Released by BamBam to piss off PasiipaZ from <---Add this anywhere in> public void openPlayerShop(Client o){ if(o == null || o.properLogout) return; c.getItems().resetItems(3823); resetShop(o); c.myShopClient = o; c.myShopId = 7390; c.isShopping = true; c.getPA().sendFrame248(3824, 3822); c.getPA().sendFrame126("Welcome to "+o.playerName+"'s shop.", 3901); } public int[] fixArray(int[] array){ int arrayPos = 0; int[] newArray = new int[array.length]; for(int x = 0; x < array.length; x++){ if(array[x] != 0){ newArray[arrayPos] = array[x]; arrayPos++; } } return newArray; } public void fixShop(Client o){ o.playerShop = fixArray(o.playerShop); o.playerShopN = fixArray(o.playerShopN); o.playerShopP = fixArray(o.playerShopP); } public void resetShop(Client o) { synchronized(c) { fixShop(o); for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { if (o.playerShopN[x] <= 0) { o.playerShop[x] = 0; } } int TotalItems = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (o.playerShop[i] > 0) { TotalItems++; } } if (TotalItems > 10) { TotalItems = 10; } c.getOutStream().createFrameVarSizeWord(53); c.getOutStream().writeWord(3900); c.getOutStream().writeWord(TotalItems); int TotalCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < o.playerShop.length; i++) { if (o.playerShop[i] > 0) { if (o.playerShopN[i] > 254) { c.getOutStream().writeByte(255); c.getOutStream().writeDWord_v2(o.playerShopN[i]); } else { c.getOutStream().writeByte(o.playerShopN[i]); } c.getOutStream().writeWordBigEndianA((o.playerShop[i]+1)); TotalCount++; } if (TotalCount > TotalItems) { break; } } c.getOutStream().endFrameVarSizeWord(); c.flushOutStream(); } } /*end of player owned shops*/ <---Add this in under---> String ShopAdd = ""; in public void buyFromShopPrice(int removeId, int removeSlot){ method. if (c.myShopId == 7390 && c.myShopClient != null && !c.myShopClient.playerName.equals(c.playerName)) { c.sendMessage(c.getItems().getItemName(removeId)+": currently costs " + c.myShopClient.playerShopP[removeSlot] + " coins."); return; } else if (c.myShopId == 7390 && c.myShopClient != null && c.myShopClient.playerName.equals(c.playerName)) { c.sendMessage(c.getItems().getItemName(removeId)+": currently costs " + c.playerShopP[removeSlot] + " coins."); return; } <---add this in the public double getItemShopValue(int ItemID, int Type, int fromSlot) under double TotPrice = 0;---> if(c.myShopId == 7390){ return c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot]; } <---Add this in the public boolean buyItem(int itemID, int fromSlot, int amount) method---> if(c.myShopId == 7390 && c.myShopClient != null && !c.myShopClient.properLogout && !c.playerName.equals(c.myShopClient.playerName)){ int bought = 0; int price = c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot]; if(amount > c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]) amount = c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]; for(int x = 0; x < amount; x++){ if(c.getItems().playerHasItem(995, c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot]) && c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0){ c.getItems().deleteItem2(995, c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot]); c.getItems().addItem(c.myShopClient.playerShop[fromSlot], 1); c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]--; c.myShopClient.playerCollect += c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot]; if(c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot] == 0){ c.myShopClient.playerShop[fromSlot] = 0; c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot] = 0; } bought++; }else{ c.sendMessage("Not enought space or money."); break; } } if(bought > 0){ resetShop(c.myShopClient); c.getItems().resetItems(3823);; c.sendMessage("You just bought "+bought+" "+c.getItems().getItemName(itemID)+" for "+ (bought*price) +" gold."); c.myShopClient.sendMessage(c.playerName+" has bought "+bought+" "+c.getItems().getItemName(itemID)+" from you!"); //c.myShopClient.sendMessage("You now have "+c.myShopClient.playerCollect+" coins to collect (::collect)"); } return false; }else if(c.myShopId == 7390 && c.myShopClient != null && !c.myShopClient.properLogout && c.playerName.equals(c.myShopClient.playerName)){ if(amount > c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]) amount = c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]; for(int x = 0; x < amount; x++){ if(c.getItems().freeSlots() > 0){ c.getItems().addItem(c.myShopClient.playerShop[fromSlot], 1); c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot]--; if(c.myShopClient.playerShopN[fromSlot] == 0){ c.myShopClient.playerShop[fromSlot] = 0; c.myShopClient.playerShopP[fromSlot] = 0; fixShop(c); } }else{ c.sendMessage("Not enought space."); break; } } resetShop(c.myShopClient); c.getItems().resetItems(3823); return false; }else if(c.myShopId == 7390){ return false; } <---Add this in the public boolean sellItem(int itemID, int fromSlot, int amount) method---> if(c.myShopId == 7390){ for (int i : Config.ITEM_TRADEABLE) { if(i == itemID) { c.sendMessage("You can't sell this item."); return false; } } if(c.playerName.equals(c.myShopClient.playerName)){ c.sellingId = itemID; c.sellingN = amount; c.sellingS = fromSlot; c.xInterfaceId = 7390; c.outStream.createFrame(27); }else{ c.sendMessage("You can only sell items to your own shop."); } return true; } <---Add this to public void sellToShopPrice(int removeId, int removeSlot) method---> if(c.myShopId == 7390){ c.sendMessage("You choose your price when using Player Owned Shops."); return; } <---Open up and add these.---> public Client myShopClient; public int sellingId; public int sellingN; public int sellingS; public int playerCollect; public int playerShop[] = new int[10]; public int playerShopN[] = new int[10]; public int playerShopP[] = new int[10]; <---Open up and add this.---> if(c.sellingId > 0 && c.sellingN > 0 && c.xInterfaceId == 7390){ for (int i : Config.ITEM_TRADEABLE) { if(i == c.sellingId) { c.sendMessage("You can't sell this item."); c.sellingId = 0; c.sellingN = 0; c.sellingS = 0; return; } } if(c.sellingN > c.getItems().getItemAmount(c.sellingId)) c.sellingN = c.getItems().getItemAmount(c.sellingId); int slot = -1; for(int x = 0; x < 10; x++){ if(c.playerShop[x] == 0){ slot = x; break; } } if(slot == -1){ c.sendMessage("You are only allows to sell 10 items at any time."); c.sellingId = 0; c.sellingN = 0; c.sellingS = 0; return; } if(c.getItems().playerHasItem(c.sellingId, c.sellingN, c.sellingS)){ c.getItems().deleteItem2(c.sellingId, c.sellingN); c.playerShop[slot] = c.sellingId; c.playerShopN[slot] = c.sellingN; c.playerShopP[slot] = Xamount; c.sendMessage("You put your items on sale."); } c.getShops().openPlayerShop(c); c.sellingId = 0; c.sellingN = 0; c.sellingS = 0; return; } <---Add this in under your first getPA().showOption(3, 0, "Attack", 1);---> } else if (!inWild() && !inDuelArena()){ getPA().showOption(3, 0, "View shop", 1); <---Add this to your> if(playerCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("collect")){ if(c.playerCollect > 0){ c.sendMessage("You succesfully collected "+c.playerCollect+" coins."); c.getItems().addItem(995, c.playerCollect); c.playerCollect = 0; }else{ c.sendMessage("You dont have anything to collect"); } } if(playerCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("myshop")){ c.getShops().openPlayerShop(c); } <---Add this to> case 10: if (token.equals("character-shop")) { p.playerShop[Integer.parseInt(token3[0])] = Integer.parseInt(token3[1]); p.playerShopP[Integer.parseInt(token3[0])] = Integer.parseInt(token3[2]); p.playerShopN[Integer.parseInt(token3[0])] = Integer.parseInt(token3[3]); } break; } else if (line.equals("[SHOP]")) { ReadMode = 10; /*SHOP*/ characterfile.write("[SHOP]", 0, 6); characterfile.newLine(); for (int i = 0; i < p.playerShop.length; i++) { if (p.playerShop[i] > 0) { characterfile.write("character-shop = ", 0, 17); characterfile.write(Integer.toString(i), 0, Integer.toString(i).length()); characterfile.write(" ", 0, 1); characterfile.write(Integer.toString(p.playerShop[i]), 0, Integer.toString(p.playerShop[i]).length()); characterfile.write(" ", 0, 1); characterfile.write(Integer.toString(p.playerShopP[i]), 0, Integer.toString(p.playerShopP[i]).length()); characterfile.write(" ", 0, 1); characterfile.write(Integer.toString(p.playerShopN[i]), 0, Integer.toString(p.playerShopN[i]).length()); characterfile.newLine(); } } characterfile.newLine(); That should be it.