local _, ns = ... local L = ns.L if ns.LOCALE == "deDE" then L["Hello!"] = "Hallo!" --[[ core localizations and module independent localizations ]] -- slashcmd L["Chat command list for /be & /broker_everything"] = "Chat Befehlesliste für /be & /broker_everything" L["Open the option panel"] = "Öffnet das Fenster Interface" L["Change count of displayed addons in module memory."] = "Ändert die Anzahl anzuzeigender Addons im Modul Speicher." L["Reset all module settings."] = "Setzt alle Moduleinstellungen." L["Switch between global and per character saved settings."] = "Wechselt zwischen globalen und pro Charakter gespeicherten Einstellen." L["List of available modules with his status."] = "Liste zur Verfügung stehender Module mit ihrem Status." L["Enable/disable tooltip scaling."] = "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere Skalierung des Tooltips." -- L["Labels disabled after reload."] = "" -- L["Labels enabled after reload."] = "" L["Showing a maximum of %d addons."] = "Zeigt maximal %d Addons." L["Showing all addons."] = "Zeigt alle Addons." L["Broker_Everything will use the new setting on next reload."] = "Broker_Everything wird die neuen Einstellungen nach dem nächsten Neuladen nutzen." L["Disabling %s on next reload."] = "Deaktiviere %s nach dem nächsten Neuladen." L["Enabling %s on next reload."] = "Aktiviere %s nach dem nächsten Neuladen." -- optionspanel L["Select the listed broker to enable/disable. You must Reload UI for any changes to apply."] = "Wähle die gelisteten Broker zu aktivieren/deaktieren aus. Du musst zum übernehmen der Anderungen das UI neuladen." L["Reloads the UI. You must do this to apply any changes in module activation."] = "Läd das UI neu. Du musst das machen um die Einstellen der Module zu aktivieren." L["Allows you to adjust the display options."] = "Erlaubt dir die Veränderung der Anzeigen Optionen." L["General Options"] = "Allgemeine Optionen" L["Resets the Broker_Everything Defaults and Reloads the UI."] = "Setzt die Einstellungen von Broker_Everything zurück und läd das UI neu." L["Suffix Colouring"] = "Nachsilbenfärbung" L["Enable/Disable Class colouring of the information display suffixes. (eg, ms, fps etc)"] = "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere Nachsilbenfärbung in Klassenfarben. (eg, ms, fps etc)" L["Show Broker Labels"] = "Zeige Broker Name" -- L["Enable/Disable the showing of the data broker labels."] = "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere " L["Use global profile"] = "Nutze globales Profil" -- L["Enable/Disable the showing of a global Broker_Everything profile across all of your characters."] = "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere " L["Tooltip Scaling"] = "Tooltip Skalierung" L["Scale the tooltips with your UIScale. Default is off"] = "Skaliere den Tooltip mit der UI Skalierung. Standard ist Aus." L["Show hints"] = "Zeige Tipps" L["Show hints in tooltips."] = "Zeige Tipps in Tooltips an." L["Module Options"] = "Modul Optionen" L["saved variables have been reset. Sorry for the inconvenience!"] = "Die gespeicherten Daten wurden zurückgesetzt. Tut uns leid für die Unannehmlichkeiten" L["Select none"] = "Keines auswählen" L["Remove all selections from modules"] = "Entfernt Auswahl von allen Modulen" L["Select all"] = "Alle auswählen" L["Select all modules"] = "Wählt alle Module aus." -- misc L["Hint:"] = "Tipp:" L["Addon"] = "Addon" L["All"] = "Alle" L["Alliance"] = "Allianz" -- workaround for missing localizated faction string from BNetToonInfo() and others