----------------------- --Programs you'll need-- ----------------------- VTF Edit - http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=41 XVI32 - http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm#download ----------------------------- --Downloading and renaming-- ----------------------------- Once you've downloaded the Blockheads from the Workshop make sure that the darkstar folder exist in both the SourceFilmmaker/game/workshop/models directory and SourceFilmmaker/game/workshop/materials/models directory Go to the darkstar folder in the workshop/models directory, copy and paste all 3 of the files into the same folder, rename the files to have a name with the same amount of characters as the default files (so 11 characters only), but do not remove the .dx90 from the VTX file, for example, you can use the name myblockhead ----------------------- --XVI32 and renaming-- ----------------------- Here's where XVI32 comes in handy, open the myblockhead MDL file with 'Hex Editor XVI32', then press Ctrl and R to bring up the Replace dialog box, set 'Find' to 'Text string', and in the box below, type 'dsblockhead.mdl', then set 'Replace with' to 'Text string' and type into the box below it 'myblockhead.mdl' and then click 'Replace All' then click OK on the window that appears next Then press Ctrl and F to bring up the 'Find' dialog box and search for 'Blockhead', look for the Blockhead entry that's between the entries labeled 'EyesMouth' and 'Business' Go to the top of XVI32's window and click on Tools and ensure that 'Overwrite' is checked, then click the 'B' in 'Blockhead' and type in a name that's 9 characters long, for example, Myblokhed, then save and close the window -------------------------------------- --Making your skin and using VTF Edit-- -------------------------------------- Now we will move on to the textures and using VTF Edit, first, download this archive file https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xgi4hzybxsb7ad/BL%20SFM%20Skin%20example.zip Extract the files anywhere on your computer, to edit the files, you can use any image editor that can save PNGs such as Paint.NET, Gimp, or Photoshop You can edit the file called 'Blockhead Template NEW' and color in the boxes with colors that correspond to that part of your Blockhead, and for convinience, i've included an image of Blockland's default colorset so you can have easy access to colors used by Blockland (transparent colors not included), also feel free to look at the example to see how your skin should look once you are done (minus the text over your body parts, obviously) Once your texture is complete, open/import it with VTF Edit, a 'VTF Options' dialog box will appear, in the General tab, set the Normal and Alpha formats to BGR888 and make sure Texture Type is set to 'Animated Texture' and that 'Generate Normal Map' is disabled In the Advanced tab, set the Version to 7.4 and click OK on the bottom right, once your texture appears, in the Flags list on the bottom left, enable 'No Mipmap', 'No Level Of Detail', and 'No Minimum Mipmap', you can then save the VTF file in the SourceFilmmaker/game/workshop/materials/models/darkstar directory as Myblokhed, then copy and paste the blockhead VMT file in the same folder and rename the copy to Myblokhed Open up the Myblokhed VMT file with VTF Edit and change 'blockhead' in the file path for $basetexture to Myblokhed, then save and close the window By the way, there is no case sensitivity, i just wanted to keep the 'Myblokhed' example consistent ------------------------ --Spawning your model-- ------------------------ Your model should now be able to be spawned in SFM by clicking the [+] (add) button on the upper left corner and clicking 'Create Animation Set for New Model' and browsing to the workshop/models/darkstar directory and selecting myblockhead.mdl ---------------------------------------------------------- --HALP MY GAEM IS CRASHING WHEN I SPAWN TEH MODEL-- ---------------------------------------------------------- To solve this problem, i'd usually check the model files to see if they're all spelled the same, i check the MDL file for spelling errors, i check the VTF and VMT files for spelling errors, and if everything appears to be in working order and it still crashes, i'd usually blame Source for no reason and go back to trying to fix it or redo it all over again another time when i'm feeling up to it