package com.reed.sidescroller; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; public class Assets { //Textures public static Texture everything; //blocks public static TextureRegion grassAndDirt; public static TextureRegion grass; public static TextureRegion plainBlock; public static TextureRegion brownBlock; public static TextureRegion waterBlock; public static TextureRegion dirtBlock; public static TextureRegion woodBlock; public static TextureRegion stoneTall; public static TextureRegion stoneShort; public static TextureRegion wallTall; public static TextureRegion wallShort; //building stuff public static TextureRegion roofSouthEast; public static TextureRegion roofEast; public static TextureRegion roofSouthWest; public static TextureRegion roofNorthEast; public static TextureRegion roofSouth; public static TextureRegion roofNorthWest; public static TextureRegion roofWest; public static TextureRegion roofNorth; public static TextureRegion rampEast; public static TextureRegion rampNorth; public static TextureRegion rampSouth; public static TextureRegion rampWest; public static TextureRegion window; //trees public static TextureRegion uglyTree; public static TextureRegion shortTree; public static TextureRegion treeTall; //Gems n stuff public static TextureRegion rock; public static TextureRegion star; public static TextureRegion greenGem; public static TextureRegion goldGem; public static TextureRegion blueGem; //Chest and Doors public static TextureRegion chestClosed; public static TextureRegion chestLid; public static TextureRegion chestOpen; public static TextureRegion doorClosed; public static TextureRegion doorOpen; //judging off of hat thing public static TextureRegion girlDarkBlue; public static TextureRegion boyBlackHair; public static TextureRegion girlPinkHair; public static TextureRegion girlWhiteCat; public static TextureRegion girlPurplePrincess; //random public static TextureRegion ladyBug; public static TextureRegion key; public static TextureRegion speechBubble; public static Texture loadTexture (String file) { return new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(file)); } public static void load () { everything = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("everything.png")); //Made from left to right from everything image grassAndDirt = new TextureRegion(everything, 0, 0, 101, 171); greenGem = new TextureRegion(everything, 101, 0, 101, 171); plainBlock = new TextureRegion(everything, 202, 0, 101, 171); rock = new TextureRegion(everything, 303, 0, 101, 171); roofSouthEast = new TextureRegion(everything, 404, 0, 101, 171); star = new TextureRegion(everything, 505, 0, 101, 171); uglyTree = new TextureRegion(everything, 606, 0, 101, 171); woodBlock = new TextureRegion(everything, 707, 0, 101, 171); chestClosed = new TextureRegion(everything, 0, 171, 101, 171); doorClosed = new TextureRegion(everything, 101, 171, 101, 171); goldGem = new TextureRegion(everything, 202, 171, 101, 171); rampEast = new TextureRegion(everything, 303, 171, 101, 171); roofEast = new TextureRegion(everything, 404, 171, 101, 171); roofSouthWest = new TextureRegion(everything, 505, 171, 101, 171); stoneTall = new TextureRegion(everything, 606, 171, 101, 171); wallTall = new TextureRegion(everything, 707, 171, 101, 171); girlDarkBlue = new TextureRegion(everything, 0, 342, 101, 171); chestLid = new TextureRegion(everything, 101, 342, 101, 171); doorOpen = new TextureRegion(everything, 202, 342, 101, 171); grass = new TextureRegion(everything, 303, 342, 101, 171); rampNorth = new TextureRegion(everything, 404, 342, 101, 171); roofNorthEast = new TextureRegion(everything, 505, 342, 101, 171); roofSouth = new TextureRegion(everything, 606, 342, 101, 171); stoneShort = new TextureRegion(everything, 707, 342, 101, 171); wallShort = new TextureRegion(everything, 808, 342, 101, 171); boyBlackHair = new TextureRegion(everything, 0, 513, 101, 171); girlPinkHair = new TextureRegion(everything, 101, 513, 101, 171); chestOpen = new TextureRegion(everything, 303, 513, 101, 171); ladyBug = new TextureRegion(everything, 404, 513, 101, 171); rampSouth = new TextureRegion(everything, 505, 513, 101, 171); roofNorthWest = new TextureRegion(everything, 606, 513, 101, 171); roofWest = new TextureRegion(everything, 707, 513, 101, 171); shortTree = new TextureRegion(everything, 808, 513, 101, 171); waterBlock = new TextureRegion(everything, 909, 513, 101, 171); brownBlock = new TextureRegion(everything, 0, 684, 101, 171); girlWhiteCat = new TextureRegion(everything, 101, 684, 101, 171); girlPurplePrincess = new TextureRegion(everything, 202, 684, 101, 171); dirtBlock = new TextureRegion(everything, 303, 684, 101, 171); blueGem = new TextureRegion(everything, 404, 684, 101, 171); key = new TextureRegion(everything, 505, 684, 101, 171); rampWest = new TextureRegion(everything, 606, 684, 101, 171); roofNorth = new TextureRegion(everything, 707, 684, 101, 171); speechBubble = new TextureRegion(everything, 808, 684, 101, 171); treeTall = new TextureRegion(everything, 909, 684, 101, 171); window = new TextureRegion(everything, 1010, 684, 101, 171); System.out.println("assest"); } }