L["Horde"] = "Horde" L["BattleTag"] = "BattleTag" L["Cfg"] = "Einstellung" L["Character"] = "Charakter" L["Disable"] = "Inaktiv" L["Disabled"] = "Deaktiviert" L["Disabling"] = "Deaktivieren" L["Enable"] = "Aktiv" L["Enabled"] = "Aktiviert" L["Enabling"] = "Akivieren" L["Enemy"] = "Feind" L["Exalted"] = "Ehrfüchtig" L["Faction"] = "Fraktion" L["Friend"] = "Freund" L["Friendly"] = "Freundlich" L["Game"] = "Spiel" L["Hidden"] = "Versteckt" L["Home"] = "Zuhause" L["Honoured"] = "Wohlwollend" L["Info"] = "Info" L["Inn"] = "Gasthaus" L["Level"] = "Stufe" L["Logout"] = "Abmelden" L["Neutral"] = "Neutral" L["None"] = "Nichts" L["Notes"] = "Notizen" L["Online"] = "Online" L["Options"] = "Optionen" L["PVP Flag"] = "PVP Markierung" L["Quit Game"] = "Spiel verlassen" L["Rank"] = "Rang" L["Real ID"] = "Reale ID" L["Realm"] = "Realm" L["Reload UI"] = "UI Neuladen" L["Reset"] = "Zurücksetzen" L["Revered"] = "Respektvoll" L["Shown"] = "Gezeigt" L["Sub-Zone"] = "Unterzone" L["Warning"] = "Warnung" L["World"] = "Welt" L["Zone"] = "Gebiet" L["Click"] = "Klick" L["Left-click"] = "Links-Klick" L["Right-click"] = "Rechts-Klick" L["Shift + Click"] = "Umschalt + Klick" L["Shift + Left-click"] = "Umschalt + Links-Klick" L["Shift + Right-click"] = "Umschalt + Rechts-Klick" L["Ctrl + Click"] = "Strg + Klick" L["Ctrl + Left-click"] = "Strg + Links-Klick" L["Ctrl + Right-click"] = "Strg + Rechts-Klick" L["Alt + Click"] = "Alt + Klick" L["Alt + Left-click"] = "Alt + Links-Klick" L["Alt + Right-click"] = "Alt + Rechts-Klick" L["Active"] = "Aktiv" --[[ modules localizations only ]] -- module: bags L["Bags"] = "Taschen" L["Broker to show total, free and filled amount of bag space."] = "Broker zur Anzeige insgesamt, freier und belegter Anzahl an Taschenplätzen." L["Free slots remaining"] = "Freie Plätze" L["Total Bag slots"] = "Taschenplätze gesamt" L["to open bags."] = "Taschen" L["to switch display mode."] = "Anzeigemodus" L["free"] = "frei" -- module: calendar L["Calendar"] = "Kalender" L["Broker to show if you have any current invitations."] = "Broker zur Anzeige aller aktuellen Einladungen." L["Pending Invites"] = "Ausstehende Einladungen" L["No Invites"] = "Keine Einladungen" L["There are no pending Invitations."] = "Keine ausstehenden Einladungen" L["invitations"] = "Einladungen" L["to open the calendar."] = "Kalender" -- module: clock L["Clock"] = "Uhr" -- L["Broker to show realm or local time."] = "" L["Server Time"] = "Server Zeit" L["Local Time"] = "Lokale Zeit" L["to open the Time manager."] = "Zeitplaner" L["to switch between local and server time."] = "Lokalzeit/Serverzeit" L["to open calendar."] = "Kalender" L["to switch between 12 & 24 hour time."] = "12 Stunden/24 Stunden" L["24 Hour Time"] = "24 Stunden Zeit" -- L["Enable to display the time in 24 hour format; Disable to show as AM/PM"] = "" L["Show Local Time"] = "Zeige lokale Zeit" -- L["Enable to display the local time. Disable to show the realm time."] = "" -- module: currency L["Currency"] = "Abzeichen" -- L["Broker to show if you the amount of different currencies."] = "" -- L["To view or remove a currency in title use:"] = "" -- L["Left-Click (1), Shift-Left-Click (3)"] = "" -- L["Right-Click (2), Shift-Right-Click (4)"] = "" -- module: dualspec L["Dualspec"] = "Duale Spezialisierung" -- L["Broker to show your currently selected spec. If you have a second spec, it is shown in the tool tip, and can be swapped to using this broker."] = "" L["Talents"] = "Talente" L["You have not trained a specialisation."] = "Du hast keine Spezialisierung erlernt." L["to show the talents pane."] = "Talente" L["to switch talents."] = "Talente wechseln." L["You have %d unspent talents."] = "Du hast %d unbenutzte Talente." L["You have %d unspent talent."] = "Du hast %d unbenutzte Talent." L["Unspent talents: %d"] = "Unben. Talente: %d" -- module: durability L["Durability"] = "Haltbarkeit" -- L["Broker to show durability of your gear and estimated repair total."] = "" L["Repair Cost"] = "Reparaturkosten" L["Reputation discounts"] = "Ruf Rabatt" L["to show character info."] = "Charakter-Fenster" -- module: equipment L["Equipment"] = "Ausrüstung" -- L["Broker to show your Equipment Sets. Also allows deleting, equiping and saving of sets."] = "" L["Unknown Set"] = "Unb.