W - Jump S - Crouch A, D - Left, Right Left click - Fire 1 - Select Pistol 2 - Select Uzi 3 - Select Pump Action F - Generate Lag (delta time testing) Hold Space - Pause time (delta time testing) F1 - Display client info F2 - Display Network info F3 - Display IDs and List of clients Parkour: Crouch walk - Crouch walking halves your hitbox and silents your footsteps, while still being able to move. You can also move under low passages. Rolling - While moving left or right, pressing crouch will make your character roll. Wall jumping - At the peak of your jump, jump again while against a wall to walljump. Double jump - Press jump again while in mid-air. This will render you defenseless until you land. Crouch jump - Holding crouch while in mid air. This lets you fall faster and land silently and will let you minimize damage from explosions while launching yourself at a later time. Tuck and roll - Holding left or right while landing a crouch jump will do a silent rolling land.