Ruby 1.9.2 Ruby Koans for exercises Ruby for Developers Text Editors only Ruby 1.9.2 only h1. Basics 1 + 2 1.to_string (1 + 2).to_string "1" + 2 Late-binding Strongly Typed Control Flow All Object Oriented leads to "Basic Data Structures" h1. Data Structures integer => Fixnum Float => in Ruby exact precision, but going to/from DB turns it into C double (not exact precision) Use BigDecimal to stop this behavior, or integers (cents) Strings - big topic! Symbols vs. Strings Regex -> like perl (Oniguruma regular expression library yada yada Array Hash - Associative Array, Dictionary, etc. h1. Control Flow h1. Block, Procs & lambdas Refer to ragenwald post about this. Difference is in the scope of the passed main object I think. h1. Classes and duck typing h1. Environment "Every day usage of Ruby" Gems IRB Test::Unit