$val ) $GLOBALS[$name] = $val; extract( (array) $wp_theme_options['flexx'] ); //How wide should the container be? if(preg_match('/^(2_right|2_left|split)$/', $sidebars)) $container_width = 960; else $container_width = 780; $container_width = intval( $container_width ); //just in case something screws up //How wide should the content be? $content_width = ($sidebars != 'none') ? 600 : 780; //How wide should each of the boxes in //the feature_top/feature_bottom sections be? if ( ! empty( $feature_top ) && ( $feature_top != 'none' ) ) $feature_top_width = ( $container_width / $feature_top ); if ( ! empty( $feature_bottom ) && ( $feature_bottom != 'none' ) ) $feature_bottom_width = ( $container_width / $feature_bottom ); //The container width add_action( 'container_style', 'flexx_container_style' ); function flexx_container_style() { global $container_width; echo 'c' . $container_width . ' center wrap'; } //The content width add_action('content_style', 'flexx_content_style'); function flexx_content_style() { global $content_width; echo 'w'.$content_width.'-'; } //What menu goes above the header (if any) add_action('above_header', 'flexx_menu_above_header'); function flexx_menu_above_header() { global $above_header; if($above_header != 'none') echo '
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