prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 45,2,2,{ if( strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster( getcharid(2) ) || !getcharid(2) ){ mes "Only Guild Master of a Guild can use this features."; }else{ mes "Are you sure about this ?"; mes "And you need "+.Amount+" x "+getitemname( .ItemID )+" to use his feature."; if( countitem( .ItemID ) > .Amount ) close; next; if( select("Yes:No") == 1 ){ mes "Please enter the New Guild Master name."; mes "That person must be Online + Member of your guild."; do{ input .@Name$; }while( getcharid( 2,.@Name$ ) != getcharid(2) || !isloggedin( 3,.@Name$ ) ); next; mes "Your Guild Leader changed."; guildchangegm( getcharid(2),.@Name$ ); } close; OnInit: set .ItemID,7539; set .Amount,1; end; }