I thought you went to bed ages ago <`Osaka> No, I've been writing for about 2 hours solid What is a Paunch? <`Osaka> Please read. <`Osaka> Tummy. <`Osaka> Like a hanging belly. ah the verandah over the toyshop <`Osaka> All Lorath women at breeding age have one. <`Osaka> Regardless of build. <`Osaka> The exception, and only exception, are the more hardcore Fyunnen. and maybe merril :p <`Osaka> Who have marbled abs... And a slight paunch not of fat but of muscle, as the change is beneath, not above the muscle. * Mog shakes DocTomoeBlarg also, `Osaka <`Osaka> I'm trying to give the impression Lorath have narrow shoulders, wide hips and an S-shaped torso, regardless of their age or build or sex. <`Osaka> Yes? we have a thread on /sug/ for queen references <`Osaka> Oh right, we do! <`Osaka> I think she's sufficiently versatile that I should get a good run out of her. I ... mostly used that as a dump ground for my own amusement/fetishes. >>; And ME!ME!ME! <`Osaka> Please tell me what you think of her. I'll take a look * Eistheid reads. <`Osaka> I think its worth saying at this point that Rebeka based her appearance on what she read about "an ideal Xiaah" and I want that to show. I like her hands on approach to lawmaking. Not afraid to get her hands dirty. Ohh <`Osaka> Doc agreed, that it'd work well. <`Osaka> Explaining why she's tall, pale, has the ears. <`Osaka> But not why her proportions are bonkers. Hair Color and Style: Hair! <`Osaka> Hah. Yeah, some things not filled in yet. I am imagining white hair, due to Rebeka parallel. <`Osaka> Mmm. <`Osaka> I'm going to add in somewhere that she's made to look like ancient Xiaah do. She has Tamamo legs. you accidentally unspaced the part for ears <`Osaka> Derp! Yes. Oops! >Luca plays a poker game with De'ala. "Not every day you play Poker with the High Queen of the Lorath..." Fuck she's pretty. >Toppenkekken I do like how she has a soft spot for children too. They're innocent compared to all the other conniving nobles and government officials she has to wade through First line in the about area needs to be corrected, not sure what you intended with it: "De'ala-Uxez serves (Dela-Uxez Adalheidis Tur'lista; born 21 April YE36) is the head monarch and queen of the Lorath Matriarchy." <`Osaka> Fixed and saved the ears bit. <`Osaka> I'm just after a sense of tone atm. I think she's got a good rounding of hobbies as well <`Osaka> Mm. <`Osaka> I think of her as Alice Roosavelt meets Churchill meets Caligula. Caligula Oh god Heh Hopefully she doesn't elect an Ey'tis to senate. <`Osaka> With her aesthetic like a pastel bleached Cleopatra. So far I really like her. A character I'd love to interact with. Same <`Osaka> Good. She's working then. * Eistheid reads her vices and smirks. <`Osaka> And as for Ey'tis... <`Osaka> They're not exactly corgis <`Osaka> But they'll do. Hahaha Heh. LOL <`Osaka> ....? corgis. <`Osaka> I'm English. <`Osaka> How could I not? i like corgis She likes puns Yesss <`Osaka> lol <`Osaka> Yeah, she's a big lover of awful jokes. <`Osaka> Oh! <`Osaka> ESPECIALLY IN OTHER LANGUAGES <`Osaka> WHERE THE PUN'S LINK BECOMES OBSCURE Yesss Oh god "There once was a man from Nantucket..." <`Osaka> "Who tried to make love to a bucket" <`Osaka> "He told his dearest to suck it" <`Osaka> "And when naut came, he threw his arms and announced 'fuck it' ." *chuckling* "Good one!" "I like her.: <`Osaka> Updated her hobbies to include puns and languages. <`Osaka> "So, fancy a go?" "Yaranaika?" balalaika? <`Osaka> "Mm" she started, now unzipping Luca's shirt >He watches his jacket fall to the floor. "You know, you look very similar to someone I know." <`Osaka> "Lorath, by any chance?" she began, other attire soon falling to the floor. She soon had him sat up on a table, herself in the desk chair beneath, lowered as far as she could manage: her face still level with his chest. She soon began setting his knees apart: those long ears twitching as her head disappeared into his lap and a warmth enveloped him: Not for his benefit but strangely, for her's. "Ah..." He said as he felt himself get strawed up for the the High Queen. "Kind of. They're many things, but they're not human or Lorath." <`Osaka> >Her hands soon settled to feel the muscles in his back and his shoulder and how he moved: the strange place his arousal entered changing based on