--[[ _____ _ _ _ _____ __ __ | __ \ | | (_) | | __ \ \ \ / / | |__) |___ _ __ | |_ _| | ___| |__) |___ \ V / | _ // _ \ '_ \| __| | |/ _ \ _ // _ \ > < | | \ \ __/ |_) | |_| | | __/ | \ \ __// . \ |_| \_\___| .__/ \__|_|_|\___|_| \_\___/_/ \_\ | | |_| Name: Relog To The Next Character Author: ReptileReX Version: 1.0.0 --]] -- Your account name, its needed to use connect() function local accountName = "account1" -- Your account password, its needed to use connect() function local accountPass = "password123" -- List of your characters to login as lua table -- Make sure that actual character name is also included below local characters = {"Character One", "Character Two", "Character Three"} -- Actual character name local actualCharacter = name -- Next character name to login local nextCharacter = nil -- Logout your character until you are not connected while (connected == true) do if (battlesigned == false) then logout() end updateworld() wait(1500, 2000) end -- Getting a name of your next character and store it in variable -- When there isn't next character then store "nil" value for i, nextName in pairs(characters) do if (nextName == actualCharacter) then nextCharacter = characters[i + 1] or nil break end end -- Login to your next character until you are connected -- Only when nextCharacter is not equal to nil value if (nextCharacter ~= nil) then while (connected == false) do connect(accountName, accountPass, nextCharacter) updateworld() wait(1500, 2000) end end -- We are updating all bot variables (i.e name, connected) updateworld()