--AIBrain.lua hook - remove non-allied gold amounts from sync, except for observers local prevClass = AIBrain AIBrain = Class(prevClass) { InternalGiveResources = function(self, type, amount) prevClass.InternalGiveResources(self, type, amount) if Sync.ArmyGold and Sync.ArmyGold[self:GetArmyIndex()] > 0 and GetFocusArmy() ~= -1 and not IsAlly(GetFocusArmy(), self:GetArmyIndex()) then Sync.ArmyGold[self:GetArmyIndex()] = 0 end end, TakeResource = function(self, type, amount) prevClass.TakeResource(self, type, amount) if Sync.ArmyGold and Sync.ArmyGold[self:GetArmyIndex()] > 0 and GetFocusArmy() ~= -1 and not IsAlly(GetFocusArmy(), self:GetArmyIndex()) then Sync.ArmyGold[self:GetArmyIndex()] = 0 end end, }