$client_id, 'client_secret' => $client_secret, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri ); } //========================================================================= static function admin_page() { if ( isset( $_POST['ei_general_settings'] ) && check_admin_referer( 'ei_general_settings_nonce', 'ei_general_settings_nonce' ) ) { $errors = array(); $instagram_client_id = isset( $_POST['ei_client_id'] ) ? trim( $_POST['ei_client_id'] ) : ''; $instagram_client_secret = isset( $_POST['ei_client_secret'] ) ? trim( $_POST['ei_client_secret'] ) : ''; $instagram_redirect_uri = isset( $_POST['ei_redirect_uri'] ) ? trim( $_POST['ei_redirect_uri'] ) : ''; if ( empty( $instagram_client_id ) ) { $errors['client_id'] = __( 'Please enter your Instagram client id', 'Easy_Instagram' ); } if ( empty( $instagram_client_secret ) ) { $errors['client_secret'] = __( 'Please enter your Instagram client secret', 'Easy_Instagram' ); } if ( empty( $instagram_redirect_uri ) ) { $errors['redirect_uri'] = __( 'Please enter your Instagram redirect URI', 'Easy_Instagram' ); } if ( empty( $errors ) ) { self::set_instagram_settings( $instagram_client_id, $instagram_client_secret, $instagram_redirect_uri ); } $cache_expire_time = isset( $_POST['ei_cache_expire_time'] ) ? (int) $_POST['ei_cache_expire_time'] : 0; if ( $cache_expire_time < self::$minimum_cache_expire_minutes ) { $cache_expire_time = self::$minimum_cache_expire_minutes; } self::set_cache_refresh_minutes( $cache_expire_time ); } else { list( $instagram_client_id, $instagram_client_secret, $instagram_redirect_uri ) = self::get_instagram_settings(); } if ( isset( $_POST['instagram-logout'] ) && check_admin_referer( 'ei_user_logout_nonce', 'ei_user_logout_nonce' ) ) { self::set_access_token( '' ); update_option( 'ei_access_token', '' ); } $config = self::get_instagram_config(); $instagram = new MC_Instagram_Connector( $config ); $access_token = self::get_access_token(); $cache_dir = self::get_cache_dir(); $cache_expire_time = self::get_cache_refresh_minutes(); if ( empty ( $access_token ) ) { if ( isset( $_GET['code'] ) ) { $access_token = $instagram->getAccessToken(); if ( !empty( $access_token ) ) { self::set_access_token( $access_token ); } $instagram_user = $instagram->getCurrentUser(); if ( !empty( $instagram_user ) ) { self::set_instagram_user_data( $instagram_user->username, $instagram_user->id ); } } } ?>

getAuthorizationUrl(); ?>

self::$max_images ) { $limit = self::$max_images; } $live_data = $instagram->getUserRecent( $user_id ); $recent = json_decode( $live_data ); if ( empty( $recent ) ) { $live_data = NULL; } else { $live_data = array_slice( $recent->data, 0, $limit ); } return $live_data; } //========================================================================= static function get_live_tag_data( $instagram, $tag, $limit = 1 ) { if ( $limit > self::$max_images ) { $limit = self::$max_images; } $live_data = $instagram->getRecentTags( $tag ); $recent = json_decode( $live_data ); if ( empty( $recent ) || !isset( $recent->data ) ) { $live_data = NULL; } else { $live_data = array_slice( $recent->data, 0, $limit ); } return $live_data; } //========================================================================= static function shortcode( $attributes ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'tag' => '', 'user_id' => '', 'limit' => 1, 'caption_hashtags' => 'true' ), $attributes ) ); $caption_hashtags = strtolower( $caption_hashtags ); return self::generate_content( $tag, $user_id, $limit, $caption_hashtags ); } //========================================================================= static function generate_content( $tag, $user_id, $limit, $caption_hashtags ) { if ( empty( $tag ) && empty( $user_id ) ) { return ''; } $access_token = self::get_access_token(); if ( empty( $access_token ) ) { return ''; } $out = ''; $config = self::get_instagram_config(); $instagram = new MC_Instagram_Connector( $config ); $instagram->setAccessToken( $access_token ); if ( ! empty( $user_id ) ) { list( $data, $expired ) = self::get_cached_data_for_id_or_tag( $user_id, $limit, 'id' ); if ( $expired ) { $live_data = self::get_live_user_data( $instagram, $user_id, $limit ); if ( ! empty( $live_data ) ) { self::clear_cache( $user_id, 'id' ); } else { $live_data = NULL; } } elseif ( NULL == $data ) { $live_data = self::get_live_user_data( $instagram, $user_id, $limit ); } $cache_index = 'id' . $user_id; } else { if ( ! empty( $tag ) ) { list( $data, $expired ) = self::get_cached_data_for_id_or_tag( $tag, $limit, 'tag' ); if ( $expired ) { $live_data = self::get_live_tag_data( $instagram, $tag, $limit ); if ( ! empty( $live_data ) ) { self::clear_cache( $tag, 'tag' ); } else { $live_data = NULL; } } elseif ( NULL == $data ) { $live_data = self::get_live_tag_data( $instagram, $tag, $limit ); } $cache_index = 'tag' . $tag; } } if ( isset( $live_data ) && !empty( $live_data ) ) { $hash = md5( $cache_index ); $timestamp = time(); $cache_data = array( 'cache_timestamp' => $timestamp ); $cache_data['data'] = array(); foreach ( $live_data as $elem ) { if ( isset( $elem->caption ) ) { $caption_text = isset( $elem->caption->text ) ? trim( $elem->caption->text ) : ''; $caption_from = ''; if ( isset( $elem->caption->from ) ) { if ( isset( $elem->caption->from->full_name ) ) { $caption_from = $elem->caption->from->full_name; } if ( empty( $caption_from ) && isset( $elem->caption->from->username ) ) { $caption_from = $elem->caption->from->username; } } if ( empty( $caption_from ) ) { if ( isset( $elem->user ) ) { if ( isset( $elem->user->full_name ) ) { $caption_from = $elem->user->full_name; } if ( empty( $caption_from ) && isset( $elem->user->username ) ) { $caption_from = $elem->user->username; } } } $caption_created_time = isset( $elem->caption->created_time ) ? $elem->caption->created_time : time(); } else { $caption_text = ''; $caption_from = ''; $caption_created_time = time(); } $cached_elem = array( 'link' => isset( $elem->link ) ? $elem->link : '#', 'caption_text' => $caption_text, 'caption_from' => $caption_from, 'created_time' => $elem->created_time, 'caption_created_time' => $caption_created_time ); $images = $elem->images; if ( isset( $images->low_resolution ) ) { $cached_elem['low_resolution'] = array( 'width' => $images->low_resolution->width, 'height' => $images->low_resolution->height ); $local_url = self::save_remote_image( $images->low_resolution->url, 'low_resolution' ); if ( NULL == $local_url ) { $cached_elem['low_resolution']['url'] = $images->low_resolution->url; } else { $cached_elem['low_resolution']['url'] = $local_url; } } if ( isset( $images->thumbnail ) ) { $cached_elem['thumbnail'] = array( 'width' => $images->thumbnail->width, 'height' => $images->thumbnail->height ); $local_url = self::save_remote_image( $images->thumbnail->url, 'thumbnail' ); if ( NULL == $local_url ) { $cached_elem['thumbnail']['url'] = $images->thumbnail->url; } else { $cached_elem['thumbnail']['url'] = $local_url; } } if ( isset( $images->standard_resolution ) ) { $cached_elem['standard_resolution'] = array( 'width' => $images->standard_resolution->width, 'height' => $images->standard_resolution->height ); $local_url = self::save_remote_image( $images->standard_resolution->url, 'standard_resolution' ); if ( NULL == $local_url ) { $cached_elem['standard_resolution']['url'] = $images->standard_resolution->url; } else { $cached_elem['standard_resolution']['url'] = $local_url; } } $cache_data['data'][] = $cached_elem; } self::cache_data( $cache_index, $cache_data ); $instagram_elements = $cache_data['data']; } else { if ( ! empty( $data ) ) { $instagram_elements = $data['data']; } } if ( isset( $instagram_elements ) ) { $crt = 0; foreach ( $instagram_elements as $elem ) { $image_url = $elem['thumbnail']['url']; $width = $elem['thumbnail']['width']; $height = $elem['thumbnail']['height']; $out .= '
'; $out .= ''; $out .= '
by ' . $elem['caption_from'] . '
'; $caption_text = $elem['caption_text'] ; if ( 'false' == $caption_hashtags ) { $caption_text = preg_replace( '/#[^\\s]+/', '', $caption_text ); $caption_text = trim( $caption_text ); } $out .= '
' . $caption_text . '
'; $elem_time = ( $elem['caption_created_time'] > $elem['created_time'] ) ? $elem['caption_created_time'] : $elem['created_time']; $out .= '
' . self::relative_time( $elem_time ) . __( ' using Instagram', 'Easy_Instagram' ) . '
'; $out .= '
