//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------------------------- // Change Sex //--------------------------------------------------- // By: Perdomo Version: 3.1 //--------------------------------------------------- // Description: // Changes the characters gender //--------------------------------------------------- // Additional comments: // - 1.0 NPC Created [Perdomo] // - 2.0 Script fixed [ToTTi] // - 3.0 Script edited and translated by [Yoh Asakura] // - 3.1 Edited it a bit more [evilpuncker] //--------------------------------------------------- prontera,138,172,5 script Change Sex 4_M_SAGE_A,{ mes "[ ^FF0000Surgeon^000000 ]"; mes "Hello ^0000FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000."; mes "Would you like to change your sex?"; mes "The price for it is ^FF000010.000.000 Zeny^000000"; next; switch(select("No:Yes")) { case 1: mes "[ ^FF0000Surgeon^000000 ]"; mes "Bye then..."; close; case 2: mes "[ ^FF0000Surgeon^000000 ]"; if(Zeny < 10000000) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough money."; close; } mes "Alright, here we go."; Zeny -= 10000000; close2; changesex; end; } }