= Red Eclipse 1.4 = Gameplay: * Radar now always tracks players who are dominating you, and shows everyone else if you are last alive in duel/survivor * New thirdperson style with camera position to the side (adjust with /thirdpersondist and /thirdpersonside) * New default firstperson style with visible legs * Disabled half-impulses when the impulse meter is close to empty (back to 1.1 behaviour) * Added reward for ending killing sprees * Removed critical hits * Impulse slide duration increased, maintained speed decreased * Impulse regeneration now delayed longer, but once started is faster * Explosion shaking effect reduced Weapons: * Weapons no longer reset gravity acceleration (reduces in-air pinning) * Projectiles now pass through teleporters and interact with pushers * Mines, new weapon, primary proximity mine, secondary tripwire mine, pickup-based (like grenade) * Melee now only activates if player is airborne or dashing/sliding, and only in a short window of time * Pistol secondary changed to fire single particles, firing rate, secondary damage, secondary stun, secondary hitpush, secondary particle lifetime and secondary accuracy increased; particle speed and secondary firing rate decreased * Sword range halved, attack speed decreased * Shotgun firing rate decreased * SMG secondary now sticks to geometry and explodes radially after a short delay, ricochet speed, clip size, particle lifetime, and secondary damage increased; reload speed, stun and primary damage decreased * Plasma primary damage, projectile speed, stun, particle size and reload speed increased; firing rate and clip size decreased * Flamer projectile size, projectile speed and secondary explosion radius increased; damage, primary explosion radius and secondary firing rate decreased * Rifle damage, recoil, clip size, and accuracy increased; explosion size, hitpush, particle size, reload speed and secondary firing rate decreased * Grenade firing rate increased * Rocket direct damage increased; flak damage and firing rate decreased Modes & Mutators: * Reduced number of bots in coop to 3/2 of humans * Enabled multi-coop (one human team and multiple bot teams) * Removed expert from default set of allowed mutators * Made duel/survivor enter overtime if a round is in progress when intermission is scheduled to start * Changed default mutator to arena (classic pickup play available as 'classic' mutator) * Removed ballistic mutator * Added kaboom mutator (only grenades and mines with reloading ammo, rockets spawn as normal) * Added gauntlet mode (one team tries to run to the other side of a map, other team tries to hinder, switches at half-time) * Time-trial now spawns with weapons for movement tricks, collisions and weapons have no effect on opponents * Passing the bomber-ball now prioritizes players close to crosshair * Bomber-ball 'hold' now resets bomb fuse when bomb-carrier kills enemies * Bomber-ball and capture-the-flag 'survivor' and 'duel' now has respawn, no regenerating health, and resets after score/capture * Capture-the-flag 'return' is now default, old behaviour where flag returns instantly is now available as 'quick' Maps: * Assigned map music to all maps * Canals, updated and added to rotations * Fourplex, updated to version 1.6 and renamed to "4plex" * Star Libido, updated to version 1.5 * Cutec, new map (added from mapversion 1.6) * Erosion, new map (added from mapversion 1.5) * Battlefield, new map (added from mapversion 1.1, remake of "Wargrounds" from Blood Frontier) * Suspended Apparatus of Doom "suspended", new map (added from mapversion 1.4) * Conflict, updated * Blink, removed * Facility, removed * Cyanide, new time-trial map * Dead Simple, updated (retextured) * Frag Vault "vault", new map * Steel Rat, new time-trial map (added from mapversion 1.3b) * Dawn, removed * Industrial, removed * Lab, removed * Wet, updated * Ghost, updated (retextured, new lighting) * Isolation, removed * Live Fire, new map (added from map update 3) * Forge, updated (retextured) * Bloodlust, new map * Tranquility, removed Interface & Menus: * Overall reduced font sizes * Added variables for scaling text globally and for specific elements (/{text,con,chatcon,command}scale) * Added frames around most UI elements * Revamped score screen * Added ALT+ENTER/CMD+ENTER fullscreen toggle, and ALT+F4/CMD+Q for closing the window * Added "reset selection" button for mutators * Added variables to control death/kill message content (/obit{verbose,styles}) * Removed alternative mouse styles * IRC improvements, fixed disconnecting properly * Demos and screenshots are now stored in "demos" and "screenshots" subdirectories in the homedir, using "