,,,,, ,$$$$ ,sSSs, $$$s, $$$ ,s$$$$$$s, ,$$$$$ ,s$$$$$$$$s, `$$$$$$s$$$$ s$$$$$$$$$$% ,$ř$$$$ $$$$$řřř$$$$$$s,`ř$$$$$$$$s, ,$$ ,$$$$ř' ř$$% $$$$ $$$$' `ř$$$$S `ř$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ s$$$' $$%% $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ř' ,$$$ř %$$% l$$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$$$$řřř'' s$$ř %$$% $$$$$$ ;$$$$ $$$, $$$$ ,s,.$$$' ,$$$% $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$$ř ,$$$%% l$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$ ,$$$$%ř $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ř $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$' $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$ ,$$ $$$$$ ,s$$$$$ř l$$$ $$$$ ;$$$ ..ss $$$$,,,,,,,,s$$$$ $$$$ ...s$$$$$$ř' $$$ $$$ ;$$$, ,,sss$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ř $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ř' $$$$s. $$$$ $$$$ ,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$`řř$$$$$$řř' $$$$$$$$$$ř' l$$$$$$$s.$$$ ;$$$, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$s, $$$ `ř$$$$$$$ $$$$ $řř'' $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$`ř$$$$$$s, l$$$ `ř$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ `$$$$$$s, $$$$ $$$$ $$$$, $$$$$ $$$$, $$$$ j `$$$$$$s, $ř' $$$ $$$$s, ,$$$$$ $$$$$, $$$$ a `$$$$$$s, $s ,s$$$ `ř$$$$s,s$$$$$$$ ř$$$$s, $$, $$$$ n `$$$$$$s,$$$ $$$$$ `ř$$$$$$$$$$$ `$$$$$$sssss$$$ $$$$ t `$$$$$$$$$ `$$$$ `ř$$řř$$$$ `ř$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$ j `ř$$$$$$ `$$ $$$$ `ř$$$$$$ř' $$$$ o `ř$$' `$ ř$ř' (RAGEMP3 2000) presents ,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s, $$$' `$$$ $ $ Eightball and MJG - Comin Out Hard $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $░$ Label : Suave Records $▒$ $░$ Ripper : hec $▒$ $░$ $▒$ $░$─[˙Album Info˙]<─────────────────>[˙CD-Info˙]<─────────────────$$▒$ $░$ $▒$ $░$ Rip Date: 03/19/2001 Tracks : 9 $▒$ $░$ Rls Date: 00/00/1993 CD-Time: 0hr 41min $▒$ $░$ Genre : Rap Size : 55MB $▒$ $░$ -----───────────────────────────────────────────────------ $▒$ $░$ Bitrate : 192kbps - [ű] FULL Stereo [ ] JOINT Stereo $▒$ $░$ Encoder : Audioactive $▒$ $░$ Source : Compact Disc $▒$ $░$ $▒$ $ $ $ $ `ř$──────── $$$$$$$s $$$ ───────────────────────────────────── $$' .s$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ s$$$$$$$ $$$$$s ,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. $ $ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$ $$$ $$ $$$ $ $ $░$ $$$$$$$ř' $$$ $$$$$$$ $$$ $$ $$$$$$ ,s$$$s, $▒$ $░$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$' $$$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $▒$ $░$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$$$$' $$$ $$ $$$ `ř$$$ř' $▒$ $░$ ----─────────────────[ C O M M E N T] ────────────────────---- $▒$ $░$ $▒$ $░$ this is an old cd from back in 93, back when the label was $▒$ $░$ still here in Houston. $▒$ $░$ anyway i've never really went through the whole cd but $▒$ $░$ tracks 7 and 8 are tight $▒$ $ $ $ $ `$$$>────────────── $$$ ─────────────────────────────────────────<$$$' ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ ,s$$$$$$$$$$, $$$ $$$ $$$ ,s$ř' $$$ $▒$ $$$ $$$ ,s$ř' $▒$ s▒s $$$ ,s$$$$ $$$$$$, ,s$$$$$ $$$.s$ř' $▒$ $▒$ $$$ $$ ,,,$$$ $$ $$$$$' $▒$ $▒$ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$$ $▒$ $▒$ $$$ $$ $$$$$$ř' `ř$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $▒$ $▒$ ---───────────────────[ L I S T I N G] ───────────────────---- $▒$ $▒$ $▒$ $▒$ Track Time Track Name $▒$ $▒$ ────- -──- ────────── $▒$ $▒$ 01 1:49 intro $▒$ $▒$ 02 5:15 9 little millimeta boys $▒$ $▒$ 03 5:08 the first episode $▒$ $▒$ 04 4:39 armed robbery $▒$ $▒$ 05 6:39 pimps $▒$ $▒$ 06 4:27 comin out hard $▒$ $▒$ 07 5:51 mr. big $▒$ $▒$ 08 4:43 niggas like us $▒$ $▒$ 09 3:18 pimps in the house $▒$ $▒$ $▒$ $░$ $░$ $░$ $░$ $ $ $ $ `ř$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ř' .s$$$$$$$s .s$$$$$$$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ ,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ THE $$ $$ $$ $$ S $$$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$──────────────────── $$ $$ $$ ────────────────$$$ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $$$$$$ $ $ $░$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $░$ $░$ `ř$ssssss$ř ▄ `ř$ssssss$ř ▄ $░$ $░$ $░$ $▒$ -─(Founders)─- $▒$ $▒$ $▒$ $▓$ Xneila & Lhabia $▓$ $▓$ $▓$ $▒$ -──(Seniors)─-- $▒$ $▒$ $▒$ $░$ Jantjo ¨ _3xkrazy ¨ RocketX $░$ $░$ $░$ $ $ $ $ `ř$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ř' ,s$$$$$$$$ ,s$$$$$$$ $$ $$ $$ ,s$$$$$$$$$s. $$$ $$ $$ ,s$$$$$ s$$$$$$s s$$$$$$s $$$$$$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$$$$s, $$$ $ $ $$ $$$$$ $$ $$$$$$$$ř $$$$$$$$$ $$ $$ $ $ $░$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$' $░$ $░$ `ř$sssss$ř $$ `ř$$$$$$$ `ř$$$$$$$ `ř$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$' $░$ $░$ $░$ $▒$ ----──────────────────(SHOUTS GO OUT TO)────────────────----- $▒$ $▒$ $▒$ $▓$ * Group : RAGEMP3 ofcourse :) $▓$ $▓$ $▓$ $▒$ $▒$ $▒$ * Person(s): $▒$ $░$ $░$ $░$ $░$ $ $ $ $ `ř$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ř' Channel on Efnet = #RAGEMP3 Email Us At ragemp3@gr00vin.com ==> NFO.Updated : 00/00/2000 <== (By Xneila ) RAGEMP3 (c) 2000