package scripts; import org.tribot.script.Script; import org.tribot.script.ScriptManifest; import org.tribot.api.input.Keyboard; import org.tribot.api.input.Mouse; import org.tribot.api2007.Banking; import org.tribot.api2007.Camera; import org.tribot.api2007.Constants; import org.tribot.api2007.GameTab; import org.tribot.api2007.GroundItems; import org.tribot.api2007.Inventory; import org.tribot.api2007.NPCs; import org.tribot.api2007.Player; import org.tribot.api2007.Walking; import org.tribot.api2007.Objects; import org.tribot.api2007.types.RSCharacter; import org.tribot.api2007.types.RSGroundItem; import org.tribot.api2007.types.RSNPC; import org.tribot.api2007.types.RSObject; import org.tribot.api2007.types.RSTile; @ScriptManifest(authors = { "SockMonster" }, category = "Tools", name = "S-Willows") public class S_Willows extends Script { public final int ENT = 1736; public final int CUTTING = 867; public final int TREE = 1307; public final int BANK = 25808; public final int LOGS = 1519; public final int NEST = 5073; public final int[] AXE = {1351, 1349, 1353, 1361, 1355, 1357, 1359, 6739}; private RSTile[] PATHTO = { new RSTile(2723, 3492, 0), new RSTile(2719, 3503, 0), new RSTile(2709, 3508, 0)}; private RSTile[] PATHBACK = { new RSTile(2709, 3508, 0), new RSTile(2719, 3503, 0), new RSTile(2723, 3492, 0)}; RSObject[] Bank = Objects.findNearest(10, BANK ); RSObject[] Tree = Objects.findNearest(10, TREE ); RSGroundItem[] Nests = GroundItems.find(new int[] { 5073, 5074 }); RSNPC[] Ent = NPCs.findNearest(2, ENT); @Override public void run() { boolean infinite = true; Mouse.setSpeed(175); println("Thank you for using S-Willows, please start in Seers Village Bank :)"); while (infinite) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub { if (Player.getRSPlayer().isInCombat()) { walktobank(); //Keep sleep(20000, 30000); } if (Player.getAnimation() != -1) { //Add antiban? //Keep - Add antiban nests(); ent(); sleep(400, 600); if (Player.isMoving()) { sleep(400, 600); //Keep? } if (Inventory.isFull()){ walktobank(); //When inv full bank, keep. sleep(400, 600); } openbank(); sleep(400, 600); } { if (!Tree[0].isOnScreen()) { walktotrees(); sleep(400, 600); } else { chop(); }}} } } public boolean checkForCombat() { RSCharacter me = Player.getRSPlayer(); if (me.isInCombat()) { return true; } return false; } //Opening Invent public void invent(){ if (GameTab.getOpen() != GameTab.TABS.INVENTORY) {; sleep(450, 550);}} //Walking to Trees public void walktotrees(){ RSObject[] Tree = Objects.findNearest(10, TREE ); if (!Inventory.isFull() && !Tree[0].isOnScreen() && Tree.length > 0); Keyboard.pressKey('\021'); Walking.walkPath(PATHTO); Keyboard.releaseKey('\021'); sleep(600,900);} //Cutting Tree public void chop(){ if (!Inventory.isFull() && Tree.length > 0 && Player.getAnimation() != CUTTING){ Camera.turnToTile(Tree[0].getPosition()); Tree[0].click("Chop"); sleep(800,1000);}} //Checking for Nests public void nests(){ if (Nests.length > 0){ Nests[0].click("Take"); sleep(450, 700);}} //Checking for Ent public void ent(){ if (Tree[0].isOnScreen() && Player.getAnimation() == CUTTING && Ent.length > 0){ Camera.turnToTile(Tree[0].getPosition()); Tree[0].click("Chop"); sleep(800,1000);}} //Walking to Bank public void walktobank(){ if (Inventory.isFull() && Bank.length == 0 && !Banking.isBankScreenOpen()){ Keyboard.pressKey('\021'); Walking.walkPath(PATHBACK); Keyboard.releaseKey('\021'); sleep(600,900);}} //Opening Bank public void openbank(){ if (Inventory.isFull() && Bank.length > 0 && !Banking.isBankScreenOpen()){ Camera.turnToTile(Bank[0].getPosition()); Bank[0].click("Bank"); sleep(400,600);}} //Depositing Items public void depositeitem(){ if (Banking.isBankScreenOpen()){ Banking.depositAllExcept(Constants.IDs.Items.hatchets); sleep(500,900);}} }