Google Language Translator


Plugin Status: /> Click Here to Activate Google Language Translator
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Show Google Branding?
Copy/Paste This Shortcode: [google-translator]

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'; ?>
'; ?>
#google_translate_element {color: transparent;} .goog-te-gadget .goog-te-combo {margin: 2px 0px !important;} .goog-tooltip {display: none !important;} .goog-tooltip:hover {display: none !important;} .goog-text-highlight {background-color: transparent !important; border: none !important;box-shadow: none !important;} '; echo $str; } } function googlelanguagetranslator_toolbar_no(){ if(get_option('googlelanguagetranslator_active')==1) { $str.=''; echo $str; } } function googlelanguagetranslator_showbranding_yes() { if(get_option('googlelanguagetranslator_active')==1) { $str.=''; echo $str; } } function googlelanguagetranslator_showbranding_no() { if(get_option('googlelanguagetranslator_active')==1) { $str.=''; echo $str; } } ?>