We would like you to write a Windows application for an “air freight” company. This application should compute the shortest straight-line (segmented) route from Albany to a series of delivery locations, input via a text file, and then back to Albany. The user should be able to view the progress of the computation and cancel it at any time. Use threading. The user interface should show a simple map of the best route. Some test data is included below. You are encouraged to use an algorithm that tests all permutations for the shortest route calculation. Computationally, this will probably limit the reasonable input set to 10-12 cities. You may assume 1 degree latitude = 1 degree longitude and a flat earth. We would like you to demonstrate inheritance by deriving your city class from a “coordinates” class. All code for this project must be your own unless you explicitly state exceptions and provide references. For example, an algorithm that iterates through all permutations may be non-trivial. We expect you should be able to complete this in an evening or two. Track your hours and send us what you have after no more than 6-10 hours effort. The remaining requirements for this application are left intentionally vague. If there are portions of this test that you cannot complete due to of a lack of expertise or time, feel free to improvise. For example, if you do not have adequate threading skills, feel free to skip that portion of the requirement. There is no need for you to contact me for additional clarifications, or to ask permission to address the problem in a certain way. Use your best judgment. The point of this exercise is to allow you to demonstrate your skills to us, not to schedule a real-world flight. Deliverables: * Windows executable (written in Visual C#/WPF) * All source code and development files needed to rebuild the executable. * Accounting of hours spent (e.g. 3hrs Fri., 4hrs Sun.) We will be grading: * Code structure / maintainability * Object oriented programming technique * Threading technique * User interface design * Your approach to the permutations algorithm