Official IRC rules for #agario (PERMANENT) ---------------------- |Channel Rules| ---------------------- 1. Be respectful to others. This means no racism, no religious prejudices, and please do not slap them. 2. Do NOT spam/flood the channel. 3. Ask a channel ADMIN before bringing your own bot to the channel. 4. Do NOT ask to be a channel Operator/Admin/Owner/Half-Operator/VIP or a moderator on the subreddit. 5. Do NOT post malicious links, illegal software, advertisements, furry related images, cheats/hacks, or random gibberish in the chat.* 6. Do NOT advertise other channels non-related to #agario. (Exceptions: Rizon related IRC channels, #dontjoinitsatrap) 7. Do NOT post shortened URLs in the chat. 8. If you post an IP to a server, or a party link, you're playing on ONLY POST IT ONCE, unless asked. 9. Do NOT mass highlight/nickalert people. 10. Do NOT impersonate channel VIPs, channel Half-Operators, channel Operators, channel Admins, /r/agario mods, Rizon Staff, or YouTubers. 11. Speak only English in the chat. 12. Do NOT ask for or post nude images/skins in the chat. Minors play this game too. 13. Do NOT ask channel staff why they kicked or banned someone other than you, also, do NOT ask them to unban someone other than yourself. 14. Nobody wants to see your crappy gameplay videos. 15. This is not an RP (roleplay) channel. Don't treat it as such. Occasional actions are fine, but do not over do it. 16. DON'T CHANGE TOPIC WITHOUT PERMISSION ELSE KICK. 17. DON'T CHANGE SOMEONE'S POSITION ELSE KICK/BAN. *Ask channel ADMINS before advertising clans. We will either say yes or no, usually without reason. Do NOT ask for a reason and do NOT ask again after we say no. If we say yes you are only allowed to advertise the name of the clan and tell people to PM you for more info. Disobedience will result in your entire clan being added to the auto-kick/ban list. --Note: If you fail in reading these rules and break a rule it is your fault. You are responsible for your actions whether you know it's allowed or not. The punishment for the infraction is all in the decision of the staff member taking action. -------------------- -- [Special Note] -- -------------------- If an ADMIN says something isn't allowed, it ISN'T allowed. Creating a wormhole by saying "oh it's not in the rules so it's allowed" will earn you a semi-permanent ban. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- |Unbans| --------------- All bans are automatically removed after the specified time set by a channel ADMIN. If you want to be unbanned message any channel staff, answer all questions they ask honestly, if you don't we won't know who to unban. Take note that we do NOT have to remove your ban, and if you demand that we do remove your ban you won't be removed until UnbanBot removes it. -To Channel Staff: --Do not remove the bans that aren't yours unless you KNOW the EXACT reason the person was banned. ---Exceptions: The channel's Ban List is full. -------------------------- |Official Channels| -------------------------- #agario (Main channel for discussion/support for #agariomods (Main channel for discussion about any and all mods/bots for, this is NOT a support channel) #agarioevents (Main channel for official /r/Agario party events) #LDShadowLady (Main channel for CHATTING) --Note: Any channel that is not on the above list is not an official channel in the eyes of /r/agario mods. --------------------- |Channel Bots| --------------------- Cell (Network Service Bot) Trivia (Q/A GAME) UNOBot (CARD GAME) Internets (FOR SEARCHING THINGS) ChanStat (LOGS) ------------------------ |Channel VIPs| ------------------------ People who say they are an #agario VIP, but are not in this list are lying and impersonating channel VIPs. ------------ Voice|+v|+ ------------ Trivia Quotes ---------------------- |Channel Staff| ---------------------- People who say they are apart of the #agario staff, but are not in this list are lying and impersonating channel staff. ------------------- Half-Operators|+h|% ------------------- UNOBot Internets -------------- Operators|+o|@ -------------- xerox123mobile xerox123 Winz iDecapZX ----------- Admins|+a|& ----------- Amber ChanStat Cell Twisty [GER]Jan Aarayan1 ----------- Owners|+qo|~ ----------- Lighting