If you are a new user to the 4chan Cup IRC network, or IRC in general, it would be wise for you to do the following upon joining: 1. After selecting a nickname, register it by typing /nickserv register [password] [e-mail]. 2. Optional: Select for yourself a unique phrase or other set of words, separated by dots, to comprise a vHost. People will see this vHost instead of your hashed IP when they /whois you or when you join, part and quit. Once you have a vHost in mind, request it for approval by typing /msg HostServ request [Your.vHost.Here]. We will approve pretty much any vHost. No single-word or colored vHosts. If you haven't had your vHost approved, message f4r, Ved, DrBorisG, or any other Oper, and we'll get onto it (sometimes we forget to check the queue, sorry!) 3. Optional: If you're still using a web client such as Mibbit, we recommend switching to a downloadable client such as HexChat, ChatZilla (with FireFox), or mIRC. This will make your IRC experience a whole lot smoother. You should also gain access to additional IRC features with these clients such as colored text and customized themes that you otherwise wouldn't have known about. Mibbit is just too bare bones. Help! I can't connect! You probably got caught out by our anti-spam measures, just send either f4r or DrBorisG a message on skype (f4rhanakodlmg or drborisg) with your IP and we'll sort it out when we can. IRC commands: /nickserv identify [password] - Identify to your registered nick /query [nickname] - Send a private message to a user of your choice (but seriously, don't bother hosts too much during games or they'll eat you alive and/or ban/kline you) !commands - will return a list of all available commands on buttbot. Please note that these are disabled during games. Know any good eggdrop scripts, or want to make a simple command-random response script (eg !8ball)? Hit up f4r. For more commands and everything else you need to know about IRC, visit this link: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/ircprimer.html Other stuff: #4chancup - this is the main channel. #aesthetics - got an aesthetics-related question? Ask it here! No requests. #games - so far only uno and blackjack (blackjack is kinda buggy), but if you know any eggdrop-compatible games that you want added, hit up f4r. #idlerpg - full info at http://implyingrigged.info/idlerpg/ - if you are not voiced (mode +v or have a + in front of your name) you are not logged in and your idle time isn't counting! ============================================================== If you have any other questions, message an operator or halfop. Operators have an @ symbol in front of their nickname, halfops have a %, or in mibbit they have a star/half-star next to their nickname. Please note that abuse will not be tolerated. Thank you for reading, and may RNGesus bless your shins. -4CCC implyingrigged.info