Script name: moonlightUIUpdateRoom Event Handlers: Make your own prompt one. Make a prompt trigger, have it do: raiseEvent("onprompt") Register onprompt for this script. Script: moonlightUI.roomexclude = { "a green slime", "a pathfinder", "a soulmaster", "a chimera", "a humbug", "a bubonis", "a chaos hound", "a dervish", "a worm", "a chaos orb", "a chaos storm", "a simpering sycophant", "a minion of chaos", "a bloodleech", "a withered crone", "a sharp-toothed gremlin", "a bloodleech", "a sewer grate", "a runic totem", "a monolith sigil", "a cube sigil", "an eye sigil", "a key-shaped sigil", "a mounted tsalmaveth", "a hooded nocturni", "a knight of the Atrament", "a runic totem", "a winged serpent", "a court constable", "a swami of the Cactus Clans", "a mangy old dog", "a bedraggled, bone-thin puppy dog", "a mighty earth golem", "a beehive", } moonlightUIUpdateRoom = function () clearWindow ("InfoBoxRoom") moonlightUI.InfoBoxRoom:cecho ("\n" .. .. " (" .. gmcp.Room.Info.environment .. ")\n") moonlightUI.InfoBoxRoom:cecho (" in " .. gmcp.Room.Info.area .. "\n\n") for k, v in pairs (roomitems) do local excluded = false for _, x in pairs (moonlightUI.roomexclude) do if v == x then excluded = true end end if not excluded then moonlightUI.InfoBoxRoom:cecho ("" .. string.format("%7s", k) .. " - " .. v .. "\n") end -- if end -- for end -- function