class Compare { public: bool operator()(shared_ptr puzzA, shared_ptr puzzB) { if (Search::F(puzzA) > Search::F(puzzB)) return true; else return false; } }; shared_ptr Search::AStar(shared_ptr puzzle) { //Phase IV: A* Graph Search. shared_ptr solution = shared_ptr(); priority_queue, vector >,Compare> fringe; set closedlist; fringe.push(puzzle); while (!fringe.empty()) { shared_ptr current =; fringe.pop(); if (current->isSolved()) { solution = current; break; } else { if (!closedlist.count(current->uniqueID())) //if not in closedlist { closedlist.insert(current->uniqueID()); vector > successors = current->Successors(); vector >::iterator it; for (it = successors.begin(); it != successors.end(); it++) { if (!closedlist.count((*it)->uniqueID())) { if ((*it)->isSolved()) return (*it); else fringe.push((*it)); //add successor if not in closedlist } } } } } return solution; } int Search::heuristic(shared_ptr puzzle) { //h(n); Manhattan distance heuristic. int distance = 0; int counter = 1; for (int i = 1; i < puzzle->N+1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < puzzle->N+1; j++) { //For each block in order: //Look at its coordinates. //What's the difference along each axis to the correct place? int diffx = abs(i - puzzle->index[counter]->posX); int diffy = abs(j - puzzle->index[counter]->posY); int manhattan = diffx + diffy; distance += manhattan; counter++; } } return distance; } int Search::pathCost(shared_ptr puzzle) { //g(n); Path cost function. Distance from initial to current state. //We count the number of moves made so far. return puzzle->moveQueue.size(); } int Search::F(shared_ptr puzzle) { //f(n) Total cost; used by A*. //f(n) = g(n) + h(n) return pathCost(puzzle) + heuristic(puzzle); } shared_ptr Search::IDAStar(shared_ptr puzzle) { //Phase IV Bonus: Iterative Deepening A* Graph Search. shared_ptr solution = shared_ptr(); priority_queue, vector >,Compare> fringe; set closedlist; int Flimit = 0; while (!solution) { Flimit++; //cout << "Current F limit: " < current =; fringe.pop(); if (current->isSolved()) { solution = current; break; } else { if (!closedlist.count(current->uniqueID())) //if not in closedlist { closedlist.insert(current->uniqueID()); if (F(current) < Flimit) //if within F limit { vector > successors = current->Successors(); vector >::iterator it; for (it = successors.begin(); it != successors.end(); it++) { if (!closedlist.count((*it)->uniqueID())) { if ((*it)->isSolved()) return (*it); else fringe.push((*it)); //add successor if not in closedlist } } } } } } } return solution; }