# Copyright (c) 2010 Vladimir Prus. # Copyright (c) 2013 Steven Watanabe # # Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software # License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # Supports the libpng library # # After 'using libpng', the following targets are available: # # /libpng//libpng -- The libpng library import project ; import ac ; import errors ; import "class" : new ; import targets ; import path ; import modules ; import errors ; import indirect ; import property ; import property-set ; header = png.h ; names = png ; sources = png.c pngerror.c pngget.c pngmem.c pngpread.c pngread.c pngrio.c pngrtran.c pngrutil.c pngset.c pngtrans.c pngwio.c pngwrite.c pngwtran.c pngwutil.c ; library-id = 0 ; if --debug-configuration in [ modules.peek : ARGV ] { .debug = true ; } # Initializes the libpng library. # # libpng can be configured either to use pre-existing binaries # or to build the library from source. # # Options for configuring a prebuilt libpng:: # # # The directory containing the libpng binaries. # # Overrides the default library name. # # The directory containing the libpng headers. # # If none of these options is specified, then the environmental # variables LIBPNG_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBPNG_NAME, and LIBPNG_INCLUDE will # be used instead. # # Options for building libpng from source:: # # # The libpng source directory. Defaults to the environmental variable # LIBPNG_SOURCE. # # A rule which computes the actual name of the compiled # libraries based on the build properties. Ignored # when using precompiled binaries. # # The base name to use for the compiled library. Ignored # when using precompiled binaries. # # Examples:: # # # Find libpng in the default system location # using libpng ; # # Build libpng from source # using libpng : 1.5.4 : /home/steven/libpng-1.5.4 ; # # Find libpng in /usr/local # using libpng : 1.5.4 # : /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib ; # # Build libpng from source for msvc and find # # prebuilt binaries for gcc. # using libpng : 1.5.4 : C:/Devel/src/libpng-1.5.4 : msvc ; # using libpng : 1.5.4 : : gcc ; # rule init ( version ? # The libpng version (currently ignored) : options * # A list of the options to use : requirements * # The requirements for the libpng target : is-default ? # Default configurations are only used when libpng # has not yet been configured. ) { local caller = [ project.current ] ; if ! $(.initialized) { .initialized = true ; project.initialize $(__name__) ; .project = [ project.current ] ; project libpng ; } local library-path = [ property.select : $(options) ] ; library-path = $(library-path:G=) ; local include-path = [ property.select : $(options) ] ; include-path = $(include-path:G=) ; local source-path = [ property.select : $(options) ] ; source-path = $(source-path:G=) ; local library-name = [ property.select : $(options) ] ; library-name = $(library-name:G=) ; local tag = [ property.select : $(options) ] ; tag = $(tag:G=) ; local build-name = [ property.select : $(options) ] ; build-name = $(build-name:G=) ; condition = [ property-set.create $(requirements) ] ; condition = [ property-set.create [ $(condition).base ] ] ; local no-build-from-source ; # Ignore environmental LIBPNG_SOURCE if this initialization # requested to search for a specific pre-built library. if $(library-path) || $(include-path) || $(library-name) { if $(source-path) || $(tag) || $(build-name) { errors.user-error "incompatible options for libpng:" [ property.select : $(options) ] "and" [ property.select : $(options) ] ; } else { no-build-from-source = true ; } } source-path ?= [ modules.peek : LIBPNG_SOURCE ] ; if $(.configured.$(condition)) { if $(is-default) { if $(.debug) { ECHO "notice: [libpng] libpng is already configured" ; } } else { errors.user-error "libpng is already configured" ; } return ; } else if $(source-path) && ! $(no-build-from-source) { build-name ?= png ; library-id = [ CALC $(library-id) + 1 ] ; tag = [ MATCH ^@?(.*)$ : $(tag) ] ; if $(tag) && ! [ MATCH ^([^%]*)%([^%]+)$ : $(tag) ] { tag = [ indirect.make $(tag) : [ $(caller).project-module ] ] ; } sources = [ path.glob $(source-path) : $(sources) ] ; if $(.debug) { ECHO "notice: [libpng] Building libpng from source as $(build-name)" ; if $(condition) { ECHO "notice: [libpng] Condition" [ $(condition).raw ] ; } if $(sources) { ECHO "notice: [libpng] found libpng source in $(source-path)" ; } else { ECHO "warning: [libpng] could not find libpng source in $(source-path)" ; } } local target ; if $(sources) { target = [ targets.create-typed-target LIB : $(.project) : $(build-name).$(library-id) : $(sources) : $(requirements) @$(tag) $(source-path) msvc:_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE msvc:_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE shared:LIBPNG_DLL : : $(source-path) ] ; } local mt = [ new ac-library libpng : $(.project) : $(condition) ] ; $(mt).set-header $(header) ; $(mt).set-default-names $(names) ; if $(target) { $(mt).set-target $(target) ; } targets.main-target-alternative $(mt) ; } else { if $(.debug) { ECHO "notice: [libpng] Using pre-installed library" ; if $(condition) { ECHO "notice: [libpng] Condition" [ $(condition).raw ] ; } } local mt = [ new ac-library libpng : $(.project) : $(condition) : $(include-path) : $(library-path) : $(library-name) : $(root) ] ; $(mt).set-header $(header) ; $(mt).set-default-names $(names) ; targets.main-target-alternative $(mt) ; } .configured.$(condition) = true ; }