Wordpress plugin BAW More Secure Login (https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/baw-more-secure-login/) modified by HacKan //==== BEGIN ==== @bwallHatesTwits Version: 1.2.1 License: GPLv2 Colaborator: HacKan (@hackancuba) solved issue when php v < 5.3.0 and problem with line 358 */ //My own modification of ARC4 class ARC4bwall { protected $state; protected $i = 0; protected $j = 0; protected $k = 0; //Swaps i, j, k function Swap() { $temp = $this->state[$this->i]; $this->state[$this->i] = $this->state[$this->j]; $this->state[$this->j] = $this->state[$this->k]; $this->state[$this->k] = $temp; } function Init($data) { $this->state = array(); for($this->i = 0; $this->i < 256; $this->i++) { $this->state[$this->i] = $this->i; } $this->j = 0; $this->k = 0; for($this->i = 0; $this->i < 256; $this->i++) { $this->j = ($this->j + $this->state[$this->i] + ord($data[$this->i % strlen($data)])) % 256; $this->k = pow($this->k + $this->j, 2) % 256; $this->Swap(); } $this->i = 0; $this->j = 0; $this->k = 0; } function GetByte() { $this->i = ($this->i + 1) % 256; $this->j = ($this->j + $this->state[$this->i]) % 256; $this->k = pow($this->k + $this->j, 2) % 256; $this->Swap(); return $this->state[($this->i + $this->j + $this->k) % 256]; } public function Crypt($data) { $ret = ""; for($x = 0; $x < strlen($data); $x++) { $ret .= chr(ord($data[$x]) ^ $this->GetByte()); } return $ret; } public function __construct($key = "bwallRocks") { $this->Init($key); } } class BallastPHPHash { function ARC4PBKDF2($plain, $salt, $iterations = 2048, $algo = 'sha256') { $rc4 = new ARC4bwall($plain); $derivedkey = $b = $rc4->Crypt(hash_hmac($algo, $salt, $plain, true)); for ( $i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++ ) { $derivedkey ^= ($b = $rc4->Crypt(hash_hmac($algo, $b, $plain, true))); } return sha1($derivedkey, true); } function PBKDF2($plain, $salt, $iterations = 2048, $algo = 'sha256' ) { $derivedkey = $b = hash_hmac($algo, $salt, $plain, true); for ( $i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++ ) { $derivedkey ^= ($b = hash_hmac($algo, $b, $plain, true)); } return sha1($derivedkey, true); } function BSPBKDF2($plain, $salt, $iterations = 2048, $algo = 'sha256' ) { $derivedkey = $b = hash_hmac($algo, $salt, $plain, true); for ( $i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++ ) { $derivedkey = hash_hmac($algo, $b, $plain, true); } return sha1($derivedkey, true); } function rstrstr($haystack,$needle, $start=0) { // Added by HacKan, replacement for strstr() compat php v < 5.3.0 // http://www.php.net/manual/es/function.strstr.php#103577 // credits to gruessle at gmail dot com for the idea return substr($haystack, $start,strpos($haystack, $needle)); } //Hash Format - $BPBK$Iterations$Salt$Hash public function HashUpToDate($hash) { $type = get_option("BallastSecurityHashType"); if($type === false) { //option is not defined add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$BPBK$2048$', "", "yes"); $type = get_option("BallastSecurityHashType"); } //Default WordPress is '$P$' return (substr($hash, 0, strlen($type)) == $type); } function StartsWith($hash, $type) { return (substr($hash, 0, strlen($type)) == $type); } public function CheckPassword($password, $hash) { if($this->StartsWith($hash, '$BPBK$2048$')) { $saltAndhash = substr($hash, 11); //$salt = strstr($saltAndhash, '$', true); $salt = $this->rstrstr($saltAndhash, '$'); $hash = substr(strstr($saltAndhash, '$'), 1); $realHash = base64_encode($this->BSPBKDF2($password, base64_decode($salt))); return ($hash == $realHash); } else if($this->StartsWith($hash, '$BPBK$10k$')) { $saltAndhash = substr($hash, 10); //$salt = strstr($saltAndhash, '$', true); $salt = $this->rstrstr($saltAndhash, '$'); $hash = substr(strstr($saltAndhash, '$'), 1); $realHash = base64_encode($this->BSPBKDF2($password, base64_decode($salt), 10000)); return ($hash == $realHash); } else if($this->StartsWith($hash, '$BPBK$100k$')) { $saltAndhash = substr($hash, 11); //$salt = strstr("$saltAndhash", '$'); $salt = $this->rstrstr($saltAndhash, '$'); $salt = $this->rstrstr($saltAndhash, '$'); $hash = substr(strstr($saltAndhash, '$'), 1); $realHash = base64_encode($this->BSPBKDF2($password, base64_decode($salt), 100000)); return ($hash == $realHash); } else if($this->StartsWith($hash, '$PBK$2048$')) { $saltAndhash = substr($hash, 10); //$salt = strstr($saltAndhash, '$', true); $salt = $this->rstrstr($saltAndhash, '$'); $hash = substr(strstr($saltAndhash, '$'), 1); $realHash = base64_encode($this->PBKDF2($password, base64_decode($salt))); return ($hash == $realHash); } else if($this->StartsWith($hash, '$PBK$10k$')) { $saltAndhash = substr($hash, 9); //$salt = strstr($saltAndhash, '$', true); $salt = $this->rstrstr($saltAndhash, '$'); $hash = substr(strstr($saltAndhash, '$'), 1); $realHash = base64_encode($this->PBKDF2($password, base64_decode($salt), 10000)); return ($hash == $realHash); } else if($this->StartsWith($hash, '$PBK$100k$')) { $saltAndhash = substr($hash, 10); //$salt = strstr($saltAndhash, '$', true); $salt = $this->rstrstr($saltAndhash, '$'); $hash = substr(strstr($saltAndhash, '$'), 1); $realHash = base64_encode($this->PBKDF2($password, base64_decode($salt), 100000)); return ($hash == $realHash); } else if($this->StartsWith($hash, '$APBK$2048$')) { $saltAndhash = substr($hash, 11); //$salt = strstr($saltAndhash, '$', true); $salt = $this->rstrstr($saltAndhash, '$'); $hash = substr(strstr($saltAndhash, '$'), 1); $realHash = base64_encode($this->ARC4PBKDF2($password, base64_decode($salt))); return ($hash == $realHash); } else if($this->StartsWith($hash, '$APBK$10k$')) { $saltAndhash = substr($hash, 10); //$salt = strstr($saltAndhash, '$', true); $salt = $this->rstrstr($saltAndhash, '$'); $hash = substr(strstr($saltAndhash, '$'), 1); $realHash = base64_encode($this->ARC4PBKDF2($password, base64_decode($salt), 10000)); return ($hash == $realHash); } else if($this->StartsWith($hash, '$APBK$100k$')) { $saltAndhash = substr($hash, 11); //$salt = strstr($saltAndhash, '$', true); $salt = $this->rstrstr($saltAndhash, '$'); $hash = substr(strstr($saltAndhash, '$'), 1); $realHash = base64_encode($this->ARC4PBKDF2($password, base64_decode($salt), 100000)); return ($hash == $realHash); } else if($this->StartsWith($hash, '$P$')) { require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-includes/class-phpass.php'); $ph = new PasswordHash(8, TRUE); return $ph->CheckPassword($password, $hash); } } public function HashPassword($password) { $type = get_option("BallastSecurityHashType"); if($type === false) { //option is not defined add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$BPBK$2048$', "", "yes"); $type = get_option("BallastSecurityHashType"); } if($type === '$BPBK$2048$') { $hash = '$BPBK$2048$'; $salt = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $salt .= chr(rand(0, 256)); } $hash .= base64_encode($salt).'$'.base64_encode($this->BSPBKDF2($password, $salt)); return $hash; } else if($type === '$BPBK$10k$') { $hash = '$BPBK$10k$'; $salt = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $salt .= chr(rand(0, 256)); } $hash .= base64_encode($salt).'$'.base64_encode($this->BSPBKDF2($password, $salt, 10000)); return $hash; } else if($type === '$BPBK$100k$') { $hash = '$BPBK$100k$'; $salt = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $salt .= chr(rand(0, 256)); } $hash .= base64_encode($salt).'$'.base64_encode($this->BSPBKDF2($password, $salt, 100000)); return $hash; } else if($type === '$PBK$2048$') { $hash = '$PBK$2048$'; $salt = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $salt .= chr(rand(0, 256)); } $hash .= base64_encode($salt).'