guSB = CreateFrame("Frame","guSB") guSB:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) self[event](self, event, ...) end) guSB:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") local buffs = {} local debuffs = {} local wench = {} local auras = {wench,buffs,debuffs} local buffs_anchor, debuffs_anchor, cons_frame local cons_num, cons_btn local consolidatedbtn = {} local consolidated = {} local arset = {} local defaults = { buffs_point = "TOPRIGHT", buffs_x = -150, buffs_y = -10, debuffs_point = "TOPRIGHT", debuffs_x = -133, debuffs_y = -138, growthy = "BOTTOM", growthx = "LEFT", orientation = "HORIZONTAL", maxlength = 16, gap = 5, width = 30, height = 25, hideblizzard = true, consolidate = true, } local function Flip(p1,x,y) local p2 = "" local dir if p1 == "CENTER" then return "CENTER" end if string.find(p1,"TOP") then p2 = p2..(y and "BOTTOM" or "TOP")end if string.find(p1,"BOTTOM") then p2 = p2..(y and "TOP" or "BOTTOM") end if string.find(p1,"LEFT") then p2 = p2..(x and "RIGHT" or "LEFT") end if string.find(p1,"RIGHT") then p2 = p2..(x and "LEFT" or "RIGHT") end if p2 == "RIGHT" or p2 == "LEFT" then dir = "HORIZONTAL" elseif p2 == "TOP" or p2 == "BOTTOM" then dir = "VERTICAL" end return p2, dir end function guSB.ADDON_LOADED(self,event,arg1) if arg1 == "guSmallBuffs" then gusbDB = gusbDB or {} gusbDB.cons_ids = gusbDB.cons_ids or {} gusbDB = setmetatable(gusbDB,{ __index = function(t,k) return defaults[k] end}) guSB:UpdateLayoutSettings() buffs_anchor = self:CreateAnchor("buffs") debuffs_anchor = self:CreateAnchor("debuffs") guSB:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA") if gusbDB.hideblizzard then BuffFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_AURA") BuffFrame:Hide() ConsolidatedBuffs.Show = ConsolidatedBuffs.Hide ConsolidatedBuffs:Hide() TemporaryEnchantFrame:Hide() end if gusbDB.consolidate then cons_btn = guSB:MakeConsButton() table.insert(auras, 1, consolidatedbtn) table.insert(auras, consolidated) consolidatedbtn[1] = cons_btn cons_frame = guSB:MakeConsolidatedFrame(cons_btn) end guSB.CheckWeaponEnchants(self) guSB:UNIT_AURA(nil, "player") SLASH_GUSB1= "/gusb" SLASH_GUSB2= "/gusmallbuffs" SlashCmdList["GUSB"] = guSB.SlashCmd end end function guSB.UNIT_AURA(self, event, unit) if unit ~= "player" then return end if gusbDB.consolidate then cons_num = 0 for i,btn in pairs(consolidated) do consolidated[i] = nil end end local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID for i=1, BUFF_MAX_DISPLAY do name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID = UnitAura("player",i,"HELPFUL") if not name then for j=i,BUFF_MAX_DISPLAY do if buffs[j] then buffs[j]:Hide() else break end end break end if not buffs[i] then local btn = self:CreateBuffIcon("buff") = i buffs[i] = btn end local btn = buffs[i] btn.icon:SetTexture(icon), duration) btn.count:SetText(count) if count > 1 then btn.count:Show() else btn.count:Hide() end btn.duration = duration btn.expires = expires btn.OnUpdateCounter = 1 btn:Show() if btn.SetAttribute then btn:SetAttribute("index", i) end if gusbDB.consolidate then if shouldConsolidate then consolidated[i] = btn btn:SetParent(cons_frame) cons_num = cons_num + 1 else btn:SetParent(UIParent) end end end for i=1, DEBUFF_MAX_DISPLAY do name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID = UnitAura("player",i,"HARMFUL") if not name then for j=i,DEBUFF_MAX_DISPLAY do if debuffs[j] then debuffs[j]:Hide() else break end end break end if not debuffs[i] then local btn = self:CreateBuffIcon("debuff") = i debuffs[i] = btn end local btn = debuffs[i] btn.icon:SetTexture(icon) local color if ( dispelType ) then color = DebuffTypeColor[dispelType]; else color = DebuffTypeColor["none"]; end btn:SetBackdropColor(color.r,color.g,color.b), duration) btn.duration = duration btn.count:SetText(count) if count > 1 then btn.count:Show() else btn.count:Hide() end btn.expires = expires btn.OnUpdateCounter = 1 btn:Show() end if gusbDB.consolidate then cons_btn.count:SetText(cons_num) if cons_num > 0 then cons_btn:Show() else cons_btn:Hide() end if cons_frame:IsShown() then cons_frame:ResizeFrame() end end guSB:ArrangeIcons() end function guSB.UpdateLayoutSettings(self) arset.gxdir = (gusbDB.growthx == "LEFT" and -1 or 1) arset.gydir = (gusbDB.growthy == "BOTTOM" and -1 or 1) arset.stepx = (gusbDB.orientation == "HORIZONTAL" and 1 or 0) * arset.gxdir * arset.stepy = (gusbDB.orientation == "VERTICAL" and 1 or 0) * arset.gydir * arset.point = Flip(gusbDB.growthy..gusbDB.growthx, true, true) = Flip(arset.point,(arset.stepx ~= 0),(arset.stepy ~= 0)) arset.newrowto = Flip(arset.point,(arset.stepy ~= 0),(arset.stepx ~= 0)) arset.max = gusbDB.maxlength for _, icons in pairs(auras) do for id,btn in pairs(icons) do btn:SetWidth(gusbDB.width) btn:SetHeight(gusbDB.height) btn.icon:SetWidth(gusbDB.height) btn.icon:SetHeight(gusbDB.height) - gusbDB.height - 2) btn:ClearAllPoints() end end end function guSB.ArrangeIcons(self) local prev, prevcol local placed = 1 local gxdir = arset.gxdir local gydir = arset.gydir local stepx = arset.stepx local stepy = arset.stepy local point = arset.point local to = local newrowto = arset.newrowto local max = arset.max for _, icons in ipairs(auras) do if icons == debuffs then prev = debuffs_anchor placed = 1 elseif icons == consolidated then prev = cons_frame max = 3 placed = 1 elseif not prev then prev = buffs_anchor end for id,btn in pairs(icons) do local btn = icons[id] if not btn:IsShown() then break end if icons ~= buffs or not consolidated[id] then if placed > 1 and select(2,math.modf((placed-1)/max)) == 0 then btn:SetPoint(point,prevcol,newrowto, math.abs(stepy)*gxdir, math.abs(stepx)*gydir ) prevcol = btn else if placed == 1 then prevcol = btn end btn:SetPoint(point,prev,to, stepx, stepy) end if placed == 1 and icons == consolidated then btn:SetPoint(arset.point,cons_frame,arset.point,0,0) end placed = placed + 1 prev = btn end end end end local function AuraOnUpdate(self,time) self.OnUpdateCounter = (self.OnUpdateCounter or 0) + time if self.OnUpdateCounter < 0.2 then return end self.OnUpdateCounter = 0 local left = self.expires - GetTime() local r,g,b local duration = self.duration if duration == 0 and self.expires == 0 then r,g,b = 1,0.5,0.9 else if left > duration / 2 then r,g,b = (duration - left)*2/duration, 1, 0 else r,g,b = 1, left*2/duration, 0 end end,g,b),g/2,b/2) end function guSB.CreateBuffIcon(self, auratype) local backdrop = { bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 0, insets = {left = -2, right = -2, top = -2, bottom = -2}, } local f = CreateFrame("Button",nil,UIParent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate") local width = gusbDB.width local height = gusbDB.height f:SetWidth(width) f:SetHeight(height) f:SetBackdrop(backdrop) f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.7) f.icon = f:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK") f.icon:SetTexCoord(.07, .93, .07, .93) f.icon:SetWidth(height) f.icon:SetHeight(height) f.icon:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 0) f.icon:SetPoint("RIGHT", 0, 0) f.count = f:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY") f.count:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF",13,"OUTLINE") f.count:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") f.count:SetVertexColor(1,1,1) f.count:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",f.icon,"BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0) f.count:Hide() local bar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, f) bar:SetStatusBarTexture[[Interface\AddOns\guSmallBuffs\white.tga]] bar:SetWidth(width - height - 2) bar:SetHeight(height) bar:SetOrientation("VERTICAL") bar:SetMinMaxValues(0,100) bar:SetValue(50) bar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",f,"TOPLEFT",0,0) bar:SetStatusBarColor(1,0,0) = bar local bbg = bar:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND") bbg:SetTexture[[Interface\AddOns\guSmallBuffs\white.tga]] bbg:SetAllPoints(bar) bbg:SetVertexColor(0.4,0,0) = bbg --f:EnableMouse(true) if auratype == "buff" then f:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp") --f:SetScript("OnClick",function(self,button) --CancelUnitBuff("player",, self.filter) --end) f:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp") f.Secure = true -- Setup stuff for clicking off buffs f:SetAttribute("type", "cancelaura" ) f:SetAttribute("unit", "player") end f.filter = (auratype == "buff") and "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" f:SetScript("OnEnter",function(self) GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMLEFT") GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("player",, self.filter) end) f:SetScript("OnLeave",function(self) GameTooltip:Hide() end) f:SetScript("OnUpdate",AuraOnUpdate) f:Show() return f end function guSB.CreateAnchor(self,tbl) local f = CreateFrame("Button",nil,UIParent) local width = gusbDB.width local height = gusbDB.height f:SetWidth(width) f:SetHeight(height) f:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 0, insets = {left = -2, right = -2, top = -2, bottom = -2}, }) f:SetBackdropColor(0, 1, 0, 1) f:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") f:EnableMouse(true) f:SetMovable(true) f:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") f:SetFrameLevel(2) f:SetScript("OnDragStart",function(self) self:StartMoving() end) f:SetScript("OnDragStop",function(self) self:StopMovingOrSizing(); _,_, gusbDB[tbl.."_point"], gusbDB[tbl.."_x"], gusbDB[tbl.."_y"] = self:GetPoint(1) end) f.SetPos = function(self,point, x, y ) gusbDB[tbl.."_point"] = point gusbDB[tbl.."_x"] = x gusbDB[tbl.."_y"] = y self:ClearAllPoints() self:SetPoint(point, UIParent, point, x, y) end f:SetPos(gusbDB[tbl.."_point"], gusbDB[tbl.."_x"], gusbDB[tbl.."_y"]) f:Hide() return f end function guSB.MakeConsolidatedFrame(self, cbtn) local f = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,UIParent) f:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 0, insets = {left = -5, right = -5, top = -5, bottom = -5}, }) f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.85) f:SetFrameLevel(5) f:SetPoint(arset.point,cbtn,Flip(arset.point, (arset.stepx == 0), (arset.stepy == 0)),0,0) f:SetWidth(1) f:SetHeight(1) f.ResizeFrame = function(self) local num = 0 local button = select(2,next(consolidated)) if not button then return end for id, btn in pairs(consolidated) do num = num + 1 end local i,f = math.modf(num/3) local hr = i + (f > 0 and 1 or 0) local wr = i > 0 and 3 or num local hf = (arset.stepx == 0) and "SetWidth" or "SetHeight" local wf = (arset.stepx == 0) and "SetHeight" or "SetWidth" local ghf = hf == "SetWidth" and "GetWidth" or "GetHeight" local gwf = wf == "SetWidth" and "GetWidth" or "GetHeight" self[hf](self,hr*button[ghf](button) + (hr-1)* self[wf](self,wr*button[gwf](button) + (wr-1)* end f:SetScript("OnShow", f.ResizeFrame) f.fadeOnUpdate = function(self,time) self.timeElapsed = (self.timeElapsed or 0) + time if self.timeElapsed > 3 then self:Hide() self:SetScript("OnUpdate",nil) self.timeElapsed = 0 end end f:Hide() return f end function guSB.MakeConsButton(self) local btn = self:CreateBuffIcon("debuff") btn.