class SearchTree OFFSET = 'a'[0].freeze #bit value? Sets constant at 97, 'a'[0] value attr_accessor :value # 0 -> * # 1 -> - # 2 -> a numeric value to alphabet # 27 -> z def initialize @subtrees = 28, nil ) #New array with 28 nil values @value = nil end def insert( s, value ) priv_insert( s.split( '' ), value ) #splits each character, priv_insert only takes first character end def find( s ) #finds word not in exception priv_find( s.split( '' ) ) #splits word in characters end protected def key( chr ) if chr == '*' #categorie uses * for wildcard 0 elsif chr == '-' #not sure where it is used 1 else rval = chr.downcase[0] - OFFSET + 2 #gets unicode? (value - 97 + 2) if rval < 2 || rval > 27 #if not regular character rval = -1 # ORGINAL AUTHOR - invalid character end rval #a = 97, so key(a) = 2 end end def priv_insert( s, value ) #cycle through each letter in s, till empty, then sets @value if s.empty? #value is nil @value = value else index = key( s.first ) #value of first character, set to index, say s.first = a in (alpha) subtree = if @subtrees[index] == nil #if subtree(2) = nil new search tree with array. @subtrees[index] = else @subtrees[index] #else subtree = @subtree[2], which is an array end #inserts lpha into tree, does same for l, then p, h, a, creating new subtree at each point subtree.priv_insert( s.tail, value ) #tail = all but first digit, inserts tail end end def priv_find( search ) if @subtrees[0] #returns value of 1st value in array. Was previously set to nil initialize @subtrees[0].value #returns actual key word else if search.empty? value else index = key( search.first ) if @subtrees[index] @subtrees[index].priv_find( search.tail ) #tail defined in array, returns all but first digit else #does it use tree to make search faster? ex: if search starts with a, looks for a, then looks for next character in a alone. nil end end end end end