-Set" L["Equipment Manager is not enabled."] = "Ausrüstungsmanager ist nicht aktiv." L["Enable Equipment Manager from the Character pane."] = "Aktiviere Ausrüstungsmanager im Charakterfenster." L["You do not have any Equipment Sets."] = "Du hast keine Ausrüstungssets." L["here to open Equipment Manager."] = "Ausrüstungsmanager" L["to equip a set."] = "Set anziehen" L["to update or save a set."] = "Auffrischen/speichern" L["to delete a set"] = "Set löschen" L["No Sets found"] = "Kein Set" -- module: fps -- L["FPS"] = "" L["Broker to show your frames per second."] = "Broker zur Anzeige deiner Bilder pro Sekunden." -- module: friends L["Friends"] = "Freunde" L["Broker to show you which friends are online."] = "Broker zur Anzeige welche deiner Freunde online sind." L["No Friends Online."] = "Freunde abwesend" L["to open the friends roster."] = "Kontakte-Fenster" L["a friend to whisper."] = "Freund flüstern" L["a friend to invite."] = "Freund einladen" -- module: gold -- L["Gold"] = "" -- L["Broker to show gold information. Shows gold amounts for characters on the same realm and faction and the amount made or lost for the session."] = "" L["Gold Information"] = "Gold Informationen" L["Total Gold on"] = "Gesamtes Gold" L["Total Gold"] = "Gesamt Gold" L["Session Statistics"] = "Sitzungsstatistiken" L["Starting Amount"] = "Startmenge" L["Current Amount"] = "Aktuelle Menge" L["Profit / Loss this session"] = "Profit/Verlust dieser Sitzung" L["to show the currency tab."] = "Abzeichen-Fenster" L["to remove entry."] = "Eintrag entfernen" -- module: gps / location / zonetext -- L["GPS"] = "" L["Location"] = "Standort" L["ZoneText"] = "Gebietstext" L["Co-ordinates"] = "Koordinaten" L["Location Information"] = "Standortinformationen" -- L["Broker to show the name of the current Zone and the co-ordinates."] = "" -- L["Broker to show your current co-ordinates within the zone."] = "" L["Broker to show the name of the current zone."] = "Broker zur Anzeige des aktuellen Zonennamens." L["to open the World Map."] = "Weltkarte" L["friendly"] = "Freundlich" L["combat"] = "Kampf" L["arena"] = "Arena" L["hostile"] = "Feindlich" L["contested"] = "Umkämpft" L["sanctuary"] = "Schutzgebiet" -- module: guild L["Guild"] = "Gilde" -- L["Broker to show guild information. Guild members currently online, MOTD, guild xp etc."] = "" L["No Guild"] = "Keine Gilde" L["has come online"] = "ist online gekommen" L["has gone offline"] = "ist offline gegangen" L["No Guild"] = "Keine Gilde" L["Message of the Day"] = "Nachricht des Tages" L["Officer's Notes"] = "Offiziers Notizen" L["icon to open the guild roster."] = "das Symbol = Gildenfenster" L["guild member to whisper."] = "ein Gildenmitglied anflüstern." L["guild member to invite."] = "ein Gildenmitglied einzuladen" L["to hide/show the guild xp details."] = "Gildenerfahrungsdetails anzeigen/verstecken" L["Show Guild XP"] = "Gilden Erfahrung" -- L["Enable/Disable the display of Guild XP in the Guild data broker tooltip."] = "" -- module: latency L["Latency"] = "Latenz" -- L["Broker to show your current latency. Can be configured to show both Home and/or World latency."] = "" L["to toggle class coloring of the suffix."] = "Klassenfarbe Anz." L["to