using System; namespace Ass1 { class Arrays { static void Main(string[] args) { const int MAX_PEOPLE = 50; string[] people; people = new string[MAX_PEOPLE]; string[] full_name; full_name = new string[MAX_PEOPLE]; string[] adress; adress = new string[MAX_PEOPLE]; string[] street_number; street_number = new string[MAX_PEOPLE]; string[] state; state = new string[MAX_PEOPLE]; string[] phone_number; phone_number = new string[MAX_PEOPLE]; string[] post_code; post_code = new string[MAX_PEOPLE]; float[] hours_worked; hours_worked = new float[MAX_PEOPLE]; int current_people = 0; int total_people = 0; string tval = ""; int c = 0; char choise = ' '; string vtemp = ""; bool parseAttempt = true; string response = ""; //Menu displayed while (response != "x" && response != "X") { Console.WriteLine("---------------What do you want to do ?---------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Add a person (a)."); Console.WriteLine("Find a person(s)."); Console.WriteLine("Display current person (p)."); Console.WriteLine("Delete current person (d)"); Console.WriteLine("Calculate and display pay slip for current person (c)"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Press 'x' to Exit. "); response = Console.ReadLine(); switch (response) { case "a": do { if (total_people < MAX_PEOPLE) { Console.Write("Enter person's full name >"); tval = Console.ReadLine(); full_name[current_people] = tval; Console.Write("Enter person's Street number >"); tval = Console.ReadLine(); street_number[current_people] = tval; Console.Write("Enter person's Street adress >"); tval = Console.ReadLine(); adress[current_people] = tval; Console.Write("Enter person's State >"); tval = Console.ReadLine(); state[current_people] = tval; Console.Write("Enter person's Post code >"); tval = Console.ReadLine(); post_code[current_people] = tval; Console.Write("Enter person's phone number >"); tval = Console.ReadLine(); phone_number[current_people] = tval; Console.Write("Enter person's worked hours >"); tval = Console.ReadLine(); hours_worked[current_people] = float.Parse(tval); } else Console.WriteLine("Person max {0} reached unable to store any more people", MAX_PEOPLE); //Ask user to continue Console.Write("Press 's'to continue or 'x' to exit "); choise = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } while (choise == 's'); Console.Write("Enter the person to find >"); tval = Console.ReadLine(); for (c = 0; c < total_people; c++) { if (people[c] == tval) { current_people = c; break; } } } } } } }