(* A small extension of the code by belisarius in *) (* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6797651/plotting-a-number-line-in-mathematica/6797911#6797911 *) intPlot[ss_, {s_, e_}, ee_] := intPlot[{{ss, {s, e}, ee}}] intPlot[ints : {{_String, {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ}, _String}..}] := With[{min = Min[ints[[All, 2, 1]]], max = Max[ints[[All, 2, 2]]]}, Graphics[Table[ With[{ss = int[[1]], s = int[[2, 1]], e = int[[2, 2]], ee = int[[3]]}, {Red, Thickness[.01], Text[Style[ss, Large, Red, Bold], {s, 0}], Text[Style[ee, Large, Red, Bold], {e, 0}], Line[{{s, 0}, {e, 0}}]}], {int, ints}], Axes -> {True, False}, AxesStyle -> Directive[Thin, Blue, 12], PlotRange -> {{min - .2 Abs@(min - max), max + .2 Abs@(min - max)}, {0, 0}}, AspectRatio -> .1]] (* Examples *) intPlot["[", {3, 4}, ")"] intPlot[{{"(", {1, 2}, ")"}, {"[", {3, 4}, ")"}}]