#!/bin/bash ############################################################# # # # Program: mzoom # # Author: dw # # Date: 2007-07-07 # # Purpose: Explore the Mandelbrot set in bash! # # Usage: See below # # Version: 1.01.6930 # # # ############################################################# #### Usage: Run with no arguments, program will draw full mandelbrot set. After set is complete, #### use the arrow keys to navigate to the upper left corner of an area you want to zoom into, #### then press the "z" key once, use the right arrow key again to move to the right, you are now #### deciding how big of a "box" to draw around the area, when you are far enough to the right, #### press the "z" key one more time, this will draw a box roughly around the area to be zoomed #### into, after a brief pause, the program will zoom into the area you selected. Repeat process #### to continue zooming, use control c to exit. #### As your level of zoom increases, you'll want to increase the number of iterations, you can #### do this by pressing the "i" key while in zoom mode, anytime before pressing the second "z", #### this will increase the max iterations by 50 each time. #### This program uses integer math to explore the Mandelbrot set, it will not zoom in as far as #### a "real" Mandelbrot explorer, but floating point was just too slow in bash, you'll know when #### you hit the limit, I have tested it to about 2,000,000 magnification. My bash/python hybred #### version zooms much further and is over 40 times faster. :-) #### GET CURRENT SCREEN SIZE - METHOD 1 w=`tput cols` e=`tput lines` #### DO WE HAVE A SCREEN SIZE? IF NOT, TRY METHOD 2 if [ ! "$w" ] then #### GET CURRENT SCREEN SIZE - METHOD 2 w=`stty -a | grep rows | awk -F ";" '{print$3}' | awk '{print$2}'` e=`stty -a | grep rows | awk -F ";" '{print$2}' | awk '{print$2}'` #### HOW ABOUT NOW? if [ ! "$w" ] then clear;echo;echo "COULD NOT OBTAIN SCREEN SIZE";echo;exit fi fi #### SET MAX X & Y ((w = w - 1));((e = e - 1));maxy="$e";maxx="$w" #### SETUP THE COLOR VARIABLES off="\033[0m";gry="\033[1;0m";red="\033[1;31m";grn="\033[1;32m";yel="\033[1;33m" blu="\033[1;34m";pur="\033[1;35m";aqu="\033[1;36m";wht="\033[1;37m" #### SET THE BC PRECESION pre=20 #### SETUP THE MANDELBROT VARIABLES si=$(echo "scale=$pre;(2.5)" | bc) ### length of side = 2.5 c=$(echo "scale=$pre;(-2.00)" | bc) ### acorner = -2 k=$(echo "scale=$pre;(-1.25)" | bc) ### bcorner = -1.25 it=100 ### iterations = 100 #### SETUP THE COLOR ARRAYS p[1]="$gry";p[2]="$wht";p[3]="$red";p[4]="$grn";p[5]="$yel" p[6]="$blu";p[7]="$pur";p[8]="$aqu";p[9]="$wht" nsi=$(echo "scale=$pre;(2.5)" | bc) #### THE MAIN ROUTINE mandelbrot() { #### FILL THE COLOR ARRAY x=1;z=0;xx=1 while ((x < it)) do ((z++)) if ((z > 9)) then z=1 fi pix["$x"]="${p[$z]}""$xx" ((x++));((xx++)) if ((xx > 9)) then xx=1 fi done #### AUTO CALCULATE ASPECT RATIO ar=$(echo "scale=$pre;($w/$e)/2" | bc) gr=$(echo "scale=$pre;($si/($w/$ar))" | bc) #### MULTIPLIER FOR INTEGER MATH IS 2^27 SO WE USE A 27 BIT SHIFT IN THE MAIN LOOP