'; thisFile := rewriteFile(fileNew, true); try writeFileString(thisFile, newScript); except begin writeLn('Failed writting to ' + fileNew + '!!'); terminateScript; end; end; closeFile(ThisFile); writeLn('New script downloaded to ' + FileNew + '!! Please use this one!!'); terminateScript; end; end else writeLn('!!!!! Not checking for latest version, you may be outdated!'); end; {*Free's dtm's*} procedure freeTheDTM; begin freeDTM(dtmIBoat); freeDTM(southWestCross); freeDTM(eastCross); freeDTM(westCross); freeDTM(southEastCross); end; {*Declares dtm's*} procedure declareDTM; begin dtmIBoat := dTMFromString('mbQAAAHicY2VgYOABYnkGBJCBikkAsSQQM0LFOwsdGFL9JBim17gxTK1yYahLt2KQA4pzoGFGLBgMAICRBp4='); southWestCross := dTMFromString('mbQAAAHicY2VgYJjOyMAwAYjnAnE/EC8AYh2guAkQKwOxChAbA/FhTQkGUSEhFCwHFOdBw4xYMBgAAOHgBhM='); eastCross := dTMFromString('mbQAAAHicY2VgYJjOyMAwAYjnAnE/EC8AYh2guAkQKwOxChAbA/FhTQkGUSEhFCwHFOdBw4xYMBgAAOHgBhM='); westCross := dTMFromString('mbQAAAHicY2VgYJjOyMAwAYjnAnE/EC8AYh2guAkQKwOxChAbA/FhTQkGUSEhFCwHFOdBw4xYMBgAAOHgBhM='); southEastCross := dTMFromString('mbQAAAHicY2VgYJjOyMAwAYjnAnE/EC8AYh2guAkQKwOxChAbA/FhTQkGUSEhFCwHFOdBw4xYMBgAAOHgBhM='); addonterminate('FreeTheDTM'); end; {*Determines our current location i.e island, boat, boat at island ect.*} function getLocation: string; var X, Y, T: integer; begin MarkTime(t); result := ''; if findColorSpiralTolerance(X, Y, 5855173, mMX1, mMY1, mMX2, mMY2, 45) and findColorSpiralTolerance(X, Y, 197048, mMX1, mMY1, mMX2, mMY2, 45) and findColorSpiralTolerance(X, Y, 60395, mMX1, mMY1, mMX2, mMY2, 45) and findColorSpiralTolerance(X, Y, 12161149, mMX1, mMY1, mMX2, mMY2, 45) then begin result := 'HomeLand'; end; if findColorSpiralTolerance(X, Y, 63488, 352, 10, 514, 89, 5) and findColorSpiralTolerance(X, Y, 3355647, 352, 10, 514, 89, 10) and findDTM(dtmIBoat, X, Y, mSX1, mSY1, mSX2, mSY2) then begin result := 'IslandBoat'; exit; end; if findColorSpiralTolerance(X, Y, 16777113, 0, 0, 150, 100, 3) then begin result := 'Boat'; exit; end; getLocationT := timeFromMark(t); end; {*Opens menu to spend points*} function openPestPoints: boolean; var X, Y, q, I, h: integer; tPA: tPointArray; theATPA: t2DPointArray; mainBox: tBox; begin result := false; if findColorTolerance(X, Y, 2070783, 142, 14, 368, 38, 10) then result := true; if result then exit; R_BlindWalk(point(2662, 2649)); repeat if not loggedIn then exit; markTime(q); if findColorsTolerance(tPA, 2631722, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2, 15) then begin theATPA := splitTPAEx(tPA, 10, 30); H := high(theATPA); for I := 0 to H do begin mainBox := getTPABounds(theATPA[i]); if findColorsTolerance(tPA, 2381214, mainBox.x1, mainBox.Y1, mainBox.X2, mainBox.Y2, 15) then begin middleTPAEx(tPA, X, Y); elfMouse(X, Y); if waitUpText('alk', 1) then begin clickMouse2(MOUSE_RIGHT); chooseOption('xchang'); wait(2000); if findColorTolerance(x, y, 2070783, 142, 14, 368, 38, 25) then result := true; end; end; end; end; until (result); end; {*Purchases reward from menu*} procedure pickReward(R: string); var rArray: tStringArray; I, X, Y: integer; begin if not LoggedIn then exit; rArray := ['attack', 'defence', 'magic', 'prayer', 'strength', 'ranged', 'hitpoints', 'mace', 'robe', 'mage helm', 'melee helm', 'top', 'gloves', 'range helm', 'seal']; if instrArrEx(lowercase(R), rArray, I) then begin inc(bought); if I < 7 then begin elfMouse(205 + ((I / 4) * 215), 70 + (38 * (I mod 4))); wait(500); clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); wait(1000); if findColorTolerance(X, y, 65535, 223, 282, 282, 300, 15) then begin