'', 'visibility_settings' => array( 'show_powered_by' => false ) ); add_option('my_google_books_library_settings', $plugin_options); } function my_google_books_library_uninstall() { delete_option('my_google_books_library_settings'); } // Create the admin menu function my_google_books_library_admin_menu_create() { add_options_page('My Google Books Library Settings', 'My Google Books Library', 'administrator', __FILE__, 'my_google_books_library_settings'); } function make_query($shelf = '4', $max = '10', $layout = '1',$startIndex = 0,$idNumber) { $url = "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/users/".$idNumber."/bookshelves/".$shelf."/volumes?maxResults=" . "50"."&startIndex=".$startIndex; // Set up cURL $ch = curl_init(); // Set the URL curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // don't verify SSL certificate curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // Return the contents of the response as a string curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // Follow redirects curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // Do the request $json = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); //echo $json; return $json; } // Output this anywhere in the blog function my_google_books_library($shelf = '4', $max = '10', $layout = '1') { $mgbl_settings = get_option('my_google_books_library_settings'); $idNumber = ($mgbl_settings['library_id'])? $mgbl_settings['library_id']: '103176538541676992674'; $all_books = array(); if(file_exists($shelf) && (time()-filemtime($shelf)<600 )){ $all_books = unserialize(file_get_contents($shelf)); }else { $is_error=false; $limit_value = 0; do{ $books_response = make_query($shelf, $max, $layout,$limit_value, $idNumber); echo $book_response; $limit_value+=40; $error_str = "userRateLimitExceededUnreg"; $pos = strpos($books_response, $error_str); if( $pos==true){ echo "google api error"; $is_error = true; }else{ $books = json_decode($books_response); $books_total = $books->totalItems; $all_books = array_merge($all_books, $books->items); //$is_error=true; } }while(!$is_error && count($all_books)<$books_total); $str_serialized = serialize($all_books); file_put_contents($shelf, $str_serialized); } $title = shelfIdToName($idNumber, $shelf); ?>

volumeInfo->imageLinks->smallThumbnail)){ if($layout == '1'){ $imageLink = $book->volumeInfo->imageLinks->smallThumbnail; }else{ $imageLink = $book->volumeInfo->imageLinks->thumbnail; } }else{ $imageLink = "http://books.google.com/googlebooks/images/no_cover_thumb.gif";} if(!empty($book->volumeInfo->description)){ $description = $book->volumeInfo->description; }else{ $description = "No description available"; } $preresults[] = array('title' => $book->volumeInfo->title, 'imageLink' => $imageLink, 'infoLink' => $book->volumeInfo->infoLink, 'authors' => $book->volumeInfo->authors[0], 'description' => $description, ); } } shuffle($preresults); $results = array_slice($preresults, 0, $max); //to-do add different templates for displaying books. e.g. list, grid, etc $output = ""; if($layout == '1'){ echo "
"; foreach($results as $key => $value){ $output .= ""; } $output .= "
"; $output .= " "; $output .= ""; //height:120px; $output .= "

" . $value['title'] . "
"; $output .= "by " . $value['authors'] . "
"; $output .= $value['description'] . "

"; $output .= "
"; echo $output; }else{ $counter = 1; foreach($results as $key => $value){ if (($counter % 4) == 1){ $output .= ""; } $output .= ""; $output .= ""; if (($counter % 4) == 0){ $output .= ""; } $counter++; } $output .= ""; echo $output; } } if($mgbl_settings['visibility_settings']['show_powered_by']) { ?>

Plugin by Hugo.
'4', 'max' => '10', 'layout' => '1', ), $atts ) ); ob_start(); my_google_books_library($shelf, $max, $layout); $output_string=ob_get_contents();; ob_end_clean(); return $output_string; } add_shortcode( 'my_google_books_library', 'my_google_books_library_shortcode' ); // The plugin admin page function my_google_books_library_settings() { $mgbl_settings = get_option('my_google_books_library_settings'); $message = ''; if(isset($_POST['mgbl_id'])) { $message = 'Settings updated.'; $id = html_entity_decode($_POST['mgbl_id']); // Get the show settings $show_powered_by = $_POST['mgbl_show_powered_by']; $mgbl_settings['visibility_settings']['show_powered_by'] = ($show_powered_by) ? true : false; $mgbl_settings['library_id'] = $id; update_option('my_google_books_library_settings', $mgbl_settings); } $mgbl_settings = get_option('my_google_books_library_settings'); ?>

My Google Books Library Settings

0) { ?>

Thank you for using this plugin.

In order to use this plugin you need to have a Google account and set up Google Books.
Used in collaboration with a mobile app like My Library you can just scan the barcode of a book
you finished reading and see how it appears on your personal blog under e.g. Books I've Read.

You can find your Google Books user ID in the URL when you go to one of your shelves in Google Books.
The id is displayed after ?uid= in the URL. In the example below it is 104176338546676692271.
e.g. http://books.google.co.za/books?uid=104176338546676692271.

You can find the ID of your custom bookshelf in the URL when you go to one of your shelves in Google Books.
The id is displayed after as_coll= in the URL. In the example below it is 1001.
e.g. http://books.google.co.za/books?uid=104176338546676692271&as_coll=1001&source=gbs_lp_bookshelf_list.

Reading Now: 3
To Read: 2
Have Read: 4
Favorites: 0

Copy and paste this shortcode on any page or post where you want to display your list of books.
Remember to change the shelf (shelf ID) and max (maximum number of books to display) to suit your needs.
checked="checked" />
Check to show 'Plugin by Hugo' in output (optional, if you decide to check it, thank you for your support).

'my_google_books_library_widget' ); parent::WP_Widget('my_google_books_library_widget', 'My Google Books Library Widget', $widget_options); } function widget($args, $instance){ extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $mgbl_settings = get_option('my_google_books_library_settings'); $idNumber = ($mgbl_settings['library_id'])? $mgbl_settings['library_id']: '103176538541676992674'; $shelf = ($instance['shelf'])? $instance['shelf']: '0'; $customShelf = ($instance['customShelf'])? $instance['customShelf']: '2'; if (!empty($customShelf) && $shelf == "1"){ $shelf = $customShelf; } $shelfName = ($instance['shelfName'])? $instance['shelfName']: shelfIdToName($idNumber, $shelf); $title = ($instance['title'])? $instance['title']: $shelfName; $maxResults = ($instance['maxResults'])? $instance['maxResults']: '10'; ?>

title; } } ?>