surface.CreateFont( "ChatFont", 32, 1600, true, false, "GiantChatFont" ); datastream.Hook( "TiramisuAddToChat", function( handler, id, encoded, decoded ) if !decoded.font then decoded.font = CAKE.ChatFont end if == "IC" then CAKE.Chatbox:AddLine( "" .. decoded.text .. "", ) else CAKE.Chatbox:AddLine( "" .. decoded.text .. "", ) end for i = 0, decoded.text:len() / 255 do MsgN(string.sub( decoded.text, i * 255 + 1, i * 255 + 255 ) ) end end) --Same as above, it is only being sent as a different datastream for it to print properly on console (IE, so that the part is not printed) datastream.Hook( "TiramisuAddToOOC", function( handler, id, encoded, decoded ) local color = decoded.color local playername = local text = decoded.text CAKE.Chatbox:AddLine( "[OOC]".. playername .. ":" .. text .. "", "OOC" ) text = "[OOC]" .. playername .. ": " .. text for i = 0, text:len() / 255 do MsgN(string.sub( text, i * 255 + 1, i * 255 + 255 ) ) end end) local matBlurScreen = Material( "pp/blurscreen" ) local PANEL = {} /*--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:Init() self:SetFocusTopLevel( true ) self.Channels = {} self.Color = CAKE.BaseColor self:ShowCloseButton( false ) self:SetTitle( "" ) self.Height = math.Round(( ScrH() / 3 ) / 10 ) * 10 self.Width = self.Height * 2 self.Alpha = 0 self.Lines = {} self:SetSize( self.Width, self.Height ) self:SetPos( 20, ScrH() - self.Height - 60 ) self.Open = false // This turns off the engine drawing self:SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ) self:SetPaintBorderEnabled( false ) self.PropertySheet = vgui.Create( "DPropertySheet", self ) self.PropertySheet:SetSize( self.Width - 5 , self.Height - 30 ) self.PropertySheet:SetPos( 3, 3 ) self.PropertySheet:SetShowIcons( false ) self.PropertySheet.Paint = function() end self:AddChannel( "All", "All Messages" ) self:AddChannel( "IC", "In Character" ) self:AddChannel( "OOC", "Out Of Character" ) self.TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", self ) self.TextEntry:SetSize( self.Width - 13, 25 ) self.TextEntry:SetPos( 5, self.Height - 30 ) self.TextEntry.Paint = function() if self.Open then draw.RoundedBox( 2, 2, 2, self.TextEntry:GetWide(), self.TextEntry:GetTall(), Color( 50, 50, 50, self.Alpha ) ) self.TextEntry:DrawTextEntryText( Color( 200, 200, 200, 240 ), self.TextEntry.m_colHighlight, self.TextEntry.m_colCursor ) end end self.TextEntry.OnEnter = function() if self.TextEntry:GetValue() != "" then if ( string.sub(self.TextEntry:GetValue(), 1, 1 ) == "@" ) then local exp = string.Explode( " ", self.TextEntry:GetValue()) or {} local command = exp[1] or self.TextEntry:GetValue() table.remove( exp, 1 ) RunConsoleCommand(string.sub( command, 2, string.len(command) ), unpack(exp) ) elseif ( string.sub( self.TextEntry:GetValue(), 1, 1 ) == "!" ) then local exp = string.Explode( " ", self.TextEntry:GetValue()) or {} local command = exp[1] or self.TextEntry:GetValue() table.remove( exp, 1 ) RunConsoleCommand("rp_" .. string.sub( command, 2, string.len(command) ), unpack(exp) ) else if self.TextEntry:GetValue():len() > 600 then datastream.StreamToServer( "TiramisuChatHandling", { ["text"] = string.sub( string.Replace(self.TextEntry:GetValue(), "\"", "'"), 1, 600 ) } ) else datastream.StreamToServer( "TiramisuChatHandling", { ["text"] = string.Replace(self.TextEntry:GetValue(), "\"", "'") } ) end end self.TextEntry:Clear() self:Close() else self.TextEntry:Clear() self:Close() end end self.TextEntry.Clear = function() self.TextEntry:SetValue("") self.TextEntry:SetCaretPos( 0 ) end end --Adds a tab to the chatbox. Can be done while the chatbox is open. function PANEL:AddChannel( name, description ) if !self.Channels[ name ] then local panel = vgui.Create( "DPanelList" ) panel:EnableVerticalScrollbar(true) panel.Paint = function() draw.RoundedBox( 4, 0, 0, panel:GetWide(), panel:GetTall(), Color( 50, 50, 50, self.Alpha ) ) if panel.VBar and panel.VBar.Enabled then panel.VBar:SetVisible( self.Open ) end end self.Channels[ name ] = panel self.PropertySheet:AddSheet( name, panel, "", false, false, description or name ) self.PropertySheet:InvalidateLayout( true, true ) for _,item in pairs( self.PropertySheet.Items ) do item.Tab.Paint = function() if ( item.Tab:GetPropertySheet():GetActiveTab() == item.Tab ) then draw.RoundedBox( 2, 0, 0, item.Tab:GetWide() - 8, item.Tab:GetTall(), Color( 40, 40, 40, self.Alpha ) ) item.Tab:SetTextColor( Color( 170, 170, 170, self.Alpha ) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 2, 1, 1, item.Tab:GetWide() - 9, item.Tab:GetTall() - 1, Color( 90, 90, 90, self.Alpha )) item.Tab:SetTextColor( Color( 170, 170, 170, self.Alpha ) ) end