'; $crt++; if ( $crt >= $limit ) { break; } } } return $out; } //========================================================================= static public function get_cache_dir() { return EASY_INSTAGRAM_PLUGIN_PATH . '/' . self::$cache_dir; } //========================================================================= static function cache_data( $id_or_tag, $data ) { $timestamp = time(); $hash = md5( $id_or_tag ); $path = self::get_cache_dir() . $hash . '.cache'; $handle = fopen( $path, 'w' ); if ( FALSE === $handle ) { return FALSE; } $serialized = serialize( $data ); $would_block = TRUE; if ( flock( $handle, LOCK_EX, $would_block ) ) { fwrite( $handle, $serialized ); fflush( $handle ); flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); // release the lock } else { error_log( 'Couldn\'t get the lock in cache_data.' ); } fclose( $handle ); return TRUE; } //========================================================================= // Returns the cached data and a flag telling if the data expired static function get_cached_data_for_id_or_tag( $id_or_tag, $limit, $type = 'id' ) { $now = time(); $hash = md5( $type . $id_or_tag ); $path = self::get_cache_dir() . $hash . '.cache'; if ( !file_exists( $path ) ) { return array( NULL, FALSE ); } $handle = fopen( $path, 'r' ); if ( flock( $handle, LOCK_SH ) ) { $data = fgets( $handle ); flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); // release the lock } else { error_log( 'Couldn\'t get the lock in get_cached_data_for_id_or_tag.' ); } if ( !empty( $data ) ) { $cached_data = unserialize( $data ); } fclose( $handle ); if ( !isset( $cached_data ) || !isset( $cached_data['data'] ) || !isset( $cached_data['cache_timestamp'] ) ) { return array( NULL, FALSE ); //No cached data found } // If limit is greater than the cached data size, force clear cache if ( $limit > count( $cached_data['data'] ) ) { return array( $cached_data, TRUE ); } $cache_minutes = self::get_cache_refresh_minutes(); $delta = ( $now - $cached_data['cache_timestamp'] ) / 60; if ( $delta > $cache_minutes ) { return array( $cached_data, TRUE ); } else { return array( $cached_data, FALSE ); } } //========================================================================= static function clear_cache( $id_or_tag, $type ) { $hash = md5( $type . $id_or_tag ); $cache_dir = self::get_cache_dir(); $path = $cache_dir . $hash . '.cache'; if ( file_exists( $path ) ) { $handle = fopen( $path, 'r' ); if ( flock( $handle, LOCK_EX ) ) { $data = fread( $handle, filesize( $path ) ); } if ( !empty( $data ) ) { $cached_data = unserialize( $data ); } fclose( $handle ); unlink( $path ); $file_types = array( 'thumbnail', 'low_resolution', 'standard_resolution' ); if ( isset( $cached_data ) && isset( $cached_data['data'] ) ) { foreach ( $cached_data['data'] as $elem ) { //Delete images foreach ( $file_types as $file_type ) { if ( isset( $elem[$file_type] ) && isset( $elem[$file_type]['url'] ) ) { // Extract the file name from the file URL and look for the file in the cache directory $file_path = $cache_dir . basename( $elem[$file_type]['url'] ); if ( file_exists( $file_path ) ) { unlink( $file_path ); } } } } } } } //========================================================================= static function save_remote_image( $remote_image_url, $id ) { $filename = ''; if ( preg_match( '/([^\/\.\?\&]+)\.([^\.\?\/]+)(\?[^\.\/]*)?$/', $remote_image_url, $matches ) ) { $filename .= $matches[1] . '_' . $id . '.' . $matches[2]; } else { return NULL; } $path = self::get_cache_dir() . $filename; $content = file_get_contents( $remote_image_url ); if ( FALSE == $content ) { return NULL; } if ( FALSE == file_put_contents( $path, $content ) ) { return NULL; } return plugins_url( self::$cache_dir . $filename, __FILE__ ); } //========================================================================= static function get_cache_refresh_minutes() { return get_option( 'easy_instagram_cache_expire_time', self::$default_cache_expire_minutes ); } //========================================================================= static function set_cache_refresh_minutes( $minutes = 0 ) { if ( 0 == $minutes ) { $minutes = self::$default_cache_expire_minutes; } update_option( 'easy_instagram_cache_expire_time', (int) $minutes ); } //========================================================================= static function relative_time( $timestamp ) { $difference = time() - $timestamp; $periods = array( "sec", "min", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "years", "decade" ); $lengths = array( "60", "60", "24", "7", "4.35", "12", "10" ); if ($difference > 0) { // this was in the past $ending = "ago"; } else { // this was in the future $difference = -$difference; $ending = "to go"; } for( $j = 0; $difference >= $lengths[$j]; $j++ ) { $difference /= $lengths[$j]; } $difference = round( $difference ); if($difference != 1) { $periods[$j] .