INFO:dialog:reply_from_caller: terminating dialog ( due to timeout ) with callid = [0df05f944f6e16a9af6fbfa61f57026e@] | | 0 opensips internally generated BYE | | ERROR:tm:t_uac: attempt to send to 'sips:user1@87.193.x.x:54120;transport=tls' failed | | ERROR:tm:msg_send: tcp_send failed | | ERROR:core:tcp_send: connect failed | | ERROR:core:tcpconn_connect: tcp_blocking_connect failed | | ERROR:core:tcp_blocking_connect: timeout 10 s elapsed from 10 s | | INFO:core:init_sock_keepalive: -- TCP keepalive enabled on socket | | INFO:core:probe_max_sock_buff: using snd buffer of 255 kb | | 0 opensips internally generated BYE | | ERROR:tm:t_uac: attempt to send to 'sips:user1@87.193.x.x:54120;transport=tls' failed | | ERROR:tm:msg_send: tcp_send failed | | ERROR:core:tcp_send: connect failed | | ERROR:core:tcpconn_connect: tcp_blocking_connect failed | | ERROR:core:tcp_blocking_connect: timeout 10 s elapsed from 10 s | | INFO:core:init_sock_keepalive: -- TCP keepalive enabled on socket | | INFO:core:probe_max_sock_buff: using snd buffer of 255 kb | | CRITICAL:dialog:unref_dlg: bogus ref -1788757169 with cnt 1 for dlg 0x7fe915eccd30 [0:0] with clid '' and tags 'EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA' '' | | 0 opensips internally generated BYE | | ERROR:tm:t_uac: attempt to send to 'sips:user1@87.193.x.x:55688;transport=tls' failed | | ERROR:tm:msg_send: tcp_send failed | | ERROR:core:tcp_send: connect failed | | ERROR:core:tcpconn_connect: tcp_blocking_connect failed | | ERROR:core:tcp_blocking_connect: timeout 10 s elapsed from 10 s | | INFO:core:init_sock_keepalive: -- TCP keepalive enabled on socket | | INFO:core:probe_max_sock_buff: using snd buffer of 255 kb | | 0 opensips internally generated BYE | | ERROR:tm:t_uac: attempt to send to 'sips:user2@80.187.x.x:33460;transport=tls' failed | | ERROR:tm:msg_send: tcp_send failed | | ERROR:core:tcp_send: connect failed | | ERROR:core:tcpconn_connect: tcp_blocking_connect failed | | ERROR:core:tcp_blocking_connect: timeout 10 s elapsed from 10 s | | INFO:core:init_sock_keepalive: -- TCP keepalive enabled on socket | | INFO:core:probe_max_sock_buff: using snd buffer of 255 kb |