elfMouse(x, y); wait(500); clickMouse2(Mouse_Left); wait(250); exit; end; end; if I >= 7 then begin holdMouse(487, 257, MOUSE_LEFT); wait(2000); ReleaseMouse(487, 257, MOUSE_LEFT); I := I - 7; elfMouse(100 + ((I / 4) * 215), 125 + (39 * (I mod 4))); wait(500); clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); wait(1000); if findColorTolerance(X, Y, 65535, 223, 282, 282, 300, 15) then begin elfMouse(X, Y); wait(1000); clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); Wait(250); exit; end; end; end else begin writeLn('Invalid Reward Choosen!'); terminateScript; end; end; {*Custom WalkPath, modified from OSR-Reflection*} function R_WalkPath1(path: tPointArray): boolean; var I, K, H, T, tT, fails, lP: integer; P, mM, mMF: tPoint; begin T := GetSystemTime + 10000 + Random(2000); fails := 0; lP := 0; H := High(path); while (not result) and (getSystemTime < T) and (fails < 5) do begin if (not loggedIn()) then exit; P := R_GetTileGlobal; for I := H downto 0 do begin if ((I - lP) > 3) then continue else lP := I; MM := R_TileToMM(path[I]); if getLocation = 'HomeLand' then exit; if mM = mMF then inc(fails); if R_TileOnMM(Path[i]) then begin if getLocation = 'HomeLand' then exit; R_WalkToTileMM(path[I]); CheckStuck(Path[I]); MarkTime(K); repeat if (getLocation = 'HomeLand') or (R_NearTile(Path[H], 15)) then exit; if not R_IsWalking then break; until ((timeFromMark(K) > 2000) or fFlag(30)); mMF := mM; T := getSystemTime + 7000 + random(1000); break; end; end; result := (I = H); end; markTime(tT); while R_DistanceFromTile(Path[H]) > 15 do begin wait(500); if (getLocation = 'HomeLand') or (timeFromMark(tT) > 20000)then exit; end; end; {*Custom BlindWalk, modified from OSR-Reflection*} function blindWalk1(tile: tPoint): boolean; var tries, fails, tT: integer; M: tPoint; ctrlPoints: tPointArray; begin markTime(TT); repeat if getLocation = 'HomeLand' then exit; whichPortal; inc(Fails); if fails > 1 then exit; if (not loggedIn()) then exit; M := R_GetTileGlobal; if (M.X = - 1) then continue; if (length(ctrlPoints) = 0) then ctrlPoints := tPABetweenPoints(M, Tile, 5 + Random(2), 2); inc(tries); if (tries > 20) or (timeFromMark(TT) > 25000) then exit; R_WalkPath1(ctrlPoints); until (result); end; {*Checks if gate needs to be opened, attemps to open if need be*} function openGate(tile: tPoint): Boolean; var t, xOffset, yOffset: integer; tP: tPoint; temp: tRSOBject; myBox: tBox; TPA: tPointArray; begin markTime(t); repeat result := false; if R_FindObjectNearTile(temp, 14235, OBJ_BOUNDARY, 15, tile) then begin if R_NearTile(eastGate, 10) then xOffset := 64; if R_NearTile(southGate, 10) then yOffset := - 64; if R_NearTile(westGate, 10) then xOffset := - 64; while R_IsWalking do wait(50); tP := R_TileOffsetToMS(temp.tile, xOffset, xOffset, 30); myBox := intToBox(tP.x - 10, tP.y - 10, tP.x + 10, tP.y + 10); findColorsTolerance(tPA, 6196131, myBox.x1, myBox.y1, myBox.X2, mybox.y2, 10); if length(tPA) > 0 then tP := middleTpa(tPA); elfMouse(TP.x, TP.y); if R_WaitUpText('Open', 250) then clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT) else begin clickMouse2(MOUSE_RIGHT); chooseOption('pen'); end; end else begin result := true; exit; end; result := didRedClick; while R_IsWalking do Wait(100); until (result) or (timeFromMark(T) > 10000) or (not R_FindObjectNearTile(temp, 14235, OBJ_BOUNDARY, 15, tile)); end; {*Uses BlindWalk & openGate to navigate island*} procedure getToPortal(tile: tPoint); var us: tPoint; ourPath: tPointArray; I, H, L: integer; intersectingPoints: tPointArray; begin if getLocation = 'HomeLand' then exit; if R_NearTile(Tile, 5) then exit; whichPortal; us := R_GetTileGlobal; ourPath := tPABetweenPoints(Us, Tile, 1, 0); H := high(ourPath); for I := 0 to H do if (pointInTPA(ourPath[I], fence)) then begin setLength(intersectingPoints, (L + 1)); intersectingPoints[L] := ourPath[I]; inc(L); end; if length(intersectingPoints) = 0 then blindWalk1(tile); if length(intersectingPoints) = 1 then begin sortTPAFrom(gates, intersectingPoints[0]); ourPath := tPABetweenPoints(us, gates[0], 4, 0); if length(ourPath) = 0 then exit; if length(ourPath) > 1 then blindWalk1(ourPath[High(ourPath) - 1]) else if length(ourPath) = 1 then blindWalk1(OurPath[0]); openGate(Gates[0]); blindWalk1(tile); end; if length(intersectingPoints) = 2 then begin sortTPAFrom(gates, intersectingPoints[0]); ourPath := tPABetweenPoints(us, gates[0], 4, 0); blindWalk1(ourPath[high(ourPath) - 1]); openGate(Gates[0]); sortTPAFrom(gates, intersectingPoints[1]); ourPath := tPABetweenPoints(us, gates[0], 4, 0); blindWalk1(ourPath[high(ourPath) - 1]); openGate(Gates[0]); blindWalk1(tile); end; end; {*Checks if we are in combat*} function inCombat: boolean; var TT: Integer; begin result := true; if not R_InFight then begin result := False; exit; end; markTime(TT); repeat if R_GetAnimation <> - 1 then exit; until (timeFromMark(TT) > 1500); result := false; end; {*Attacks monsters*} procedure attackMonsters(ourMonsters: tStringArray); var I: integer; temp: tNPC; tP: tPoint; begin status := ('Attacking Monsters'); callProg; whichPortal; for i := 0 to high(OurMonsters) do begin if GetLocation = 'HomeLand' then Exit; if R_FindNpcDistance(ourMonsters[i], temp, 10) then begin if (not PointInBox(R_TileToMs(temp.Tile), inttobox(MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2))) then continue; if = 'Portal' then begin status := ('Attacking Portals'); callProg; tP := R_TileToMsHeight(Temp.Tile, 50); elfMouse(tP.x, tP.y); if R_WaitUpText('Attack', 100) then clickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); if (not R_NearTile(Temp.Tile, 4)) and (didRedClick) then checkStuck(temp.tile); while R_IsWalking do wait(100); wait(150); while inCombat do begin fightAntiBan; whichPortal; if R_FindNpcDistance('Spinner', Temp, 10) then break; end; exit; end; tP := R_TileToMsHeight(temp.tile, 50); elfMouse(tP.x, tP.y); if R_WaitUpText('Attack ' + Temp.Name, 100) then begin ClickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); if (not R_NearTile(temp.tile, 2)) and (didRedClick) then checkStuck(Temp.Tile); end else begin clickMouse2(Mouse_Right); if (R_ChooseOption('Attack ' + and (not R_NearTile(temp.tile, 2)) then checkStuck(Temp.Tile); end; while R_IsWalking do wait(100); while inCombat do begin if getLocation = 'HomeLand' then exit; fightAntiBan; whichPortal; wait(50); end; exit; end; end; end; {*Enters boat from home island*} procedure getInBoat; var T, X, Y, lO: Integer; TP: Tpoint; begin MarkTime(lO); if not loggedIn then exit; repeat wait(50); until (findNPCChatText('Congratulations!', nothing) or findNPCChatText('noticed', nothing) or findNPCChatText('lost.', nothing) or (timeFromMark(lO) > 4000)); if checkPoints then begin if findNPCChatText('Congratulations!', nothing) then gamesWon := (GamesWon + 1); if FindNPCChatText('noticed', nothing) then gamesNoDmg := (gamesNoDmg + 1); if FindNPCChatText('lost.', nothing) then gamesLost := (GamesLost + 1); status := ('Getting in Boat'); checkPoints := False; end; if not R_NearTile(point(2657, 2639), 4) then R_BlindWalk(point(2657, 2639)); tP := R_TileToMs(Point(2658, 2639)) elfMouse(tP.x, tP.y); if waitUpTextMulti(['Cross', 'plank'], 180) then begin markTime(T); repeat if not LoggedIn then break; ClickMouse2(MOUSE_LEFT); wait(randomRange(0, 450)); if (timeFromMark(T) > 3000) and findColorTolerance(X, Y, 128, 209, 370, 302, 392, 10) then begin if openPestPoints then begin if length(rewards) = 1 then begin pickReward(rewards[0]); exit; end; pickReward(Rewards[RewardNum]); inc(RewardNum); end; if rewardNum = length(rewards) then begin writeLn('All Rewards Bought, You Better Thank elfyyy :)'); status := ('All Rewards Bought'); terminateScript; end; exit; end; if not waitUpTextMulti(['Cross', 'plank'], 180) then begin wait(1200); exit; end; if timeFromMark(T) > 10000 then begin R_BlindWalk(point(2657, 2639)); getInBoat; end; until (getLocation = 'Boat'); exit; end; if boatAttempts > 20 then getInBoat; end; {*Checks to see amount of "green names" in chat before checking worlds*} function cWorld: Boolean; var I, K: Integer; tPA, blah: TPointArray; theBox: TboxArray; begin if not loggedIn then exit; result := false; setArrayLength(theBox, 10); setArrayLength(tPA, 10); K := 0; for I := 0 to 9 do begin theBox[i] := intToBox(650, 268 + (15 * I), 709, 280 + (15 * I)); if FindColorsTolerance(blah, 65280, theBox[I].x1, theBox[I].y1, TheBox[I].x2, TheBox[I].y2, 5) then K := K + 1; end; if K >= 4 then result := True; end; {*Uses world & cWorld to determine if we need to hop worlds*} procedure checkActiveWorld; var K: integer; begin fTab(TAB_CLAN); if Cworld then exit; wait(800); joinclan(name); hotW := (world + 300); for K := 0 to 1 do begin if (hotW = 300) or (hotW = 301) or (CurrentWorld = HotW) then break; logout; openWScreen; wait(1000); myWorld(hotW); wait(1000); myLogin; end; end; {*Sets the portal we run to at start of game*} procedure chooseStartPortal; begin case lowercase(startPortal) of 'east': startPortalInt := PORTAL_EAST; 'west': startPortalInt := PORTAL_WEST; 'swest': startPortalInt := PORTAL_SOUTHWEST; 'seast': startPortalInt := PORTAL_SOUTHEAST; 'random': startPortalInt := random(3); end; end; {*Waits in boat performing antiban & other checks/tasks*} procedure waitInBoat; var S, L: integer; begin breakHandler; checkPoints := true; if not loggedIn then exit; checkActiveWorld; setMyRun(true); begin markTime(L); fTab(TAB_INV); repeat if not loggedIn then break; wait(randomRange(30, 250)); status := ('Waiting in boat'); callProg; if not (getLocation = 'Boat') then exit; case random(100) of 1: hoverSkill('strength', false); 2: hoverSkill('hitpoints', false); 3: hoverSkill('magic', false); 4: hoverSkill('ranged', false); 5: randomMovement; 6..15: begin markTime(S); repeat wait(RandomRange(30, 200)) until (getLocation = 'IslandBoat') or (timeFromMark(S) > randomRange(5000, 20000)) end; 17..20: checkActiveWorld; 21..25: fightAntiBan; end; until (getLocation = 'IslandBoat') or (getLocation = 'HomeLand'); exit; end end; {Set's up where gates/portals/fences are on island*} procedure setupLocations; var temp: tNPC; topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft, topLeft: tPoint; begin home := R_GetTileGlobal; center := point(home.x, (home.y - 17)); R_FindNpc('Void Knight', temp); need2GetLoc := false; center := temp.tile; east := point((center.x + 23), (center.y - 3)); sEast := point((center.x + 14), (center.y - 21)); sWest := point((center.x - 10), (center.y - 22)); west := point((center.x - 23), (center.y)); topRight := point((center.x + 13), (center.y + 10)); bottomRight := point((center.x + 14), (center.y - 7)); bottomLeft := point((center.x - 13), (center.y - 11)); topLeft := point((center.x - 12), (center.y + 10)); eastLine := tPABetweenpoints(topRight, bottomRight, 1, 0); southLine := tPABetweenpoints(bottomRight, bottomLeft, 1, 0); westLine := tPABetweenpoints(bottomLeft, topLeft, 1, 0); eastGate := point((center.x + 14), (center.y + 1)); southGate := point((center.x + 1), (center.y - 7)); westGate := point((center.x - 13), (center.y)); gates := [eastGate, westGate, southGate]; fence := combineTPA(fence, eastLine); fence := combineTPA(fence, southLine); fence := combineTPA(fence, westLine); setupPortals; end; {*Runs script*} procedure mainLoop; var portal: integer; begin whichPortal; myLogIn; while (getLocation = 'HomeLand') do begin need2GetLoc := True; startLine := 0; setupPortals; status := ('Getting In Boat'); callProg; getInBoat; end; while (getLocation = 'Boat') do waitInBoat; while (getLocation = 'IslandBoat') do begin status := ('Leaving The Boat'); callProg; whichPortal; praySelect; markTime(prayFail); breakHandler; blindWalk1(point(R_GetTileGlobal.x, (R_GetTileGlobal.y - 20))); if need2GetLoc then begin setupLocations; status := ('Running To First Portal'); callProg; getToPortal(portals[startPortalInt].loc); while (not portals[startPortalInt].dropped) do begin if (getLocation = 'HomeLand') or (getLocation = 'IslandBoat') then exit; attackMonsters(monstersNoPort); if (not R_NearTile(portals[startPortalInt].loc, 10) and (not portals[startPortalInt].dropped)) then blindWalk1(portals[startPortalInt].loc); whichPortal; end; while portals[startPortalInt].dropped do begin if (getLocation = 'HomeLand') or (getLocation = 'IslandBoat') then exit; attackMonsters(monsters); if portals[startPortalInt].dead then break; if (not R_NearTile(portals[startPortalInt].loc, 10)) then blindWalk1(portals[startPortalInt].Loc); end; end; end; for portal := PORTAL_EAST to PORTAL_SOUTHWEST do begin if (portals[portal].dropped) and (not portals[portal].dead) then begin status := ('Running To New Portal'); callProg; getToportal(portals[portal].loc); repeat if not loggedIn then exit; whichPortal; if (not R_NearTile(portals[portal].loc, 10)) then getToPortal(portals[portal].loc); attackMonsters(Monsters); if (portals[portal].Dead = True) then exit; until ((getLocation = 'IslandBoat') or (getLocation = 'HomeLand')) exit; end; if portal = PORTAL_SOUTHWEST then begin for portal := PORTAL_EAST to PORTAL_SOUTHWEST do if (not portals[portal].dead) then begin getToportal(portals[portal].loc); while (not portals[portal].dropped) do begin if (getLocation = 'HomeLand') or (getLocation = 'IslandBoat') then exit; attackMonsters(monstersNoPort); if (not R_NearTile(portals[portal].loc, 10) and (not portals[portal].dropped)) then blindWalk1(portals[portal].loc); whichPortal; end; while portals[portal].dropped do begin if (getLocation = 'HomeLand') or (getLocation = 'IslandBoat') then exit; attackMonsters(monsters); if portals[portal].dead then break; if (not R_NearTile(portals[portal].loc, 10)) then blindWalk1(portals[portal].Loc); end; end; end end; end; {*Runs all needed setup functions*} procedure setupScript; begin setupSRL(); setupReflection; status := 'Setting Up Script'; need2GetLoc := True; setupPlayer; declarePlayer; declareDTM; autoUpdateMe; chooseStartPortal; if not LoggedIn then logInPlayer; setAngle(0); currentW := (currentWorld); joinclan(name); wait(1000); setMyRun(true); if R_IsAutoRetaliateOn = false then retaliate(true); gameTab(tab_Inv); if players[0].Member then monsters := ['Spinner', 'Portal', 'Brawler', 'Torcher', 'Splatter', 'Ravager', 'Defiler'] else monsters := ['Spinner', 'Brawler', 'Torcher', 'Splatter', 'Ravager', 'Defiler']; monstersnoPort := ['Spinner', 'Brawler', 'Torcher', 'Splatter', 'Ravager', 'Defiler']; setupPortals; checkPoints := true; breakTimer := GetTimeRunning; end; begin setupScript; repeat CallProg; MyLogIn; WhichPortal; MainLoop; Wait(500); until (false); end.