end if ( item.Tab.Image ) then item.Tab.Image:SetVisible( false ) end end end end --Adds a line to a particular channel. If no channel is specified it simply becomes global. function PANEL:AddLine( text, channel ) local label = MarkupLabel( text, self.Width - 25 ) local number = #self.Lines + 1 self.Lines[ number ] = {} self.Lines[ number ][ "panel" ] = label self.Lines[ number ][ "timestamp" ] = CurTime() self.Channels[ "All" ]:AddItem( label ) if channel then self:AddChannel( channel ) label = MarkupLabel( text, self.Width - 25 ) local number = #self.Lines + 1 self.Lines[ number ] = {} self.Lines[ number ][ "panel" ] = label self.Lines[ number ][ "timestamp" ] = CurTime() self.Channels[ channel ]:AddItem( label ) end timer.Simple( 0.1, function() if channel then if self.Channels[ channel ] and self.Channels[ channel ].VBar then self.Channels[ channel ].VBar:SetScroll( 999999 ) end end if self.Channels[ "All" ].VBar then self.Channels[ "All" ].VBar:SetScroll( 999999 ) end end) end /*--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------*/ --Doesn't actually close the chatbox, simply hides it. function PANEL:Close() self.Open = false self:SetKeyboardInputEnabled(false) self:SetMouseInputEnabled(false) gui.EnableScreenClicker( false ) LocalPlayer( ):ConCommand( "rp_closedchat" ) end /*--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:OpenChat() if !self.Open then self.Open = true self:SetKeyboardInputEnabled(true) self:SetMouseInputEnabled(true) self:MakePopup() self.TextEntry:RequestFocus() gui.EnableScreenClicker( true ) LocalPlayer( ):ConCommand( "rp_openedchat" ) end end /*--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------*/ --Calculations to determine which lines fade out. local linetbl = {} function PANEL:Think() if self.Lines and !self.Open then for k, v in pairs( self.Lines ) do if v[ "timestamp" ] + 10 < CurTime() then v[ "panel" ]:SetAlpha( Lerp( 0.05, v[ "panel" ]:GetAlpha() , 0 ) ) end end else for k, v in pairs( self.Lines ) do v[ "panel" ]:SetAlpha( 255 ) end end if self.Open and input.IsKeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) then self:Close() end end local x, y local lastpos local color --Handles the whole drawing part. function PANEL:Paint() if !self.Alpha then self.Alpha = 0 else if !self.Open then self.Alpha = Lerp( 0.2, self.Alpha, 0 ) else self.Alpha = Lerp( 0.2, self.Alpha, 150 ) end end x, y = self:ScreenToLocal( 0, 0 ) lastpos = 0 color = self.Color or CAKE.BaseColor or Color( 100, 100, 115, 150 ) // Background surface.SetMaterial( matBlurScreen ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, self.Alpha or 0 ) matBlurScreen:SetMaterialFloat( "$blur", self.Alpha or 0 / 50 ) render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() surface.DrawTexturedRect( x, y, ScrW(), ScrH() ) if ( self.m_bBackgroundBlur ) then Derma_DrawBackgroundBlur( self, self.m_fCreateTime ) end surface.SetDrawColor( color.r, color.g, color.b, self.Alpha or 0 ) surface.DrawRect( x, y, ScrW(), ScrH() ) surface.SetDrawColor( 50, 50, 50, math.Clamp( self.Alpha or 0 - 50, 0, 255 ) ) for i = 1, self:GetWide() / 5 * 2 do surface.DrawLine( ( i * 5 ), 0, 0, ( i * 5 ) ) end // Pretentious line bullshit :P x = math.floor( self:GetWide() / 5 ) y = math.floor( self:GetTall() / 5 ) // and some gradient shit for additional overkill for i = 1, ( y + 5 ) do surface.SetDrawColor( math.Clamp( color.r - 50, 0, 255 ), math.Clamp( color.g - 50,0, 255 ), math.Clamp( color.b - 50, 0, 255 ), Lerp( i / ( ( y + 5 ) ), 0 , self.Alpha or 0 ) ) surface.DrawRect( 0, ( i * 5 ) , self:GetWide(), 5 ) end // Border surface.SetDrawColor( math.Clamp( color.r - 50, 0, 255 ), math.Clamp( color.g - 50,0, 255 ), math.Clamp( color.b - 50, 0, 255 ), self.Alpha or 0 ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, self:GetWide(), self:GetTall() ) return true end function PANEL:PerformLayout() end function PANEL:IsActive() if ( self:HasFocus() ) then return true end if ( vgui.FocusedHasParent( self ) ) then return true end return false end /*--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:OnMousePressed() self:OpenChat() end vgui.Register( "TiramisuChatBox", PANEL, "DFrame") function chat.AddText(...) --Overriding default chat text entry end hook.Add("PlayerBindPress", "TiramisuChatOverride", function(ply, bind, pressed) if string.find( bind, "messagemode" ) or string.find( bind, "messagemode2" ) then CAKE.Chatbox:OpenChat() return true end end) usermessage.Hook( "TiramisuInitChat", function( um ) gamemode.Call( "StartChat" ) gamemode.Call( "FinishChat" ) if !CAKE.ChatBox then CAKE.Chatbox = vgui.Create( "TiramisuChatBox" ) CAKE.Chatbox:Init() end end)