require 'rubygems' require 'active-fedora' require 'open-uri' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/boot') class DeleteFedoraObjects attr_reader :repository attr_reader :workflow attr_reader :registration_robot attr_reader :druid_list # Given a repository, a workflow and the name of a robot that registers objects in fedora # we can generate a list of all the druids that were created by that robot def initialize(repository, workflow, registration_robot) @repository = repository @workflow = workflow @registration_robot = registration_robot @druid_list = self.get_druid_list end def get_druid_list begin druid_list = [] url_string = "#{WORKFLOW_URI}/workflow_queue?repository=#{@repository}&workflow=#{@workflow}&completed=#{@registration_robot}" doc = Nokogiri::XML(open(url_string)) doc.xpath("//objects/object/@id").each do |id| druid_list << id.to_s end return druid_list rescue Exception => e raise e, "Couldn't fetch druid list from #{url_string}" end end # Iterate through the druids in @druid_list and delete each of them from FEDORA def delete_druids connect_to_fedora @druid_list.each do |druid| obj = ActiveFedora::Base.load_instance(druid) puts obj.inspect end end def connect_to_fedora begin if @repository == "dor" repo_url = FEDORA_URI elsif @repository == "sdr" repo_url = SEDORA_URI else raise "I don't know how to connect to repository #{@repository}" end puts "connecting to #{repo_url}" Fedora::Repository.register(repo_url) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e raise e, "Can't connect to Fedora at url #{repo_url}" end end end dfo ="dor","googleScannedBookWF", "register-object") dfo.delete_druids