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\BuffConsolidation") btn.icon:SetTexCoord(0.15, 0.35, 0.3, 0.7) btn:SetScript("OnUpdate",nil) btn:SetScript("OnEnter",function () cons_frame:Show(); end) btn:SetScript("OnLeave",function () cons_frame:SetScript("OnUpdate",cons_frame.fadeOnUpdate) end),0.5,0.5) btn.count:Show() btn:Show() return btn end function guSB.MutateToWeaponEnchant(f, id) = id f:SetBackdropColor(0.5,0.2,0.85,1) f:SetScript("OnEnter",function(self) GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT") GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", end) f:SetScript("OnClick",function(self) CancelItemTempEnchantment( - 15); -- should be 1 for mh guSB:CheckWeaponEnchants() end) f.duration = 3600,f.duration) f:Hide() return f end function guSB.CheckWeaponEnchants(self) local hasMainHandEnchant, mainHandExpiration, mainHandCharges, hasOffHandEnchant, offHandExpiration, offHandCharges = GetWeaponEnchantInfo(); if ( hasOffHandEnchant ) then if not wench[2] then local btn = guSB:CreateBuffIcon("weapon") guSB.MutateToWeaponEnchant(btn, 17) wench[2] = btn end wench[2].icon:SetTexture(GetInventoryItemTexture("player", 17)) wench[2].expires = offHandExpiration/1000+GetTime() if not wench[2]:IsShown()then wench[2]:Show() guSB:ArrangeIcons() end else if wench[2] then if wench[2]:IsShown() then wench[2]:Hide() guSB:ArrangeIcons() end end end if ( hasMainHandEnchant ) then if not wench[1] then local btn = guSB:CreateBuffIcon("weapon") guSB.MutateToWeaponEnchant(btn, 16) wench[1] = btn end wench[1].icon:SetTexture(GetInventoryItemTexture("player", 16)) wench[1].expires = mainHandExpiration/1000+GetTime() if not wench[1]:IsShown()then wench[1]:Show() guSB:ArrangeIcons() end else if wench[1] then if wench[1]:IsShown() then wench[1]:Hide() guSB:ArrangeIcons() end end end end CreateFrame("Frame",nil):SetScript("OnUpdate",function(self,time) self.OnUpdateCounter = (self.OnUpdateCounter or 1) + time if self.OnUpdateCounter < 1 then return end self.OnUpdateCounter = 0 guSB:CheckWeaponEnchants() end) local ParseOpts = function(str) local fields = {} for opt,args in string.gmatch(str,"(%w*)%s*=%s*([%w%,%-%_%.%:%\\%']+)") do fields[opt:lower()] = tonumber(args) or string.upper(args) end return fields end function guSB.SlashCmd(msg) k,v = string.match(msg, "([%w%+%-%=]+) ?(.*)") if not k or k == "help" then print([[Usage: |cffff99bb/gusb set|r width=26 height=20 growthx=left/right growthy=top/bottom maxlength=16 gap=5 orientation=vertical/horizontal |cffff99bb/gusb opts|r : display current settings |cffff99bb/gusb hideblizz|r |cffff99bb/gusb consolidate|r |cffff99bb/gusb lock|r |cffff99bb/gusb unlock|r ]] )end if k == "opts" then print ("Width: "..gusbDB.width) print ("Height: "..gusbDB.height) print ("Growth-X: "..gusbDB.growthx) print ("Growth-Y: "..gusbDB.growthy) print ("Orientation: "..gusbDB.orientation) print ("Max length: "..gusbDB.maxlength) print ("Gap: " print ("Hide Blizzard frames: "..(gusbDB.hideblizzard and "true" or "false")) print ("Consolidate Buffs: "..(gusbDB.consolidate and "true" or "false")) end if k == "set" then local p = ParseOpts(v) gusbDB.width = p["width"] or gusbDB.width gusbDB.height = p["height"] or gusbDB.height gusbDB.growthx = p["growthx"] or gusbDB.growthx gusbDB.growthy = p["growthy"] or gusbDB.growthy gusbDB.orientation = p["orientation"] or gusbDB.orientation gusbDB.maxlength = p["maxlength"] or gusbDB.maxlength = p["gap"] or guSB:UpdateLayoutSettings() guSB:ArrangeIcons() end if k == "hideblizz" then gusbDB.hideblizzard = not gusbDB.hideblizzard print('Changes will take effect after reloadui') end if k == "consolidate" then gusbDB.consolidate = not gusbDB.consolidate print("Consolidated Buffs "..(gusbDB.consolidate and "enabled" or "disabled")) print('Changes will take effect after reloadui') end if k == "unlock" then buffs_anchor:Show() debuffs_anchor:Show() end if k == "lock" then buffs_anchor:Hide() debuffs_anchor:Hide() end end