import*; import java.util.*; public class BotBattleController { public static void main(String[] args){ //Uncomment the below line to redirect the output to a text file //try{System.setOut(new PrintStream("battle.txt"));}catch(FileNotFoundException e){} Random r=new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()%1000); int turns; final int maxturns=turns=1000; List bots=new ArrayList(){ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public String toString(){ String s=""; for(Bot b:this){ if(b!=null)s+=b+","; } return s.substring(0, s.length()-1); } }; /*edit and uncomment these lines as needed*/ //(new BotOneClass()).register(bots); //(new BotTwoClass()).register(bots); //(new BotThreeClass()).register(bots); /*Don't edit after this point*/ int[][] map=new int[64][64]; for(int x=0;x<64;x++){ map[x]=new int[64]; for(int y=0;y<64;y++){ map[x][y]=0; } } int i=5+r.nextInt(100); for(int j=0;j0){ turns--; for(Bot b:bots){ if(b==null)continue ; Bot.Action s; long k=System.nanoTime(); try{s=b.action(copy(map));}catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(System.out); bots.set(bots.indexOf(b), null); System.out.println(b+" threw an exception, and has been eliminated on turn "+(maxturns-turns)+"."); break ; } k=(System.nanoTime()-k); System.out.println(b+"("+b.p.x+","+b.p.y+"):"+s+" ("+k/1000+"us)"); k/=1000000; Bot.Position p=b.p; int x=p.x; int y=p.y; map[x][y]=0; if(k>50){ bots.set(bots.indexOf(b), null); System.out.println(b+" took too long to respond, and has been eliminated on turn "+(maxturns-turns)+"."); break ; } if(s==Bot.Action.MINE){ s=(new Bot.Action[]{Bot.Action.DOWN,Bot.Action.LEFT,Bot.Action.RIGHT,Bot.Action.UP})[r.nextInt(4)]; map[x][y]=-1; } if(s==Bot.Action.LEFT){ x--; } if(s==Bot.Action.RIGHT){ x++; } if(s==Bot.Action.UP){ y--; } if(s==Bot.Action.DOWN){ y++; } if(y<0||y>=64||x<0||x>=64){ bots.set(bots.indexOf(b), null); System.out.println(b+" left the map on turn "+(maxturns-turns)+"."); break ; } if(map[x][y]==-1){ bots.set(bots.indexOf(b), null); map[x][y]=0; System.out.println(b+" was killed by a mine on turn "+(maxturns-turns)+"."); break ; } if(map[x][y]!=0&&map[x][y]!{ Bot c=bots.get(map[x][y]-1); bots.set(bots.indexOf(c), null); System.out.println(c+" was killed by "+b+" on turn "+(maxturns-turns)+"."); map[x][y]; p.x=x;p.y=y; break; } p.x=x;p.y=y; map[x][y]; } int c=0; Bot w=null; for(Bot b:bots){ if(b!=null){ c++; w=b; } } if(c<=1){ running=false; if(w==null)System.out.println("All bots have lost."); if(w!=null)System.out.println(w+" has won in "+(maxturns-turns)+" steps."); } } if(turns==0)System.out.println("Time ran out. "+bots+" are still standing."); System.out.close(); } public static int[][] copy(int[][] a){ int[][] o=new int[64][64]; for(int x=0;x<64;x++){ for(int y=0;y<64;y++){ o[x][y]=a[x][y]; } } return o; } }