import java.util.LinkedList; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import; import java.awt.image.RasterFormatException; public class SpriteSheet { // What we're going to store the images in private BufferedImage[] images; // Holds the location of our sprites private URL loc; // The image we'll grab our sprites from private BufferedImage sprites; // Tile size of each image private int tileSizeX; private int tileSizeY; // Tiles in the image private int xTiles; private int yTiles; SpriteSheet(String sourceLoc, int tX, int tY) { try { // Find where our resources are stored loc = this.getClass().getResource(sourceLoc); }catch(Exception e) { // Some error handling System.out.println(sourceLoc + " is missing."); e.printStackTrace(); } try { // Get our resources from the URL sprites =; }catch(Exception e) { // Some error handling System.out.println("Image missing or corrupted."); e.printStackTrace(); } // Amount of tiles in the x and y directions xTiles = tX; yTiles = tY; // Array stores the images after they're split up // The size is the amount of x tiles and y tiles (area) images = new BufferedImage[xTiles * yTiles]; // Figure out the size of the tiles tileSizeX = sprites.getWidth()/xTiles; tileSizeY = sprites.getHeight()/yTiles; // Do the actual splitting of the image into the array loadSprites(); } // Gets the instance of the spritesheet public BufferedImage[] getSpritesheet() { return images;} private void loadSprites() { BufferedImage temp; for(int x = 0, y = 0, i = 0; ; x += tileSizeX) { temp = null; System.out.println((sprites.getWidth() - x) + ", " + (sprites.getHeight() - y )); try { temp = sprites.getSubimage(x, y, x + tileSizeX, y + tileSizeY); }catch(RasterFormatException e) { System.out.println("Tile size is wrong, out of bounds."); } // Add the image to the array images[i] = temp; // Should stop the loop from getting outside the raster if( i + 1 == images.length) { break; } // Makes the loop jump to the next row to load new images if(i == xTiles) { y += tileSizeY; x = 0; } i++; } } }