private int cursorToCSV(Cursor cursor, String file) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); int count=0; // loop thru all the records while (cursor.moveToNext()) { // loop thru all the columns for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getColumnCount(); i++) { String column = cursor.getString(i); if (i != 0) out.append(","); out.append(column); // adds a column } out.append("\n"); count++; } // save to a file try { FileOutputStream outStream = context.openFileOutput(file, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); outStream.write(out.toString().getBytes()); outStream.close(); Log.d("Backup", out.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.d("Backup", "Error writing CSV to file: "+file); e.printStackTrace(); } return count; }