import java.util.Scanner; public class SpamFilterDriver { private static SpamFilter filter; private static final String FILENAME = "SpamFilter.obj"; private static final float SPAM_RATIO = (float) 0.05; static Scanner input = new Scanner(; /** * Main method. It calls the menu() method to obtain the user's selection * and then makes a decison based upon the user's selection. * @param args * Standard main method parameter, unused. */ public static void main(String[] args) { boolean loop = true; while(loop) { char selection = menu(); switch(selection) { case 'C': checkEmail(); break; case 'I': insertWord(); break; case 'R': removeWord(); break; case 'S': searchWord(); break; case 'Q': loop = false; break; default: System.out.println("Invalid Selection!\n\n"); break; } } } /** * Prints a menu and asks for a user's selection * @return * returns the user's selection. */ private static char menu() { System.out.print("Welcome to the Spaminator\nPlease select an option:\n\n" + "C: Check Email\nI: Insert Word\nR: Remove Word\nS: Search For Word\n" + "Q: Quit\n\nSelection:"); String temp = input.nextLine().trim(); if (temp.length() == 1) { char answer = temp.charAt(0); answer = Character.toUpperCase(answer); return answer; } else return 'z'; // arbitrary invalid selection } /** * Searches for a specified word in the hash table and prints a message * that lets the user know if the word is or is not in the table. */ private static void searchWord() { System.out.print("Word to find: "); String checkMe = input.nextLine(); boolean isFound = filter.isBadWord(checkMe); if(isFound) System.out.println(checkMe + " is a bad word"); else System.out.println(checkMe + "was not found in the list of bad words"); } /** * Removes a word from the hash table. If the element to be removed is not * found, it prints an error message instead. */ private static void removeWord() { System.out.print("Word to remove: "); String removeMe = input.nextLine(); try { filter.remove(removeMe); System.out.println(removeMe + " was successfully rmoved from the list" + " of bad words."); } catch (ElementNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Inserts a word into the hash table. */ private static void insertWord() { System.out.print("Word to insert: "); String insertMe = input.nextLine(); filter.insert(insertMe); System.out.println(insertMe + " added successfully!"); } private static void checkEmail() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } private static void loadFilter() { //TODO } private static void saveFilter() { //TODO } }