#Integrate Essentials AFK (default: false) essentialsAfk: false #Integrate RoyalCommands AFK (default: false) rcmdsAfk: false #Debug mode. If you don't know what you're doing, leave it false (default: false) debugMode: false #How often, in minutes, does the server check for promotions (default: 5) checkPeriod: 5 #Default group for new players defaultGroup: default #If groups are set-up per world. Eg. in world "creative" the player is in group "moderator", #but in world "survival" player is in group "user" #Only enable this if your permission plugin supports per-world groups. #Notice: If you enable this, the plugin will use perworld.yml #so you'll need to set up rank promotions in that file instead of this #(default: false) worldSpecificGroups: false #Promotions list promote: #Group to be promoted from Newbie: to: Commoner timeReq: 1h Commoner: to: Esquire timeReq: 3h Esquire: to: Knight timeReq: 4h Knight: to: Baron timeReq: 6h