# bauerbill -S --aur haskell-haskore --> Getting trusted user package lists... WARNING: haskell-haskore does not match any package or group in sync db --> Searching for AUR packages... --> Loading AUR taurball data... --> sourcing /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur/haskell-haskore/PKGBUILD (trusting user: arch-haskell) --> an associated install file was found for haskell-haskore: /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur/haskell-haskore/haskell-haskore.install --> resolving ghc... installed --> resolving haskell-hunit= installed --> resolving haskell-quickcheck... installed --> resolving haskell-array= installed (provided by ghc) --> resolving haskell-bytestring= installed (provided by ghc) --> resolving haskell-containers= installed (provided by ghc) --> resolving haskell-data-accessor<0.3... found in AUR --> resolving haskell-event-list<0.1... unresolvable --> resolving haskell-haskell-src= installed --> resolving haskell-markov-chain<0.1... found in AUR --> resolving haskell-midi<0.2... found in AUR --> resolving haskell-non-negative<0.1... unresolvable --> resolving haskell-parsec= installed --> resolving haskell-process= installed (provided by ghc) --> resolving haskell-random= installed (provided by ghc) --> resolving haskell-transformers<0.3... installed --> resolving haskell-utility-ht<0.1... installed WARNING: unresolved dependencies: haskell-haskore -> haskell-non-negative<0.1 (not found) :: Do you want to ignore the above packages for this operation? [Y/n]