toggle showing Home Latency."] = "Lokale Latenz" L["to toggle showing World Latency."] = "Welt Latenz" L["show home"] = "Zeige Heimat" -- L["Enable/Disable the display of the latency to the home realm"] = "" L["show world"] = "Zeige Welt" -- L["Enable/Disable the display of the latency to the world realms"] = "" -- module: mail L["Mail"] = "Post" -- L["Broker to alert you if you have mail."] = "" L["New Mail"] = "Neue Post" L["No Mail"] = "Keine Post" L["Mail From"] = "Post von" L["Play sound on new mail"] = "Spiele Klang bei neuer Post" L["Enable to play a sound on receiving a new mail message. Default is off"] = "Aktiviert das abspielen eines Klangs bei empfang neuer Post. Standard ist Aus." -- module: mem L["Memory"] = "Speicher" -- L["Broker to show you your addon memory usage."] = "" L["Collecting Garbage..."] = "Sammle Abfall..." L["No addon manager found. Tried OptionHouse, ACP, stAddonManager and Ampere."] = "Kein Addon Manager gefunden. Versuchte OptionHouse, ACP, stAddonManager und Ampere." -- L["Showing top"] = "" L["Memory Usage"] = "Speichernutzung" L["Total Memory in use by Addons"] = "Gesamtere Addon Speichernutzung " L["to open interface options."] = "Interface" L["to open"] = "zum öffnen" L["to collect garbage."] = "Abfall sammeln" L["to open"] = "zum öffnen von" -- L["Select the maximum number of addons to display, otherwise drag to 'All'."] = "" -- module: nameplates L["Nameplates"] = "Namensplaketten" -- L["Broker to allow you to toggle the various nameplates. Eg, friendly or hostile."] = "" L["Friendly Players"] = "Freundlicher Spieler" L["Friendly Pets"] = "Freundliches Tier" L["Friendly Creations"] = "Freundliche Erzeugnisse" L["Friendly Everyone"] = "Jeden freundlichen" L["Hostile Players"] = "Feindliche Spieler" L["Hostile Pets"] = "Feindliche Tiere" L["Hostile Creations"] = "Feindliche Einstellung" L["Hostile Everyone"] = "Feindlich Jeder" L["Companion Names"] = "Begleiternamen" L["Your Own Name"] = "Dein eigener Name" L["Player Titles"] = "Spieler Titel" L["Guild Names"] = "Gildennamen" L["NPC Names"] = "NSC Namen" L["Current Status"] = "Aktueller Status" L["on an option to toggle the Nameplates on or off."] = "auf eine Option um die Namensplaketten an oder ab zu schalten." -- module: speed L["Speed"] = "Tempo" L["How fast are you swimming, walking, riding or flying."] = "Wie schnell bist du im schwimmen, laufen, reiten oder fliegen." -- module: stuff L["Stuff"] = "Zeug" -- L["Broker to allow you to do...Stuff! Switch to windowed mode, reload ui, logout and quit."] = "" -- L["Are you sure you want to Reload the UI?"] = "" L["Toggle Windowed Mode"] = "Fenstermodus umschalten" L["to switch between windowed and fullscreen mode."] = "Umschalt + Links um zwischen Fenster- und Vollbildmodus zu wechseln." L["to reload UI."] = "Benutzeroberfläche neuladen" L["to logout."] = "um ausloggen." L["to quit WoW."] = "zum beenden von WoW." -- L["You have to do the same click TWICE for anything to happen!"] = "" -- module: tracking L["Tracking"] = "Aufspüren" -- L["Broker to show what you are currently tracking. You can also change the tracking types from this broker."] = "" -- L["No tracking currently active."] = "" L["to choose tracking skill."] = "um ein Fehigkeit zu verfolgen." -- module: xp -- L["XP"] = "" -- L["Broker to show your xp. Can be shown either as a percentage, or as values."] = "" L["Til Next Level"] = "Nächste Stufe" L["Rest"] = "Ausgeruht" L["to switch display mode."] = "Anzeigemodus" -- L["Display XP as Absolute Value"] = "" -- L["Select to show XP as an absolute value; Deselected will show it as a percentage."] = "" L["XP gain disabled!"] = "XP erhalt deaktiviert!" end