--[[ Author: TheOriginalBIT Version: 1.0 Created: 13 Dec 2012 Last Update: 13 Dec 2012 License: COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright © 2012-2013 Joshua Asbury a.k.a TheOriginalBIT [theoriginalbit@gmail.com] Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -Visible credit is given to the original author. -The software is distributed in a non-profit way. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]]-- --[[ Variables you may change ]] saplingSlot = 1 bonemealSlot = 2 -- This is only compatible with TurtleOS 1.4 and above woodSlot = 3 -- This is just starting dig slot, used to compare deployBonemealSide = "bottom" --[[ Should be: any side without peripheral or the front. Must have wire connecting to something that can deploy bonemeal i.e. RedPower Deployer This setting is for TurtleOS 1.3 only. ]] retainItems = false -- For TurtleOS 1.3 compatibilit itemDropOffSide = "left" --[[ Should be: left, right, up, down, back (cannot be front as thats where tree must grow) For TurtleOS 1.4 can be chest or RedPower Relay, etc, 1.3 must be something such as Buildcraft obsidian pipe or transposer NOT directly infront ]] --[[ Program Code Note: Anything you change beyond this point may cause undesireable effects. I (TheOriginalBIT) in no way take responsibility for any damage done by misuse or changing of this code. But please do feel free to change if you wish. ]] tArgs = {...} local function checkInventory() x, y = term.getCursorPos() while turtle.getItemCount(saplingSlot) == 0 do term.setCursorPos(x,y) print("Waiting for saplings in slot 1") sleep(0.1) end end local function place(slot) turtle.select(slot) turtle.place() end local function deployBonemeal() rs.setOutput(deployBonemealSide, true) sleep(0.1) rs.setOutput(deployBonemealSide, false) end local function waitForSaplingGrowth() turtle.select(saplingSlot) x, y = term.getCursorPos() if (turtle.getItemCount(saplingSlot) == 0) then print("No sapling to compare to.\nNo way to check growth.\nQuiting") error() end while turtle.compare() do if (turtle.getItemCount(bonemealSlot) > 0) then if (osVersion >= 1.4) then place(bonemealSlot) elseif (osVersion == 1.3) then deployBonemeal() end turtle.select(saplingSlot) end term.setCursorPos(x,y) print("Waiting for sapling to grow.") sleep(0.1) end print("Sapling has grown.") end local function forward() turtle.select(woodSlot) turtle.dig() if (not turtle.forward() and not turtle.detect()) then print("I think I'm out of fuel and for OS compatibility reasons I cant check.") error() end end local function up() turtle.select(woodSlot) while turtle.compareUp() do turtle.digUp() if (not turtle.up() and not turtle.detectUp()) then print("I think I'm out of fuel and for OS compatibility reasons I cant check. On next run usage: "..shell.getRunningProgram().." home") error() end sleep(0.1) end if (turtle.detectUp()) then -- this makes sure the top leaves are removed to allow big tree growth turtle.digUp() end end local function removeTree() print("Removing tree.") forward() up() end local function returnHome() while not turtle.detectDown() do if (not turtle.down()) then print("I think I'm out of fuel and for OS compatibility reasons I cant check. On next run usage: "..shell.getRunningProgram().." home") error() end sleep(0.1) end if (not turtle.back()) then print("I think I'm out of fuel and for OS compatibility reasons I cant check. On next run usage: "..shell.getRunningProgram().." home") error() end end local function emptyInventory() for i = 1, tonumber(slotCount), 1 do if (i ~= saplingSlot or (osVersion == 1.3 and i ~= bonemealSlot)) then turtle.select(i) turtle.drop() end end end local function dropOffItems() if (itemDropOffSide == "up") or (itemDropOffSide == "down") then emptyInventory() return end funcTo = turtle.turnLeft funcBack = turtle.turnRight if (itemDropOffSide == "right") then funcTo = turtle.turnRight funcBack = turtle.turnLeft end if (itemDropOffSide == "back") then funcTo() end funcTo() emptyInventory() if (itemDropOffSide == "back") then funcFrom() end funcFrom() end local function run() while true do checkInventory() place(saplingSlot) if (osVersion >= 1.4) then place(bonemealSlot) elseif (osVersion == 1.3) then deployBonemeal() end waitForSaplingGrowth() -- This is just incase its out of bonemeal removeTree() returnHome() if (not retainItems) then dropOffItems() end sleep(0.1) end end if (not turtle) then print("Sorry but this can only run on a turtle.") return end osVersion = os.version() osVersion = tonumber(string.sub(osVersion, string.len(osVersion) - 3, string.len(osVersion))) print("Running on TurtleOS "..osVersion) if (osVersion < 1.3) then print("Unable to run on this OS. Requires TurtleOS 1.3 or higher.") return elseif (osVersion > 1.4) then print("Sorry TurtleOS "..osVersion.." is not supported by this version. Please check for an update.") return end if ((#tArgs == 1) and (tArgs[1] == "home")) then returnHome() elseif ((#tArgs == 1) and (tArgs[1] ~= "home")) then print("Usage: "..shell.getRunningProgram()) print("Usage: "..shell.getRunningProgram().." home") return end term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) slotCount = 9 if (osVersion == 1.4) then slotCount = 16 write("Have you put fuel in me? ") answer = read() if (tolower(answer) ~= "yes") then print("\nPlease refuel me and run again.") return end end print(slotCount) run()