b4it Changelog archive V14-2: + fixed bug with arty ball + fixed bug with turret stick + fixed bug with repair chassis always + fixed bug with get freezes in 6th sense on 1cpu comps V14-1 microfix: + fixed bug, spam errors in log, if disable enemy or ally reload bars changed 7z to zip V14: + add cheat: The shadow of the disappeared enemy + add cheat: Arty the scope of propel fragments = fixed critical bug in reload_info: if XVM and enabled reload_info get down to 10 fps = change reload_info style, add json parameters to reload_info = fixed bug to load json data into target_info = fixed bug in arty to target_info !!! added cpu core support for do big or strong functions, This will reduce the count of delays (freezes) in the dogfight V14-2: + fixed bug with arty ball + fixed bug with turret stick + fixed bug with repair chassis always + fixed bug with get freezes in 6th sense on 1cpu comps V14-1 microfix: + fixed bug, spam errors in log, if disable enemy or ally reload bars changed 7z to zip V14: + add cheat: The shadow of the disappeared enemy + add cheat: Arty the scope of propel fragments = fixed critical bug in reload_info: if XVM and enabled reload_info get down to 10 fps = change reload_info style, add json parameters to reload_info = fixed bug to load json data into target_info = fixed bug in arty to target_info !!! added cpu core support for do big or strong functions, This will reduce the count of delays (freezes) in the dogfight V13: + added "Chameleon" cheat + added "Something was hit" cheat + fixed many bugs = tundra fix start = black sky fix keyboard key to Control+Numpad2 = black sky fix activate on start = add 2 balls model (green and pink) = fix 6th sense sound issue = fix 5th sense disable key activation = fix aimbot bug if disabled, but may work in battle = for all old config be regenerated on first start V12: + Fix compatibility with Protanki + Add old aim bot lportii + Change Tundra + Fix some bugs Autoaim Numpad 0 Black Sky F11 V11: List is to long, will write later all in details. Here Key changes: Optimize 6th sense Fix target info Added laser show only if enemy see for you Added keys Change config, remove many parts and move it in hangar gui Not support protanki now, late may be changed And fix big count founded bugs... V10: + changed config + add Hot Keys + add Tundra functionality: == Hot Key Numpad2 == size in config == auto enable in sniper mode may change in config !!!! Warning! Tundra in arcade mode decrease FPS + Reload cheat changed: == add powerbar to tanks + Spotted intuition: == optimize code, decrease freezes in dogfight == change icons == resize font == change timer 10 -> 12 sec + Add Auto Repair (repair modules, crew health or Automatic Extinguisher) == add Hot Key "Left Alt" to Fast manual repair tracks == in config you may change list to repair and priority == in config may disable use Gold Kit to auto use + Add Info Panel to target == Show installed modules to target == Show real visible distance and Maximum visible distance + Add Laser functionality == add Hot Key "NUMPAD1" To activate\deactivate Lasers + fix some bugs V9: - Edited Laser, disable cast shadow. - Fix 6th sense some issues - Fix 6th sense bug for hide interface (Key V) - Changed config - Resize texture 6th sense - Fix bug "not worked tundra option in config" + Added sound with 6th sense (Rudy The Dog sound when are you spotted) + Added new cheat, when enemy aiming at you shows damage indicator V8 microfix: - Fix crash in Re-enter battle V8: -Add Sixth sense indicator (Sixth sense without perk) and table who spotted you. V7: - Added reload timer for enemy tanks in VehicleMarkers, not support custom XVM markers. - Recreated config + added comments - Lasers bug fixed - Fixed bug with contour autofocus, show only autofocus to priority enemy (small HP, BigDamage) V6: -added lasers V5: -add config file -add Tundra only in Sniper mode -add Area Destructibles in minimap -changed blue sphere to redball model