debug=3 # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd) fork=yes log_stderror=no # (cmd line: -E) log_facility=LOG_LOCAL0 #/* Uncomment these lines to enter debugging mode #fork=no #log_stderror=yes #*/ check_via=no # (cmd. line: -v) dns=no # (cmd. line: -r) rev_dns=no # (cmd. line: -R) children=4 #change listen=udp: listen=udp: listen=udp: sip_warning=yes # ------------------ module loading ---------------------------------- mpath="/usr/lib64/opensips/modules/" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" # RR modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 1) # UAC modparam("uac", "restore_mode", "none") # ----------------- setting module-specific parameters --------------- #change modparam("xmpp", "sip_domain", "") modparam("xmpp", "xmpp_domain", "") modparam("xmpp", "xmpp_host", "") modparam("xmpp", "xmpp_port", 5275) modparam("xmpp", "xmpp_password", "password") modparam("xmpp", "backend", "component") modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/opensips_fifo") modparam("acc", "early_media", 1) modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 1) modparam("acc", "db_flag", 2) #change modparam("acc", "db_url", "mysql://root:password@localhost/asterisk") modparam("acc", "db_table_acc",'ast_cdr') modparam("acc", "db_extra", "src=$avp(src); dst=$avp(dst); channel=$avp(channel); dstchannel=$avp(dstchannel); accountcode=$avp(accountcode); userfield=$avp(userfield);clid=$avp(callid)") modparam("acc", "acc_time_column", "calldate") modparam("acc", "acc_sip_code_column", "lastapp") modparam("acc", "acc_callid_column", "lastdata") modparam("acc", "acc_method_column", "dcontext") modparam("acc", "acc_sip_reason_column", "disposition") modparam("acc", "log_extra", "src=$avp(src); dst=$avp(dst); channel=$avp(channel); dstchannel=$avp(dstchannel); accountcode=$avp(accountcode); userfield=$avp(userfield);content=$avp(content);callid=$avp(callid)") modparam("acc", "log_flag", 2) modparam("acc", "log_level", 2) modparam("acc", "log_facility", "LOG_LOCAL0") # ------------------------- request routing logic ------------------- route { record_route(); # initial sanity checks -- messages with max_forwards==0, or excessively long requests if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) { sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops"); exit; }; if (!is_method("MESSAGE")) { exit; } if (msg:len >= 2048) { sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big"); exit; }; ### absorb retransmissions ### if (!t_newtran()) { sl_reply_error(); return; } else { xlog("[CORE] [$rm] Created new transaction [$si:$sp]\n"); } setflag(2); switch($rp) { case 5060: xlog("######################################"); xlog(" FROM EXTERNAL SENDING TO ILC- $si - $rp"); xlog(" [PEER] [$rm] External destination detected, rewriting ruri [$ru/$ci]\n"); xlog("######################################"); ## Rewrite the request uri and the to domain ## If the request-uri (user portion length is 11) then strip the first digit off ## 1-555-555-1234 -> 555-555-1234 (without the dashses for readability) if ($(fU{s.len}) == 11) { uac_replace_from("sip:$(fU{s.substr,1,0})@$fd"); } if ($(rU{s.len}) == 11) { strip(1); } #change $ru = "sip:" + $rU + "@"; $avp(src) = $(fU{s.substr,1,0}); $avp(dst) = $(tU{s.substr,1,0}); $avp(channel) = $fu; $avp(dstchannel) = $tu; $avp(accountcode) = $rU; $avp(userfield) = "EVT00023"; $avp(content) = $rb; $avp(callid) = $(ci{,0,@}); if (exec_msg("/etc/opensips/ilc.php --rU=\"$rU\" --rd=\"$rd\" --td=\"$td\" --rb=\"$rb\" --fu=\"$fu\" --fU=\"$fU\" --fd=\"$fd\"")) { t_reply("200", "Accepted"); } else { t_reply("404", "Not found"); } t_relay(); break; case 5061: xlog("######################################"); xlog(" TO OPENFIRE - 5061"); xlog(" [$rm] Processing request from [$si] r-uri [$ru]\n"); xlog("######################################"); #change $ru = "sip:" + $rU + ""; if (xmpp_send_message()) { t_reply("200", "Accepted"); } else { t_reply("404", "Not found"); } break; case 5062: xlog("######################################"); xlog(" TO OUTSIDE- $rp"); xlog(" [PEER] [$rm] Processing and relaying message from [CORE] to [PEER] [$si:$sp]\n"); xlog("######################################"); $avp(from) = "sip:1" + $fU + "@"; $avp(to) = "sip:1" + $tU + ""; uac_replace_from("", "$avp(from)"); uac_replace_to("", "$avp(to)"); ## If the To: user (user porition is 10) the prefix a 1 to the beginning ## 555-555-1234 -> 1-555-555-1234 (without the dashses for readability) if ($(fU{s.len}) == 10) { prefix("1"); } #change - uncomment and delete $ru = "sip:" + $tU + ""; $avp(src) = $fU; $avp(dst) = $tU; $avp(channel) = $fu; $avp(dstchannel) = $tu; $avp(accountcode) = $fU; $avp(userfield) = "EVT00024"; $avp(content) = $rb; $avp(callid) = $(ci{,0,@}); t_relay(); break; } return; }