$'.base64_encode($this->PBKDF2($password, $salt)); return $hash; } else if($type === '$PBK$10k$') { $hash = '$PBK$10k$'; $salt = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $salt .= chr(rand(0, 256)); } $hash .= base64_encode($salt).'$'.base64_encode($this->PBKDF2($password, $salt, 10000)); return $hash; } else if($type === '$PBK$100k$') { $hash = '$PBK$100k$'; $salt = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $salt .= chr(rand(0, 256)); } $hash .= base64_encode($salt).'$'.base64_encode($this->PBKDF2($password, $salt, 100000)); return $hash; } else if($type === '$APBK$2048$') { $hash = '$APBK$2048$'; $salt = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $salt .= chr(rand(0, 256)); } $hash .= base64_encode($salt).'$'.base64_encode($this->ARC4PBKDF2($password, $salt)); return $hash; } else if($type === '$APBK$10k$') { $hash = '$APBK$10k$'; $salt = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $salt .= chr(rand(0, 256)); } $hash .= base64_encode($salt).'$'.base64_encode($this->ARC4PBKDF2($password, $salt, 10000)); return $hash; } else if($type === '$APBK$100k$') { $hash = '$APBK$100k$'; $salt = ""; for($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $salt .= chr(rand(0, 256)); } $hash .= base64_encode($salt).'$'.base64_encode($this->ARC4PBKDF2($password, $salt, 100000)); return $hash; } else if($type === '$P$') { require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-includes/class-phpass.php'); $ph = new PasswordHash(8, TRUE); return $ph->HashPassword($password); } } } if (!function_exists('wp_hash_password')) { function wp_hash_password($password) { global $wp_hasher; if ( empty($wp_hasher) ) { $wp_hasher = new BallastPHPHash(); } return $wp_hasher->HashPassword($password); } } if (!function_exists('wp_check_password')) { function wp_check_password($password, $hash, $user_id = '') { //file_put_contents("/var/www/wordpress/hashBWALL", "hash = $hash\n", FILE_APPEND); // commented out by HacKan, seems to be no use; please check if correct global $wp_hasher; $wp_hasher = new BallastPHPHash(); if ( strlen($hash) <= 32 ) { $check = ( $hash == md5($password) ); if ( $check && $user_id ) { wp_set_password($password, $user_id); $hash = wp_hash_password($password); } return apply_filters('check_password', $check, $password, $hash, $user_id); } if(!$wp_hasher->HashUpToDate($hash)) { $check = $wp_hasher->CheckPassword($password, $hash); if($check && $user_id) { wp_set_password($password, $user_id); $hash = wp_hash_password($password); } return apply_filters('check_password', $check, $password, $hash, $user_id); } $check = $wp_hasher->CheckPassword($password, $hash); return apply_filters('check_password', $check, $password, $hash, $user_id); } } function ballastsec_hash_menu() { add_menu_page('Ballast Security Secure Hasher', 'Secure Hasher Configuration', 'add_users','bssh_config', 'display_bssh_config' ); } add_action('admin_menu', 'ballastsec_hash_menu'); function display_bssh_config() { if(isset($_POST['hashtype']) && check_admin_referer('ballastsec_hash-change-type')) { $type = get_option("BallastSecurityHashType"); if($_POST['hashtype'] == "1") { if($type === false) { add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$BPBK$2048$', "", "yes"); } else { update_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$BPBK$2048$'); } } else if($_POST['hashtype'] == "2") { if($type === false) { add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$P$', "", "yes"); } else { update_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$P$'); } } else if($_POST['hashtype'] == "3") { if($type === false) { add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$BPBK$10k$', "", "yes"); } else { update_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$BPBK$10k$'); } } else if($_POST['hashtype'] == "4") { if($type === false) { add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$BPBK$100k$', "", "yes"); } else { update_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$BPBK$100k$'); } } else if($_POST['hashtype'] == "5") { if($type === false) { add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$PBK$2048$', "", "yes"); } else { update_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$PBK$2048$'); } } else if($_POST['hashtype'] == "6") { if($type === false) { add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$PBK$10k$', "", "yes"); } else { update_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$PBK$10k$'); } } else if($_POST['hashtype'] == "7") { if($type === false) { add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$PBK$100k$', "", "yes"); } else { update_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$PBK$100k$'); } } else if($_POST['hashtype'] == "8") { if($type === false) { add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$APBK$2048$', "", "yes"); } else { update_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$APBK$2048$'); } } else if($_POST['hashtype'] == "9") { if($type === false) { add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$APBK$10k$', "", "yes"); } else { update_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$APBK$10k$'); } } else if($_POST['hashtype'] == "10") { if($type === false) { add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$APBK$100k$', "", "yes"); } else { update_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$APBK$100k$'); } } } $type = get_option("BallastSecurityHashType"); if($type === false) { //option is not defined add_option("BallastSecurityHashType", '$BPBK$2048$', "", "yes"); $type = get_option("BallastSecurityHashType"); } $bpk = ""; $bpk10k = ""; $bpk100k = ""; $apk = ""; $apk10k = ""; $apk100k = ""; $pk = ""; $pk10k = ""; $pk100k = ""; $wp = ""; if($type == '$BPBK$2048$') { $bpk = "checked=\"true\""; } else if($type == '$BPBK$10k$') { $bpk10k = "checked=\"true\""; } else if($type == '$BPBK$100k$') { $bpk100k = "checked=\"true\""; } else if($type == '$PBK$2048$') { $pk = "checked=\"true\""; } else if($type == '$PBK$10k$') { $pk10k = "checked=\"true\""; } else if($type == '$PBK$100k$') { $pk100k = "checked=\"true\""; } else if($type == '$APBK$2048$') { $apk = "checked=\"true\""; } else if($type == '$APBK$10k$') { $apk10k = "checked=\"true\""; } else if($type == '$APBK$100k$') { $apk100k = "checked=\"true\""; } else if($type == '$P$') { $wp = "checked=\"true\""; } echo "

Pick your hash type

"; echo "

The larger number of iterations means the longer it will take to process your login credentials, but also mean increased security. The ARC4PBKDF2 with 100000 iterations is the strongest hash here but can take a while to run.

"; echo "
"; if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') ) wp_nonce_field('ballastsec_hash-change-type'); echo " Use Ballast Security's modified PBKDF2 with 2048 iterations
"; echo " Use Ballast Security's modified PBKDF2 with 10000 iterations
"; echo " Use Ballast Security's modified PBKDF2 with 100000 iterations
"; echo " Use the classic PBKDF2 with 2048 iterations
"; echo " Use the classic PBKDF2 with 10000 iterations
"; echo " Use the classic PBKDF2 with 100000 iterations
"; echo " Use the Ballast Security original ARC4PBKDF2 with 2048 iterations
"; echo " Use the Ballast Security original ARC4PBKDF2 with 10000 iterations
"; echo " Use the Ballast Security original ARC4PBKDF2 with 100000 iterations
"; echo " Use default that comes with WordPress
"; echo "
"; echo "
Note: If you want to deactive this plugin, you must change your settings over to use the default, and make sure all your users login in again so their hashes can be converted back.
"; echo "Follow me at bwallHatesTwits or BallastSec"; } ?> //==== END ====