mul=134217728;clear;m=0;n=0;pxl="M";g=`echo "$gr" | awk '{print(int($1*'"$mul"'))}'` hr=$(echo "scale=$pre;($si/$e)" | bc);h=`echo "$hr" | awk '{print(int($1*'"$mul"'))}'` gcr=$(echo "scale=$pre;(($gr+$c)*$mul)" | bc);gc=`echo "$gcr" | awk '{print(int($1))}'` mhkr=$(echo "scale=$pre;(($hr+$k)*$mul)" | bc);mhk=`echo "$mhkr" | awk '{print(int($1))}'` ngc="$gc";writexy="tput cup";((mul4 = mul << 2)) #### PRINT ZOOM RATIO, ITERATIONS AND COORDINATES AT LOWER LEFT CORNER OF SCREEN mag1=$(echo "scale=$pre;(2.5/$nsi)" | bc);echo -e "$wht" mag2=`echo "$mag1" | awk '{print int($0)}'` $writexy $((maxy - 3)) 0;echo -n " ZOOM = $mag2" $writexy $((maxy - 2)) 0;echo -n " ACORNER = $c " $writexy $((maxy - 1)) 0;echo -n " BCORNER = $k " $writexy $((maxy - 0)) 0;echo -n " ITERATIONS = $it " #### THE MAIN LOOP WITH 27 BIT SHIFT while ((m < e)) do x=1;tput cup $m $n while ((x < it)) do ((v = (a * b) >> 27));((a = (aq - bq) + ngc));((b = (v << 1) + mhk)) ((aq = (a * a) >> 27));((bq = (b * b) >> 27)) if ((aq + bq > mul4)) then echo -en ${pix[$x]};((x = it)) fi ((x++)) done a=0;b=0;aq=0;bq=0;((n++));((ngc = ngc + g)) if ((n > w)) then n=0;((m++));ngc=gc;((mhk = mhk + h)) fi done echo -en "$off" } #### THE ZOOM ROUTINE zoomin() { zoom=0;x=0;y=0;maxy="$e";maxx="$w";beenhere=0 read_keys() { key="";read -sn1 key case "$key" in A) ((y--));if ((y < 0));then y=0;fi ;; B) ((y++));if ((y > maxy));then ((y--));fi ;; D) ((x--));if ((x < 0));then x=0;fi ;; C) ((x++));if ((x > maxx));then ((x--));fi ;; i) ((it = it + 50));tput cup $maxy 0;echo -en "$red ITERATIONS = $it $off" ;; z) ((zoom++));beenhere=1 ;; esac } while ((zoom != 2)) do if ((zoom == 1)) && ((beenhere == 1));then x1="$x";y1="$y";beenhere=0;fi if ((zoom == 2)) && ((beenhere == 1));then x2="$x";y2="$y";beenhere=0;zoom=3;fi if ((zoom != 2));then read_keys;fi if ((beenhere == 0));then tput cup $y $x;echo -en "$wht#$off";fi done X1="$x1";Y1="$y1";X2="$x";Y2="$y";Y1org="$Y1";X1org="$X1";X2org="$X2" if ((X1 >= X2));then clear;echo;echo "X2 MUST BE GREATER THAN X1";echo;exit;fi #### DRAW CRAPPY BOX ((dif = X2 - X1));xx="$X1";((xxx = xx + dif));tput cup $Y1 $X1 while ((xx < xxx)) do ((xx++));tput cup $Y1 $xx;echo -en "$wht#$off" done xx="$Y1";((xxx = xx + (dif >> 1)));tput cup $Y1 $X1 while ((xx < xxx)) do ((xx++));if ((xx > maxy)); then xxx="$maxy";fi tput cup $xx $X1;echo -en "$wht#$off" done Y2="$xx";((xx = X1));tput cup $Y2 $X1;((xxx = X1 + dif)) while ((xx < xxx)) do ((xx++));tput cup $Y2 $xx;echo -en "$wht#$off" done xx="$Y1";((xxx = xx + (dif >> 1)));((X1 = X1 + dif));tput cup $Y1 $X1 while ((xx < xxx)) do ((xx++));if ((xx > maxy)); then xxx="$maxy";fi tput cup $xx $X1;echo -en "$wht#$off" done #### SET COORDINATES FOR ZOOMED IN AREA nc=$(echo "scale=$pre;(($X1org*$gr)+$c)" | bc) nk=$(echo "scale=$pre;(($Y1org*$hr)+$k)" | bc) nsi=$(echo "scale=$pre;(($X2org-$X1org)*$gr)" | bc) c="$nc";k="$nk";si="$nsi";ngc=0;mhk=0;gc=0;hk=0 sleep 1 } #### THE INFINITE LOOP while [ 1 ] do mandelbrot tput cup $maxy 0;echo -en "$grn READY TO ZOOM IN $off" zoomin done exit