'; echo '#content{float:left;}'; echo ''; } add_action('wp_head', 'tp_header'); /*********************************************************************************************/ $tp_credit_footer = 'Provided by Project Management Tools, Windows Dedicated Server, Web Design Company '; $tp_credit_footer_HomeOnly = FALSE; /* FALSE or TRUE : TRUE will show only home/front page ( include page 2,3,4... ); FALSE show on every pages */ /* Text:
  • Theme Credit

  • List:
  • Theme Credit

  • mix :
  • Theme Credit

  • $tp_credit_sb_home and $tp_credit_sb_inner : won't show is leave blank '' */ $tp_credit_sb_home = '
  • Theme Credit

  • '; $tp_credit_sb_inner = ''; /*********************************************************************************************/ function theme_credit() { Global $tpinfo, $tp_credit_footer, $tp_credit_sb_home, $tp_credit_sb_inner, $tp_credit_footer_HomeOnly; $current = get_option('templatelite_links'); $hash = '35:110729'; $post_variables = array('blog_home' => get_bloginfo('wpurl'), 'blog_title' => get_bloginfo('name'), 'theme_style' => $tpinfo[$tpinfo['tb_prefix'] . '_stylesheet'], 'theme_id' => '35', 'theme_ver' => '1.01', 'theme_name' => 'Wooden Wall', 'link_footer' => $tp_credit_footer, 'link_sb_home' => $tp_credit_sb_home, 'link_sb_inner' => $tp_credit_sb_inner,); if (!isset($current['time']) || $current['time'] < time() - 172800) $current = FALSE; /*min 48 hours*/ if (!isset($current['hash']) || $current['hash'] != $hash) $current = FALSE; if ($current === FALSE) { $new = array(); $new['time'] = time(); $new['hash'] = $hash; $new['links'] = templatelite_get_links($post_variables); if ($new['links'] === FALSE) { if (!empty($current['links'])) { $new['links'] = $current['links']; } else { $new['links'] = $tp_credit_footer; } } elseif ($new['links'] == '--') { $new['links'] = $tp_credit_footer; } $new['links'] = strip_tags($new['links'], ""); /*make sure only text and link are allow.*/ update_option("templatelite_links", $new); $return_link = $new['links']; } else { $return_link = $current['links']; } if ($tp_credit_footer_HomeOnly === FALSE || (is_home() || is_front_page())) { echo $return_link; } } function templatelite_get_links($post_variables) { if (!class_exists('WP_Http')) include_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-http.php'); $request = new WP_Http; $url = "http://www.templatestats.com/api/api.v2.php"; /*$url="http://templatestats:88/api/api.v2.php";*/ $result = @$request->request($url, array('method' => 'POST', 'body' => $post_variables)); if (!isset($result->errors) && isset($result['response']['code']) && $result['response']['code'] == 200) { return trim($result['body']); } return FALSE; } $tp_sb_show = FALSE; function theme_sb_credit() { global $tp_credit_sb_home, $tp_credit_sb_inner, $tp_sb_show; $tp_sb_show = TRUE; if ((is_home() || is_front_page()) && !empty($tp_credit_sb_home)) { echo $tp_credit_sb_home; } elseif (!empty($tp_credit_sb_inner)) { echo $tp_credit_sb_inner; } } function tp_footer() { global $tp_sb_show, $tp_credit_footer_HomeOnly; if ($tp_credit_footer_HomeOnly === FALSE || (is_home() || is_front_page())) { ob_start(); include TEMPLATEPATH . "/footer.php"; $current = get_option('templatelite_links'); $tp_footer_content = ob_get_clean(); if (($current === FALSE || empty($current['links']) || strpos($tp_footer_content, $current['links']) !== false) && $tp_sb_show == TRUE) { echo $tp_footer_content; } } } add_action('get_footer', 'tp_footer'); ?>