Jess_4Ds is my favorite staff person here, and ill tell u why (Fuzzlr i <3 u too). So one day, i was having the best day on meepcraft ever. I got tons of diamonds and stuff, and i sold it all too my friend (he was offline). Well, want i didn't notice, was that he was running out of money. So when i sold yet another gold and diamond, it said "this person doesn't have enough money". so i'm like "oh no! my friend is frekin broke!". so i got more, sold it at other places, and payed him the money (because hes my friend). Well one time i was at the grinder, and i had sold the drops so i wanted to pay him. i did /money to see how much money i had, and i had 100,375 (or something like that). so i wanted to pay him the 375 , but accidentally did /pay 100375 without thinking! I was literally crying on the other end (no i'm not a baby). so i filed a modreq and jalepenos helped me. i told him the situation, and he said "i'm sorry, but i cant do anything till he comes on". So i did /modlist and contacted Jess_4Ds (because shes like the best person ever). she said the same thing, BUT because shes so friken rich, paid me the 100,000 OUT OF HER ACCOUNT, and said to pay her back when my friend paid me back, but IT WAS OK IF HE DIDN'T. I promised to pay her back anyway, and she resumed her afternoon. I just wanted to say that Jess_4Ds is the kindest staff member ever (although the others are really nice too), and i really appreciated her kind act, as it had made my day to the awesome one it was. Keep up the good work Jess_4Ds!