/* Header File for Magpie Fate Game */ #include "cardlib.h" /* These are prompts and messages used in the game */ #define kWelcomeMsg "Welcome to Magpie's Fate\n\n" #define kEndGameMsg "Ace ends the game. Your score for this game is %d.\n\n" #define kCardsMsg "Here are the card values: \n" #define kWinMsg "\nThe highest score was %d. Player %d wins.\n" #define kPlayersMsg "\n\nHow many players (1-4)? " /* Function prototypes */ /* Display a list of all 52 playing cards and their corresponding point values. */ void display_card_values(); /* Obtain from the user the number of players in the game. First, a prompt is displayed: "\n\nHow many players (1-4)? " Then an integer is read from the user. If the integer is in the proper range it is returned, otherwise the prompt is issued again. */ int get_num_players(); /* Return the point value of a card, given its rank and suit, according to the rules of the game. */ int value_of_card( Rank rank, Suit suit);