require "rubygems" begin require "rbosa" rescue "You don't have RubyOSA. That's okay but won't be able to automatically activate Excel for screenshots." end def capture_xls(xls, png) `open #{xls}` sleep 2 `screencapture #{png}` `mogrify -crop 840x570+14+54 #{png}` end # Excel should be already open, and it should be assigned to a # Space with nothing else in it for nice, tidy screenshots. # Desktop background should be set to plain white, or use # Also you should have "When switching to an application, switch to a ..." box checked begin app ="Microsoft Excel") app.activate rescue puts "OSA activation of Microsoft Excel didn't work, you'll have to activate it manually." end `mkdir -p output/examples` # Take screenshots of all Ruby Examples. `ls content/examples/*.rb`.chomp.split("\n").each_with_index do |f, i| puts "processing #{f}..." png = f.gsub(/rb$/, "png") xls = f.gsub(/rb$/, "xls") `ruby #{f}` capture_xls(xls, png) end # Take screenshots of all Python Examples. `ls content/examples/*.py`.chomp.split("\n").each_with_index do |f, i| exit # Skip processing Python examples for the moment. puts "processing #{f}..." png = f.gsub(/\.py$/, "-python.png") xls = f.gsub(/\.py$/, "-python.xls") `python #{f}` capture_xls(xls, png) end # Return to iTerm begin app ="iTerm") app.activate rescue end