= "s"; } $text = "$difference $periods[$j] $ending"; return $text; } //===================================================================== static function plugin_activation() { wp_schedule_event( current_time( 'timestamp' ), 'daily', 'easy_instagram_clear_cache_event' ); } //===================================================================== static function clear_expired_cache_action() { $valid_files = array(); $cache_dir = self::get_cache_dir(); $files = scandir( $cache_dir ); if ( ! empty( $files ) ) { foreach ( $files as $file ) { if ( preg_match( '/\.cache$/', $file ) ) { $ret = self::remove_cache_file( $file ); if ( ! empty( $ret ) ) { $valid_files = array_merge( $valid_files, $ret ); } } } // Remove all the files from the cache folder not in the valid files array (or valid files is empty) foreach ( $files as $file ) { if ( ( '.' != $file ) && ( '..' != $file ) ) { if ( ! in_array( $file, $valid_files ) ) { $file_path = $cache_dir . '/' . $file; if ( file_exists( $file_path ) ) { unlink( $file_path ); } } } } } } //===================================================================== static function remove_cache_file( $filename ) { $cache_dir = self::get_cache_dir() ; $path = $cache_dir . $filename; $handle = fopen( $path, 'r' ); if ( flock( $handle, LOCK_EX ) ) { $data = fread( $handle, filesize( $path ) ); } if ( !empty( $data ) ) { $cached_data = unserialize( $data ); } fclose( $handle ); $now = time(); $delta = ( $now - $cached_data['cache_timestamp'] ) / 60; $file_types = array( 'thumbnail', 'low_resolution', 'standard_resolution' ); $valid_files = array(); if ( ! isset( $cached_data ) ) { return $valid_files; } if ( $delta > 24 * 60 ) { if ( !empty( $cached_data['data'] ) ) { foreach ( $cached_data['data'] as $elem ) { //Delete images foreach ( $file_types as $file_type ) { if ( isset( $elem[$file_type] ) && isset( $elem[$file_type]['url'] ) ) { // Extract the file name from the file URL and look for the file in the cache directory $file_path = $cache_dir . basename( $elem[$file_type]['url'] ); if ( file_exists( $file_path ) ) { unlink( $file_path ); } } } } } unlink( $path ); } else { if ( ! empty( $cached_data['data'] ) ) { foreach ( $cached_data['data'] as $elem ) { foreach ( $file_types as $file_type ) { if ( isset( $elem[$file_type]['url'] ) ) { $filename = basename( $elem[$file_type]['url'] ); $file_path = $cache_dir . $filename; if ( file_exists( $file_path ) ) { $valid_files[] = $filename; } } } } $valid_files[] = $path; } $valid_files[] = $filename; //Keep the cache file as valid } return $valid_files; } //===================================================================== static function plugin_deactivation() { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'easy_instagram_clear_cache_event' ); } } /* * Easy Instagram Widget */ class Easy_Instagram_Widget extends WP_Widget { public function __construct() { parent::__construct( 'easy_instagram_widget_base', 'Easy Instagram', array( 'description' => 'Display one or more images from Instagram based on a tag or Instagram user id', 'class' => 'easy-instagram-widget' ) ); } //========================================================================== public function form( $instance ) { if ( isset( $instance['type'] ) ) { $type = $instance['type']; } else { $type = 'tag'; } if ( isset( $instance['value'] ) ) { $value = $instance['value']; } else { $value = ''; } if ( isset( $instance['limit'] ) ) { $limit = $instance['limit']; } else { $limit = 1; } if ( $limit > Easy_Instagram::$max_images ) { $limit = Easy_Instagram::$max_images; } if ( isset( $instance['caption_hashtags'] ) ) { $caption_hashtags = $instance['caption_hashtags']; } else { $caption_hashtags = 'true'; } ?>

Easy_Instagram::$max_images ) { $limit = Easy_Instagram::$max_images; } } if ( isset( $instance['caption_hashtags'] ) ) { $caption_hashtags = $instance['caption_hashtags']; } $content = Easy_Instagram::generate_content( $tag, $user_id, $limit, $caption_hashtags ); echo $content; echo $after_widget; } //========================================================================== } add_action( 'widgets_init', create_function( '', 'register_widget( "Easy_Instagram_Widget" );' ) );