'; ?> vidimortem.

vidi mortem.

greetings, visitor. vidi mortem is a website that is the open resource of knowledge.
you'll find much information here, about the internet, manipulating objects, chemistry and anything else i find to be intricate or has manifested to be useful. you might also find pertinents to perspective.
tl;dr there's lots of cool info here.
Ocean is more ancient than the mountains.
-h.p. lovecraft

  • the blog: the ultimate source of news. don't come here if you don't want to experience my oddity of constant complaining.

  • the panacea: the ultimate pedagogy of panacea. this is a well- organized list of valuable information.
  • the extra-explanatory: the comprehensive part of the pedagogy. this is everything technical and complex, but explains how to work your way through it.

  • the AEDOL: an enormous document of links.

  • the blue pal. there should be more later, so keep checking back!

what makes vidimortem so special?

the information i supply isn't just something you find everyday on the internet. much of this knowledge comes from the struggle of extreme, deep thought, going into the very depths of the internet, reading continual book series until i found all of this. not only that, it's constantly being uploaded with everything that i find. you'll probably receive new content every hour. i also supply an ulterior (which is not so ulterior now) social network in between. you do not have to sign up. everything on this website is done through anonymity. seriously, you should give it a try.
no advertisements, no inconviences. just information.

copyright© 2013-2014 beau perkins. all rights reserved.