how he held himself until he laid back some: shoulders supported by her hands as she set her head in his lap, eyes watching idly: head perfectly still and her tongue inside, coiled, doing all the work. <`Osaka> "Then they're imitating the aesthetic..." she said about him, her voice husky, purring now to make her rumble about him before dragging him back into that slick furnace: head perfectly still: lips occasionally tightening as if suckling a sweet. For how casual and still she was, the treatment was in was torturously aggressive. <`Osaka> ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrgpZ0fUixs If she had a theme-song. It HAS to be this.) (Oh no. She purrs.) His fingernails dug into the desk as he was practically being drunk, he felt her fingernails against him and this odd sense of ... submission come over him. Maybe it was the sheer weight of the Queen's royal right to rule pervading. Considering things had gone from limericks to tongue lashing so quickly, she was definitely in control. (Oh Mr. Leary!) <`Osaka> >She lifted him clean off the desk: within a few moments, his calves hanging against her shoulder-blades, a single hand supporting him: a thick digit moistened with her own juices invading his body, grinding and teasing over his prostate within as her other fingers played throne, wearing him like a feedbag. "Oh," He said, disappointed "then you know who" He couldn't hide it, his eyes bulged as he was suddenly lifted up. "she - ngh" That long, long finger. "is." She had practice, and he couldn't feel her arm straining to hold him at all, unnaturally still. * Luca wondered just how she was able to keep surprising him. She was not only huge, but so... so fluid and confident with how they did things. <`Osaka> "Of course, of course. I'm flattered, but even I'm copying the same aesthetic. Its quite popular" she said, perfectly casual to him as if she were merely brushing her teeth: purple eyes sparkling up at him as they widened in regal charm -- a cheeky motion of her eyebrows as her digit sank deeper. "I think you..." He searched for a word as his second set of brains was getting drained. "You make it work with confidence and, and," He searched for a word as her finger kept on having its way through him. "Stones." He said in Lorath. <`Osaka> "You're lasting quite a while... You're a credit to your species, Mr. Palvone" she said with the same mispronounciation Aiesu spoke with. It had barely been a minute and she thought that was worth complimenting? <`Osaka> (She's going to be fun to play.) <`Osaka> Added her theme on the page. <`Osaka> Holy shit this will be fun. <`Osaka> Will have to come up with a pic for her. <`Osaka> A look. <`Osaka> Eistheid, you know the aesthetic Rebeka tries for? Queen Delphine meets Sofia. hmmm * Luca nodded in thanks. "H-how long do they usually last?" Mhmm* <`Osaka> http://space-dandy.wikia.com/wiki/Sofia These kinds of ears. <`Osaka> And the attire is like a silvery or ivory take on Egyptian attire. https://38.media.tumblr.com/a2afe76fc3d5dc5ce47e1647f1b0c0f7/tumblr_nhhhws4Aap1r7uexdo1_1280.png suddenly I think of Ragyo Ragyo/Cleopatra... <`Osaka> Ragyo has the eyes I'd want and the jawline. <`Osaka> Nice, Eistheid. Not quite there, but close. <`Osaka> Ragyo would be a good pic to work from for the expression. Sneering or looking cheeky... Though the eyes droop at the sides a little, a bit like... <`Osaka> Ohno from Genshiken <`Osaka> http://chizumatic.mee.nu/images/02290.jpg * Luca wonders how De'ala will react to Seiren ... I like her face. <`Osaka> Yeah. Its Ragyou's grin I think. <`Osaka> Ragyou's grin, Ohno's eyes. <`Osaka> And the same way Ragyou's hair darkens her eyes with shadow. <`Osaka> http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/4/47703/3813201-8215348218-0ec6f2.jpeg <`Osaka> The mismatch between smile and eyes are what'll probably make it. <`Osaka> Calm eyes, lips sneaky and kinda mischevous <`Osaka> If slightly evil And, as demonstrated, she is a VERY powerful monarch. <`Osaka> Mmmm. <`Osaka> She's a woman who doesn't mind having fun at somebody elses' expense. Sure, Luca's met Yui or Hanako once or twice, and he kinda shrugged at them. He may have shook hands with the Sky Marshall and smiled a little... This lady however... An upstanding first meeting... <`Osaka> How do you make code in the wiki?